The Basic Glossary of NeoQuest II Terms by precious_katuch14
GAMES ROOM – You want a different kind of game. A game that will stimulate the
mind and keep you from getting off your computer seat, even for a bathroom break.
A game that will permanently glue your eyes to the computer screen and get your
brain cells working like…workers.
So you want to know what’s what and who’s who in NeoQuest II. Sort of like
an overview of the game’s ins and outs, right? Well, Kat, your resident NQII
addict and master-in-training is ready to give you the list of commonly, rarely,
and not-all-the-time used terms, names and other quirks related to NQII…
Acts – How the game is divided. There are 5 acts in all: Meridell, Terror Mountain,
Lost Desert, Haunted Woods and Faerieland. The name of the game stays the same…survive
each chapter and kill the bad guy. Also known as chapters.
Anubits – The last boss of Act 3 (Lost Desert).
AM – Short for Astral Maelstrom.
Armor – The stuff your characters wear for protection and/or defense. Comes
in different forms, too, depending on the party members’ nature of offense,
but the word itself pertains mostly to the hard metal stuff Rohane has to wear
in order to sustain less damage. I bet it gets stuffy in there…
Astral Maelstrom – The highest level of Group Direct Damage, courtesy of your
resident wizard Mipsy. Whenever she casts it, the spell takes 64 HP per monster
faced and usually since you face a maximum of four fiends, this can add up to
256 damage in total (64 x 4 = 256).
Battle Taunt – What Rohane will do if you spend a few skill points in here
and activate the ability in a fight. He will distract the monster or boss from
the other characters so he takes the damage. Poor guy…
Bearog – A type of monster you usually face in the first two acts of NQII.
They come in many colors, temperaments, difficulties and weirdness.
Boss – A major baddie in an act, like Ramtor and Terask.
Bow – Talinia’s weapon of choice. Wonder where she gets that many arrows?
Caves – Dark, smelly places you encounter often as you walk around NQII, each
one scarier than the last.
Celestial Hammer – Velm’s only offensive spell. It can deal damage AND stun
for a few seconds. Some enemies tend to resist it.
Chia Oscuro - A town of Chias that speak a foreign language. See also Leximp.
Coltzan’s Ghost – He’s the transparent boss who will speak to you if you defeat
Combat Focus – Once activated, it raises your defense and lowers your offense,
if I’m not mistaken. It’s not worth sacrificing the damage for defense.
Critical Hit – Rohane’s average damage increased and taken to a new level.
Handy when you want to finish the monster off quickly.
Damage – What happens to a character or monster when an opponent hits and DOES
NOT MISS. Sustain too much and you die.
Damage potion - Hurl this at an opponent and watch them suffer. But be careful...some
bosses resist this, so keep several more handy. Best if you use them against
bosses instead of monsters.
Damage Shield – Invoke this, and when an enemy hits you, they take damage from
this shield.
Devilpuss – A boss in Faerieland that can give you an avatar if you beat him.
Direct Damage – Magic damage aimed at just one fiend.
Esophagor – The last boss in Act 4, the Haunted Woods.
Evil mode – The NQII mode that comes between Normal and Insane and gives out
“slightly” better prizes.
Experience points – If you gain enough of these, your character/s may be promoted
to a new level and get a skill point apiece. You get experience points by battling
different monsters, and the harder the monster, the more EP you get.
Faerie Thief – A boss in Faerieland who keeps fleeing from you till you catch
her in the last battle and kill her.
Fallen Angel – The first and easiest boss in Faerieland.
Four Faeries – Four bosses that you fight all at once in the Haunted Woods.
Apparently they bewitched Balthazar’s grove, so to get him and his beloved grove
back to their horrible, twisted selves, you must beat these stupid, cursed faeries.
Gebarn II – The second boss of the Lost Desert. An undead pharaoh…yeah, that’s
Gold pieces – The official currency of NQII, which is usually obtained through
selling stuff you don’t want or killing monsters. Die while fighting and you
lose half of this on Normal and Evil modes.
Group Direct Damage – Magical damage dealt to more than just one enemy in one
Group Shielding – Increases innate magical resistance and melee defense of
a party to a certain extent.
