A Need for Flea Collars? by youkos_lil_fox
NEOPIA CENTRAL- This has to be stopped before it spreads even further. Neopia
has been invaded…by fleas. Fleas and various other parasites. Those poor petpets…having
to deal with an itchy rash all the time because the tiny creature causing it is
too cute. But hey, I like them too! I think most of us do in fact…like petpetpets
that is.
Remember that little bug in the Trading Post? That was a petpetpet. One of
many petpetpets. And since there are so many, you may not know of all of them.
Neither do I, but I found as many as I could, and I’m here to tell you about
them now. Most of us want one of them, so decide here which one! And some of
them are very expensive, I took care to mention which ones for you. =) So let’s
get down to naming the little critters!
The Mootix: The rarity of all petpetpets is Super Rare 99, I’m only saying
that once! The mootix is certainly the most expensive of the numerous little
critters, but for a reason: it unlocks a secret avatar. If you’re an avatar
hunter, this is the petpetpet for you. As long as you have the neopoints to
spend. And on top of all that it’s very cute. So “Ewwww! Your Petpet has fleas!”
should be changed to “Look! What an adorable flea your Petpet has!”
The Breebly: This little guy is also a flea, though you don’t get an avatar
from him. That means he’s more affordable to those of us who consider ourselves
the “Soup Faerie Regulars.” Ha, ha. Most other petpetpets are around the same
price range. This petpetpet would look fine with any blue petpet, as that is
the color of a breebly. Or maybe white or pink. A contrasting color. Its description?
“You need to get your Petpet a flea collar!” But it doesn’t say where to get
The Moach: The moach is my personal favorite of all the petpetpets. I think
it has something to do with the fact that he looks like a praying mantis. In
that respect, why not have him attached to a Ruki’s petpet? I think they match…
And the moach is affordable too, even more so if you get lucky and find one.
I wonder, could you find one if you didn’t have a petpet? Hmmm…”Ewww, is that
a moach walking up your Petpet's leg?”
The Cooty: Well, the moach may be my personal favorite, but a cooty isn’t far
behind. Those of us old enough to remember grade school all remember the saying
“Circle, circle. Dot, dot. Now you got your cooty shot.” So why haven’t they
developed one of those for our petpets? Maybe we should all ask Kauvara… The
cooty, like the breebly, is blue so it would match the same colors (blues, whites)
or contrasting colors (reds, pinks). But the cooty comes with a “warning label”:
“It’s not such a cutie when your Petpet starts getting a rash all over its body!”
The Vernax: This petpetpet reminds me most of guys. Don’t ask me why, it just
does. I think it’s the large jaws on it, they just look creepy. *Shudder* “If
your Petpet has itchy feet, there is most probably a vernax to blame.” So petpets
don’t get athlete’s foot…it’s a Vernax. You learn something new everyday.
The Veespa: A petpetpet that reminds me of a bee, maybe because it looks like
one! So maybe this tiny terror would go along with…a snicklebeast! Haha, bad
humor on my part…tiny terror and a tiny terror? Don’t get it? Then don’t worry…I’m
not funny, but anyway. A Buzzer that belongs to a Buzz may be a more obvious
match. The veespa does a very interesting thing to petpets…”Ewwwwwww! Why is
your Petpet covered with red lumps?” A whole bunch of red lumps from one little
bug. Can’t beat all that for the price, now can you?
The Zytch: “Zytchs love to suck your Petpets blood!” Sounds like a leech to
me…but a bit cuter I think. And a funny name. Not many things in Neopia seem
to start with a “Z”, so why not pair a zytch with a zafara? It’s just a thought…
Then feed them a zeenana… A zytch and a zafara eating a zeenana? There must
be something wrong with that picture…
The Larnikin: A ladybug-like petpetpet. Seems kinda girly to me, so make sure
your pet is female. Unless it’s an appreciative male. No killing the bugs in
the name of science. “Their short fat bodies can actually stretch to quite remarkable
lengths.” Does that mean they could explode too? And if you wanted to know,
the last few petpetpets are somewhat cheap, if you’re keeping a price check.
I get sidetracked thinking about the bugs and what they get away with at our
petpets’ expense…
The Lady Blurg: Even more like a ladybug than the larnikin. And maybe they
stretch too, because “Eating is what lady blurgs do best and boy do they enjoy
doing it.” I’d hope they stretch. Wouldn’t it be sad to find itty bitty bits
of petpetpet guts on your petpet? Who would want to touch that petpet… And it
wouldn’t be fair if the larnikin could stretch and the lady blurg couldn’t,
now would it?
The Mozito: Who in their right mind would want their petpet to be attacked
by a mosquito constantly? Hey, is that the reason kadoaties cry all the time?
I wonder… Maybe it isn’t the lights, just the mozitos! I mean, you can’t find
one of these small critters in the dark, and the kadoaties can’t find the itchy
spot in the dark. Thus they cry. Ingenious. “If your Petpet seems to have an
itch, maybe this little guy is to blame…” Yep, now I’m convinced.
The Glack: “So named for the glack-like noise it makes when its antenna rub
together.” Does anyone know what a glack-like noise sounds like? They make me
think of crickets when they say that. My recommendation is to give it to a petpet
who belongs to a quiggle. I love irony, it’s so ironic. Haha, there I go again
with my bad jokes. You don’t deserve this, so I’ll just move right along.
The Skritch: This one must be a tight rope walker in some cases, “If you find
your Petpet itching, it could be a skritch walking along its back…” A skritch
circus? They have flea circuses, so I don’t see why not! Oh, and since I forget
to mention, he’s rather cheap as well. Cheaper than the cricket glack. Yep.
Just get a few skritches for all your petpets and let me know what time they
will be performing. I’d love to watch the circus perform!
The Flankin: Another petpetpet with a warning label! It’s amazing, there should
be warning labels for everything. This one says “Careful, this little mite burns!”
Mite. The flankin is a mite. Is a mite a flankin then? Or is mite an insult?
Not very nice, none of the other petpetpets get insulted, and the poor little
flankin does…
The Moffit: Little Miss Moffit, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey;
when along came a spyder, and sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Moffit
away. Huh? Oh, my bad, it’s Miss Muffit who did all of that… Heh, but I thought…never
mind. A perfect match for your spyder petpet, then? I suppose. But if you’re
going to make a circus, add one of these guys: “Its incredibly long legs means
it can jump great distances with ease.” A trapeze artist?
The Skidget: Unfortunately, this is the last petpetpet I have to tell you about.
*Sniff, sniff* I’ll get right to it: “A slow moving bug that just longs to jump
on your Petpet.” Makes it sound like a moffit wanna-be. Can they actually jump
is my question. All petpetpets were certainly not created equal, and by the
sounds of it the skidget got the shortest stick of them all.
Yes, I know, I’m missing a few petpetpets. Can you honestly think that I should
have to track down all of them so my hard work could be your easy read? Nope.
So go find the other petpetpets. I know there’s one that looks like a spyder,
so why not attach it to one? And the last thing I feel the need to say, sorry
for my bad jokes. Just a bit of dry humor to make sure you kept reading. Unless
you skipped through my article… But that would never happen! I already said
my last thing, so I’ll ask my last question, haha. Should we ask TNT when and
where we can buy flea collars?