Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,978,751 Issue: 562 | 14th day of Gathering, Y14
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What Could Possibly Go Wrong

by lilkittie080

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The Problem with Being Chocolate
This chocolate is delicious!... Oh, wait.

by rabbitguns


A Faerie Tale: Part Six
I straightened abruptly from the broken crate I'd been searching, meaning to warn Belinda. Instead, I found myself looking at the point of Carvar's sword...

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Bon Voyage, Harv & Chip
The journey had taken its toll on the large traveler, and with great relief in his bones, he knew he was finally almost home.

by iambunna


Crashing the Chocolate Ball
Wait a minute... there are already three of them...

by kevinlin1216

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