Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,668,192 Issue: 614 | 27th day of Gathering, Y15
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The Derpnuggets

by neojedi11

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Grumpy Mummy: Why So Grumpy?
Can you imagine having a bad hair day for a millennium?

Idea by dogcrazy04140

by mariella529


The Chronicles of Super Pea: Part One
In a small Neopian cottage on the edge of town lived a red Chia. He was rather plain in appearance and small in stature, and his stats were nothing to speak of.

by the_crimson_rose


Sniff That! 9 Scents You DON'T Want To Wear
For every delicious fragrance, there is at least one other that is disgusting in smell.

by schoolwars


Decisions, Decisions
"Alright," Kayixu sighed. "Where should our new Neohome be located?"

by kayixu

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