Happy Valley - Not quite happy when you get there. Everyone's looking for a
lost little boy...can you find him? Maybe there's a reward...
Haste – To move fast or quickly. You can haste your party by either taking
haste potions or simply having Mipsy cast this (Group Haste).
Healing potion – What you take to keep healthy and to keep yourself from dying.
Monsters sometimes drop these, and you can buy them from merchants as well.
Holy chain – What Velm’s armor is called. Ironically, when you see him attack,
you see no chain around his neck. Perhaps it is hidden?
Hubrid Nox – Optional boss in the Haunted Woods. Known for healing too many
times and having a tower full of evil, treacherous, abhorrent, violent, crazy
Hunting travel mode – It greatly increases your chance of getting attacked
by monsters.
Individual Healing – Heals a single character for up to 150 HP. I suggest Group
Healing over this, personally.
Increased Damage/Increased Bow Damage - Upgrade these so Rohane and Talinia
can do lots of great damage against enemies. They NEED to do damage, you know!
Inn – Where you stay to rest and regain your party’s HP. If you die in a battle,
you will be taken to the last inn you stayed in.
Innate Casting Haste – How fast Mipsy or Velm can invoke their spells. Get
this to a high enough level so they don’t delay too much.
Innate Magical Resistance – Increases the amount of magical damage Rohane or
Talinia can take at a time.
Insane mode – If you lose while playing in this mode, you start the whole thing
all over again. It’s very frustrating especially when you’re so close to the
Kolvars – The second boss in Terror Mountain, and the first one you fight with
Talinia at your side.
Leximp – A stupid mini-boss in Terror Mountain who wants the Wordstone to himself
and resists magic. See also Wordstone.
Lupe – Has the same definition as Bearog, different appearance and difficulty.
Melee attack – Another name for “clicking the red ‘Attack’ button and not using
your character’s special abilities”.
Melee defense – Decreases damage done to a party member if upgraded to a nice
Mesmerize – Stun for a long period of time. However, once the character mesmerized
is hit or healed, the spell wears off.
Meuka – The first boss of the Haunted Woods. He’s optional too…
Miner Foreman – Optional boss in Meridell; the first boss Rohane will be fighting…ALONE…
Mipsy – She’s the wizard you meet after defeating Zombom and gaining access
to the southern end of White River City. Also known as the weakest member of
the team, and the only one who can deal out great damage spells. (Species: Blue
Mountainside Inn – Where you can find Talinia.
Multiple Targets – Get Talinia to hit more than just one enemy at once.
NeoQuest – NQ is the prequel to NQII, of course. You don’t get multiple characters
and it’s easier, but not as addicting…at least in my point of view and experience.
Not to be confused with faerie quests or kitchen quests.
Non-player characters – They are other characters aside from your own that
you can interact with…you know, talk to or trade with.
Normal mode – It’s the easiest mode of NeoQuest II. However, it only seems
easy when compared to Evil and Insane.
Normal travel mode – Your default traveling mode. You don’t encounter as many
monsters, though…
Obliterate – What you call the highest level of Direct Damage. It can blast
a SINGLE enemy for 100.
Overtrain or Overlevel – Training too much for a certain boss so the battle
becomes easy for you.
Panacea – Is the highest level of Group Healing. Once you upgrade this all
the way to level 15, the highest it can go, the ability can heal all characters
for 90 HP (90 x 4 = 360 HP in total)
Pant Devil – A naughty creature that loves to hit you. It has a twin too…and
you fight both in Faerieland.
Party – The fancy term for “group of characters you control in the game”. Does
not pertain to merriment, food, or Pin the Tail on the Weewoo.
Party member – This pertains to Rohane, Mipsy, Talinia and Velm. They’re the
members of your party. (DUH!)
Phorofor – The lost city in the desert in Meridell. There’s a desert in Meridell?
Prizes – What you get after completing NQII in any of the three modes. They’re
all weapons, and the harder the difficulty conquered, the better the prize.
See also Trophies.
