Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,991,725 Issue: 592 | 26th day of Eating, Y15
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Never Judge a Baby by her Wagon

by bittersweet52

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The Puppeteer: Part Four
"They must have thought I've done away with you. You gave them hope and now it looks like they're coming to get rid me of me themselves."

by rachelindea


Righting the Moral Order of the Universe
As I have been reminding my owner all day, I am supposed to be having a vacation that is worth writing a report about. Instead of doing that, we had a disagreement about my allowance and now I'm trying to think of a clever way to write a report about nothing.

by oseyeris


Lair Of The Beast (With Lanie & Lillie)

by deathnote


Always Been Gorgeous
A look back at what pets used to look like.... kind of.

by serebii251

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