For an easier life Circulation: 192,783,880 Issue: 662 | 12th day of Gathering, Y16
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The Best of Brightvale

by fr0zenpeanut


King Hagan

The Great King himself! Bask in all his glory! But no, he really is a pretty cool king. The one thing he really values above all is knowledge and making sure every citizen in his kingdom is well educated. Being well educated opens a lot of doors, so I think he has the right idea. Even a little knowledge can take you a long way! Especially in Neopia, knowing how to do something well can be a great way to make money, make friends, and have fun. Every day you can try to impress King Hagan with some knowledge of your own. (And maybe even earn an avatar and a spot on the high score table if he's really impressed!) This, personally, is my least favorite part because he has yet to be impressed with me. I guess maybe I need to read a few more books. Maybe I should stop by Brightvale Books while I wait for him to come back from studying in his library. (Or maybe I'll just sneak in his library and borrow his books, shhhh.)

Did I mention King Hagan has a brother? Can you believe it's King Skarl from Meridell? I totally can't see the family resemblance. ;) Some people like to criticize King Hagan for only caring so much about wisdom in order to make King Skarl look bad. Maybe it's true, people from Meridell are just simple farm folk that don't care as much about books and learning. I guess without King Hagan admitting it himself, you can just form an opinion for yourself on whether it's true or not. Personally, I'm tired of being King Skarl's court jester and getting thrown out so I think I'll side with good ol' King Hagan on this one. Even if he tells me he's smarter than me and isn't impressed with my words of wisdom.

Brightvale Armoury & The Scrollery

Have you ever stopped by the Brightvale Armoury and checked out what they have to offer? Because all those cloaks, robes, hats, and boots look way cool. I wish they were wearable they look so cool, but alas, I can only equip them to my pet for the Battledome. Oh well, at least my pet will look cool while they're showin' the Pant Devil we mean business after stealing my hard earned items. The shop keeper is a Draik too, and when has a cool lookin' Draik in a fancy robe ever steered you wrong? Never.

You can never go wrong with visiting Roberta at The Scrollery. She is definitely one of my favorite characters in Neopia, especially because of The Darkest Faerie game. But the scrolls she sells are not only really cool looking, they're great to use in the Battledome. If you're looking for some relatively cheap but decent beginner Battledome items, try Scroll of the Scholar for some good damage. Go for Lesser Healing Scroll to gain some HP back during your battles. Or try any of them just for fun! Pick some stuff up from the Armoury to go along and your pet will be super stylish in the Battledome.

Brightvale Motery

No joke, motes are some of my favorite items. Look at them! They're all so smiley I just want to hug them. Weewoo Mote?! Yes I will buy all you have in stock. Hair Mote? Well... yeah, I mean I guess I'll take that one too; it's kinda gross but.. it's still smiling. And um, I might pass on that Dung Mote... But all the other ones, you got it! I'll take the lot! After spending time with these guys all day it's no wonder the shop keeper looks so happy. How could you not be happy when these cute things are smiling at you all day?? Impossible.

Wheel of Knowledge

Even the name makes it sound like I'm going to be smarter just by looking at it. That might not be the case, but for 400 NP I could learn all kinds of things. You could even be lucky enough to get an avatar, way cool! And maybe if you're even more lucky King Hagan might bless you with some knowledge! ;) Really, though, this wheel has no downside. I hear you can even get a Brightvale Job Coupon, then you could put your neopet to work! Make some money back after buying all those books to make your pet smarter to fit in around Brightvale.

Fruits of Brightvale

I can't tell if these fruits look like they're really tasty... or just really weird. Maybe some of those jams would be good, they look pretty good. On second thought.. what's a Squibble Berry and what does it taste like? That Florange has to be something like an orange right? Does anyone know? It glows though. Even the Fresh-Squeezed Florange Juice glows. Is that normal? Well... okay, maybe I'll try some of these when I'm feeling a little braver. However, they are very colourful. A Brightvale gallery would look really pretty with all these fruits in them, even if you are too afraid to try them yourself.

Brightvale Glaziers

Ooooh, look at all the pretty windows. Another Draik making these cool things?! I knew I was in the right place. He has some serious skill! Did he design all these himself?! Who is this guy and why haven't I heard of him?! So many questions, let's get back to staring at his artistic ability. Wait no, I wonder how many of these I can fit in my neohome because wow these are great. There are so many of them you could fit them in any type of room. Wanna go for a spooky room? Bam, BOO Window! Going for a simple look? Large Plain Arched Window has your back. Even more simple? Double Pane Window. Wanna represent the coolest kingdom around? Brightvale Flags Stained Glass Window will be perfect. Now then, please excuse me while I go see just how many of these windows will fit in one room...

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