Ramtor – The last boss in the Meridell chapter. Also known as King Skarl’s
evil advisor, who locked the king up in his dungeon and attempted to take control
of the kingdom.
Ranged attack – If an enemy targets Talinia while she has this skill, it will
take longer for him (or her) to attack…not very useful.
Revenant – An undead…thing…that comes with two possessed skeletons. I bet he’s
too scared to fight by himself. He’s in the Lost Desert, and the first boss
you fight with Velm in your party.
Robe – Mipsy’s preferred type of armor.
Rohane – The main character of the game. Also known as the brave young Blumaroo
who left his home in search for adventure and to conquer evil. He’s the strongest
of your characters, and the one who usually deals the most damage. During the
last parts of the game, expect this little guy to deal damage that’s well over
the 150 mark!
Sand Grundo – The first boss you fight with Mipsy by your side, also known
as the third boss in Meridell. What he’s doing there I’ll never know.
Scuzzy – Takes the Snowager hostage in the Terror Mountain act. He is the last
boss there.
Shockwave – Stunning multiple enemies, and a great skill for Talinia.
Siliclast – A huge rock golem with glowing red eyes. If we can dismantle him,
we can build stuff with him. Also known as the first boss of the Lost Desert.
Skill points – What you get whenever a character gains a new level. One per
character, and you can spend it in certain abilities for your hero(ine) to gain
a new skill or capability.
Slowing – Decreasing a monster’s speed and number of turns, whether Mipsy casts
it or by slowing potions.
Slowing Strike – For every hit, the fiend affected is slowed slightly.
Spider Grundo – A boss in the Haunted Woods who lives in a cave filled with
slime puddles.
Staff – What Velm chooses as his weapon.
Stunning – Stopping an enemy for a shorter period than mesmerizing. However
it doesn’t wear off with hits or healing. A very useful skill for Rohane…especially
while Talinia isn’t around yet with her Shockwave.
Sword – It’s Rohane’s preferred weapon. Apparently he doesn’t have a spiffy
shield to go with it.
Talinia – She is an archer located somewhere in Terror Mountain (see Mountainside
Inn). Also known as the green Eyrie who can hit and stun multiple targets…and
the tallest party member.
Terask – He is the last boss of Faerieland, who keeps calling himself king
of the said land. Also known as a huge red dragon.
Terask II – Is a mutated version of Terask. You find him when you try to rescue
Fyora, and is double the size, with two more arms, a few more tricks and is
very hard to kill, especially in Insane mode.
Training – What you do to gain a level, mostly involves walking around and
attacking anything that crosses your path.
Trestin – Rohane’s village, located in some remote part of Meridell that is
crawling with Plains Lupes and such.
Trophy – What you get after you finish NQII (Normal = bronze, Evil = silver,
Insane = gold) There’s another trophy, which you get for being among the top
10 people who have finished the game in the fastest time possible. This one
has Terask II on it.
Tunic – Talinia’s preferred type of armor.
Undertrain – Not training enough; may result in losing.
Velm – He can be found in the Lost Desert, and the last addition to your team.
Also known as the red Techo cleric. This guy can heal the whole party and cast
mostly defensive spells. With him around, you can save on healing potions.
Waset Village – Where you can locate Velm.
Wand – This is Mipsy’s weapon of choice.
Weapon – What you deal damage with. Examples of this are wands, swords, staffs
and bows.
White River – The town where you can find Mipsy, after you defeat Zombom.
Wordstone – Enables you to talk to Chias in Chia Oscuro, as they speak some
kind of foreign language. The Leximp stole it, so if you want to be able to
interact in the small town of Chias in Terror Mountain, you’ll need to battle
Zombom – A very annoying boss that, unfortunately, Rohane has to fight alone
before he can find his first companion. This guy can take 31 HP off of you if
you’re not careful.
WHEW! [dies from lack of rest]
That was one of the longest articles I’ve ever written. Anyway, that’s just
about the basics you need to know about NeoQuest II. You’ll find out the rest
as you go through the acts, the whole game, or through the NQ + NQII Neoboards.
So, good luck (And I hope you had the patience to read this.)!