The Start Of Our Journey by ericaigert69
My raven black ponytail swung in a steady rhythm as I paced nervously back and forth. How could I break the news to my brood of thirteen pets that my financial situation was tight and we were going to have to move to Neopia Central from our beloved hone in Faerieland? My lips were chapped from me biting and licking them so much. A bad habit on my part. I tried to think of ways to break it to them slowly as I pondered different methods. Nothing was going to make this easy, though.
I was just walking to the outer hallway when I bumped into Kyrraie, my eight year old Eventide Xweetok, Troy, my eight year old Faerie Zafara, and Frei, my Faerie Xweetok who was ten and one of the oldest. All stopped their skateboards and tried to give me the innocent "Who me?" look. I sighed and rubbed my temples. I didn't need this stress right now.
"Kyrraie, Frei, Troy you know better than to skateboard in the house. I have a half a mind to—"
I was cut off by Chriscoppe and Flekno, my six and five year old Acaras, Electric and Rainbow. Chriscoppe was in tears as he threw his new glasses to the ground.
"I hate these!! Why do I have to wear 'em? I look like a big old dork!!!" he shouted, tears really starting to spritz from his eyes. Flekno, always the protector and comforter of Chris, tugged at her ponytail and sighed exasperatedly.
"You look uber cool with them on—come on, Chris, glasses look good on you."
"Then why don't you wear them?" he shouted and threw them at her, running into the kitchen.
"Chris!!" she shouted, running after him. There was banging and clanging coming from the nursery as my youngest two Rosemareii and Vanessa, a one and four year old Baby Usul and UC Baby Kougra stepped out covered in paint. I still had no time to say anything as Ade, Frei's twin, a Chocolate Xweetok stormed down the stairs with Traffail my Mutant five year old Usul in tow.
"It'-it's-not-not-not-not m-m-my f—fault i-f-if-if it's –true-true," she managed to get out as her gloating smile mocked Ade's furious gaze.
"At least I talk normal!!" she shouted. Taffy's face contorted in tears as she glared at her older sister. "Wh-wh-wha-ever!!" she shouted, running up the misaligned stairs. Ade looked sadly at the ground. I sighed and sank in a chair. Why was there so much drama among my kids? ~***~
I managed to soothe most of the sourness going around in the air that day as I aligned everyone in our living room. The crash of Faerieland had done major damages to our home and it would cost thousands to repair, one of the many reasons why we were moving.
"Why are we here?" asked Troy. I sighed and looked sadly at my brood of children.
"I'm afraid we're-we're going to have to move."
A chorus of yelps and screeches of protest erupted around the room, but none spoke more volumes then Frei's glare.
"Why—do we have to give up everything we know? I've lived here since I was created!! You're totally being unfair!! I'm not going to live in that stupid old house no matter what!! I bet you picked some cruddy place like Neopia Central."
I said nothing as Frei's mocking smile faded. "You-you-why? Raven, come on!! I'm so totally not going to live there."
I gave her and everyone around the room a stern glance as I tried to keep my frustration from bubbling over. "One, I'm your mother, don't call me by my first name, two, we don't have a choice, money is very tight, and I have to make some tough choices, and three, I don't want any lip from any of you. Everyone got it?"
Frei gave me a dark glare that I had never seen before on here. "I hate you," she whispered, not looking me in the eyes. She slowly got of her place on the floor and pounded up the stairs, with Ade and a few others running behind here.
Seishi, my eleven year old Rainbow Shoyru, walked over to me as I slumped to the ground and started bawling. I never had been hurt by any of my kids this badly before. I didn't want to do this either, but it was our only choice. There was nothing else I could do. Stocks were failing, I had thirteen kids to support, and the bills were getting expensive.
"What am I going to do?" I whispered, letting Seishi comfort me.
"I think you just need to give her time. It's hard on everyone, Mom. I'll go and talk to her."
I smiled as she gave me a hug. My oldest child was very kind and dependable, qualities I had always admired in her. Chriscoppe, Flekno, and the rest looked terrified as I stood up. I gave them a reassuring smile. I had to be strong not just for myself, but for my family. "Everyone, I know this isn't going to be easy for any of you, but we all have to try. I love you all very much, and no matter what, we'll always be together. I'm going to talk to your sisters and brother."
Chriscopppe whimpered, ran over and clung to my leg. "You sure, Mommy?"
I rubbed his head and nodded. "Very sure, sweetheart." Now if only I could convince myself fully. ~***~
I gently knocked on Frei and Ade's bedroom where I heard low murmuring coming from the other side. It stopped as Ade opened the door and smiled sadly as she let me in. Zoey, my nine year old Ice Xweetok, Taffy, Rosemareii, Troy and Frei, gave me dirty looks as I entered the room. I sighed and sat down by Frei, who buried her face in her pillow and refused to look at me.
"I know this is going to be tough, but we've been through hard times. It'll be more cramped and less spacious then our house now, but we'll pull through."
"So you came to give us a stupid pep talk? Gee whiz, thanks," Frei replied dryly, still not looking me in the eye. I was surprised and a little sad to see she had been crying.
Frei voice trembled as she clutched the pillow to her stomach. "I won't know anyone there. I have to leave my friends, my school, my life. It isn't fair!!" She burst into tears as I quickly pulled her into a tight embrace.
"Sssshhhh, Frei, honey, I know, I know. I can't find the words to make it better. But no matter what things will be okay. They have a skating rink near by where we're going to live."
Her ears perked up slightly at that as she sniffled and wiped her nose on her hoodie sleeve. "I guess it's not totally crummy. But I'm not going to like it." She smiled in spite of herself.
I heard a rumble of feet pounding up the stairs as the rest of my pets rushed in. They all shared worried glances as I let go of Frei and gave them a smile- a hopeful one.
"I'm not certain about some things. Heck, I'm not going to lie and say it's easy. But we'll make it-together-as a family. "
"As a family," we all chorused. And though our journey is never easy, I'm proud to say it ours. One step as a family at a time. The End
I hope you enjoy this. Feedback and comments appreciated!