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A Complex Guide To The Wheel of Misfortune

by hydro_thunder001


IMPORTANT NOTE: All of the results that are from this article explaining how rare of you land on them are only from MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. They are all explained by estimated guesses and history from me spinning the wheel multiple times to prepare to create this article. So to sum it up, all of your opinions may very.

Hello! You might have heard of these so called "Wheels" before, either from spinning one or from the Save The Wheels event a while back. But we are not going to talk about Save The Wheels. We are going to talk about one of the Wheels. And if you read the title already, you obviously know what wheel we are talking about. So for this article, we will talk about the Wheel of Misfortune from two sources: the Neopedia article, and from me, since I'll explain everything you can get (or lose, since each wheel has something you can lose something like NP, items, etc.) from the Wheel.

What We Know From The Neopedia Article

So before we can learn anything from this Wheel, we must read the article first. The article is a story about a lonely Blue Zafara who is walking in the Deserted Fairground and then she finds the Wheel of Misfortune, which is three times taller than her. When she gets the Wheel, a tall Gelert stands behind her, asking her if she is there for the wheel. Then the mysterious and tall shadow tells the little Zafara that everyone comes for the wheel, and then the Zafara steps closer to the wheel while he explains that "you never can tell what the Wheel might give... or take away." And then the Zafara puts her hands on the wheel, and spins it...

But that's how far the article goes, so we may never know what happened to the Zafara, but we know a few things. This Wheel is in the Deserted Fairground, and the person who operates it is a tall and mysterious Gelert who is wearing what appears to be a suit and a hat. Now it is time to explain everything you can win (or lose) from the wheel!

What You Can Get From The Wheel

What was also in the Neopedia article that we didn't put in the last segment was that when you spin the wheel, it costs 150 NP and is tied with the cost with the Wheel of Monotony (the cheapest is the Wheel of Mediocrity, which is 100 NP a spin) and one thing that wasn't in the article was that you need to wait two hours until you have to spin it again. So with that covered, we need to get an image of the wheel. Here it is:

Looks good, right? There is an eyeball in the middle of the wheel, and apparently we don't know what it came from, which doesn't actually matter right now. But starting from the top and going through the wheel's icons from the image in a clockwise direction.

Icon #1: The gift box

Win or lose: Win an item

How often you will land on this space: Common

Highest worth of an item from earned this space: 18,000 NP (if you get really lucky)

Description: If you landed on this space, congrats! You earned a plushie from the wheel itself. When you land on this space, you are most likely to win a Headless Von Roo Plushie, a Von Kougra Plushie, or an Usulbat Plushie. If you get lucky, you could walk away with a Scorcie Plushie, a Space Blumfaerie Plushie, or a Jubsul Plushie! And yes, there are more plushies you can than the ones that were previously mentioned.

Icon #2: The Petpet

Win or lose: Win a petpet

How often you will land on this space: Very Rare

Highest worth of an item earned from this space: N/A (I only landed on this space once)

Description: If you landed on this space, you are REALLY lucky! This is very rare to land on this space, and if you did land on this space, you'll win a Spooky Petpet. From all of the times I have spun this wheel, I got this space once and I received a Psimouse as a reward. I don't know if I know any other Spooky Petpets except for a Psimouse can be given out for landing on this space.

Icon #3: A Neopoint on wings

Win or lose: Lose NP

How often you will land on this space: Between Common and Uncommon

Most NP you can lose: 800 NP

Definition: If you landed on this space, better luck next time! Losing a large amount of NP from this space is very rare, and you would commonly lose at least 50 NP if you landed on this space, but sometimes even lose 1 NP! It all depends on chance for this space.

Icon #4: A pile of sludge

Win or lose: Replaces a selected item with a Pile of Sludge

How often you will land on this space: Uncommon

Worth of Pile of Sludge (noted when this article was in development): 300 NP

Description: If you landed on this space, it kinda depends what reaction you'll get. If you landed on this space for the first time, you'll get an avatar as a bonus. After that, a selected item that is in your inventory will turn into a Pile of Sludge. If there are no items in your inventory, this space will do absolutely nothing, which in those terms, is kind of a good thing. Another time an item turns to sludge is at a RE.

Icon #5: A book on fire

Win or lose: Lose a book that your active Neopet has read

How often you will land on this space: Rare

Description: If you landed on this space, better luck next time! This immediately takes a random book that your active Neopet read and erases it from his/her memory. If your Neopet didn't read any book, this space does absolutely nothing. It is best to land on this if your pet isn't reaching a book goal or if the book erased from the pet's memory isn't expensive.

Item #6: A bag of NP

Win or lose: Win NP

How often you will land on this space: Common

Highest amount of NP you could win: 5,000 NP (I actually got this once, and this is REALLY rare too)

Description: If you landed on this space, congrats! You won NP! It is quite rare to get your 150 NP back, because you could get at least mostly at least 1 to 50 NP earned from landing from this space. You could get 500, 800, or even the high amount of 5,000 NP if you get lucky!

Icon #7: The Pant Devil holding a bag

Win or lose: Lose an item

How often you will land on this space: Uncommon

Description: If you landed on this space, better luck next time! Just like the "sludge space" on this wheel, you do not get something special if you land this space for the first time, you don't get something back, and that if you have no items in your inventory, nothing happens. The Pant Devil also appears in a RE and also on the Wheel of Excitement, which both do the same thing.

Icon #8: A bottle shaped like a skull with crossbones under it

Win or lose: Your active pet gets an illness

How often you will land on this space: Between Common and Uncommon

Description: If you landed on this space, better luck next time! You can get high-cost-cure-diseases (Diseases in which require a high NP price to get the item to cure it) like Neoblues from this wheel, but from the weeks leading to the making of the article, I sometimes got Hoochie Coochies when I landed on this space, so the most often disease given by this space varies on your count on how many times you landed on this space, since it is a big question mark for me.

And that is it! I hope you learned your few lessons from the Wheel of Misfortune from just reading this article, and I hope you guys are at it and still spinning that wheel! ;)

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