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Neopound Chat and Trading

by lovelylittledreamer


Have you ever wondered why it's so confusing or so difficult to pet trade on the PC (or Pound Chat) board? Well, in this article I will do my very best to help you understand pet trading and what offers you should consider on your pet. Each paragraph states very important points that you should consider and understand before putting your pets up for trade.

You must understand that trading is not as heartless as it may seem. Rather than abandoning your pets in the pound, you are finding them a new home, while possibly achieving dream pets and goals. I, personally, get very attached to my pets and there are many pets I have that I have considered to go up for trade but quickly changed my mind.

This brings me to my first point; you can always change your mind! If you liked an offer one day but you don't like it the next, or receive a better offer, it's okay to neomail your previous offer and say that you have found a better offer or that you have decided that you no longer wish to accept the offer. Just be nice and thank them for their offer. As long as you are polite to someone, they might be a little upset, but they will understand. And if they don't and begin harassing you then just block them... And yes, some can get that upset. But do not do this if either of you have morphed/ painted the pets already! This can be reported. And it's also quite rude to leave some one with a pet that they did not want!

My second, and probably most important point is; do not do pet morphs or changes until the DAY OF the trade. And even then, neomail the person you are trading with and wait for them to reply. If you are offering a custom on your pet you should be very careful. Sometimes people will change their mind or find something better and if you morphed or painted the pet then you could be stuck with a pet you may not like, or a hard to trade pet! Always be careful with this, especially if you are over offering on a pet.

My third point correspond with both point one and two; set a trade date! You can always change your mind on the date later but pick a date you can set on a calendar or write down on a piece of paper. I always find this helpful because then it helps me plan out my transfers on my account. So if I am eligible to receive an extra transfers for that month I can set dates around it to help accept more trade offers or stop searching for offers for that month. You should always have a plan for trading pets! If you don't have enough transfers one month, neomail the person you are trading with and ask them if you can move the date up to the following month. Most likely they will be okay with this.

Point number four; unless it is a pet you are particularly seeking, do not settle! What I mean by this is that many times people are so eager to trade that they will accept offers too quickly or jump on the best offer they get (which isn't always best). Even if its a pets you are not particularly fond with, be picky. If you know you can do better, then do better! Especially if you do not want that pet. You can tell the person you will consider the offer but do not accept right away until you have considered each offer you've gotten.

My fifth point; stop offering low end Draiks on BD (battledome) pets! Yes, Draiks are sought after. Yes, Draiks can be worth a lot. But are they worth everything? No. Especially since the plummet of their morphing/egg pricing. I personally love Draiks but unless they have good stats, they will not get you an immensely gifted BD pet. It's just not possible. A good rule of thumb, if someone offers a decent UC (unconverted) pet on that BD pet, then it's too high of a trade to offer a basic Draik. If you want a nice BD pet try trading up to one. It may not happen right away but if you take the time and effort, it will happen! And if you are wondering what I mean when I say trade up then I will tell you. Trading up is like a paper clip trade on the trading post. You slowly get pets that are each a little more sought after then the one before until you get to a pet that you want or is worth trading for the BD pet you want! It takes time but it can work.

Point six; be patient! This is another important thing to remember. Sometimes you will make a board on PC and it gets lots of offers and other days you can get only one offer, possibly even none. Be patient. Many times people aren't patient and they will end up settling much lower then they could have gotten. If you are patient with offers you will have enough time to get more offers. This will help you a lot to understand what your pet can be worth. You may even get offered your dream pet if you are patient enough! (Depending on your dream pets of course.)

Which brings my to my seventh and final point; dream pets of yours should be the only pets you over offer on! You probably think this sounds crazy but if a pet really is your dream pet then you will want it as quickly as possible. If you're comfortable with settling on a low offer even though it's dream pet of yours, then go for it. If you change your mind quickly after then you might want to reconsider if that pet really is the pet of your dreams or if you just want it because it's "pretty."

In summary, always be polite, ask questions, consider all offers very carefully, offer fairly, and always remember, have fun! If you have any questions then just ask on the PC board. Yes, the board can be busy but if you bump your question, someone will eventually answer. Thank you for reading!

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