One Shred of Light: Part Twelve by kristykimmy
Caelum had no heart for her chores that morning but she did them anyway, she needed to keep herself busy until Magax showed up. It was a long morning, but it finally ended when she heard him land outside the door and knock on the door frame. She turned and smiled at him. "Hello, Magax. Could we go for a walk? There is something I'd like to tell you about." Magax looked surprised, but there was none of the old suspicion in his eyes, and that pierced her heart. He trusted her now, and she was about to destroy everything they had. He nodded and she walked out. Together, they walked out into the green fields that had set all the events that would unfold that day in motion. *** Fiona threw open the door to Valeane's personal quarters with a crash. The Battle Faerie jumped up from her seat, tensed and ready for a fight. "Thank all that is magical you're here!" Fiona cried. "You have to come with me, this moment. Caelum is in great danger!" Valeane caught Fiona by the shoulders and shook her once to get her attention. "Fiona, calm down. You have to calm down and tell me what is going on. How do you know she is in danger. Has Fyora summoned me?" Fiona shook her head, out of breath. "No... no, I went to check in on Caelum. I knew where should would have to live to accomplish such a mission as she was on, I was a resident of the Haunted Woods, after all. I figured I could do that without any repercussions, if I was careful. After all, a Dark Faerie skulking about around the outskirts of the Haunted Woods is hardly an uncommon sight. I found the house; Magax and a Faerie Wocky were inside. I heard Magax call her Caelum. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was deceiving with his false kindness. He wanted to take her somewhere in the Haunted Woods. He said it was an amazing place for being a part of the woods, and he would keep her safe from the creatures in there. I know the place, and it is one of the most dangerous places in the woods. Even I would not go there under anything but the most dire of circumstances." "We must rally the Guard. We'll set out a immediately," Valeane said, heading for the doors. Fiona caught her arm, shaking her head violently. "There is no time; they will be halfway there by now. If you and I leave this minute, we might be able to intercept them in time, but not if we delay to ready the Guard to accompany us. Please, all we have to do is cut them off and separate Magax from Caelum and teleport all of us back here. We cannot delay!" Valeane turned and opened a glass fronted cabinet. The Swords of Flame and Ice sat inside, resting until they were needed. Valeane took them out; the swords still burned and froze her hands when she touched them. They felt as awkward and heavy in her hands as they did the day Anastasia had bequeathed them to her. "Take me there." Fiona grabbed her arm and teleported them to the Haunted Woods. They arrived at a point deep in the woods. Behind them was an old and massive tree and around them were deep bogs. Valeane tensed, gripping the swords tight. "Where will they come from?" she asked. She felt the attack coming and ducked under it. She spun to see Fiona grinning wickedly, dark fire dancing in her hands. "They aren't. The fool Magax has fallen for Caelum's winsome personality completely. I think he would actually accept her for what she, a proper Faerie and Anastasia's sister. However, Master Nox would never tolerate that. You will share her fate. We will take the swords, and Magax will return to the embittered warrior who so easily slew a Battle Faerie. "Think again, Fiona! You're no match for me! You're a fool if you think you are," Valeane shouted, furious at Fiona for deceiving her and at herself for being deceived. "Alone I stand no chance against you. However, I am not alone." The darkness around them lit up with glowing red eyes. *** Caelum walked with Magax out across the fields, trying to think of a way to start the conversation. Magax could see her distress, but he had no idea what to do to help her. He simply waited patiently. She looked up at the sky, to the little speck of Faerieland visible far away. She stopped and indicated for him to stop. "Magax, I want to ask your forgiveness first and foremost. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that I consider you my friend, one of my dearest friends, and I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way. Please, no matter what, hear me out to the end," Caelum said, staring down at the ground. Magax put a hand on her shoulder lifted her chin with the other so that she could see that he was smiling. "Unless you're here to kill me after all, then I'm sure whatever secret you've been keeping can be forgiven." She smiled at him, feeling tears prickling her eyes. She hoped he'd still feel that way after she was done speaking. "No, I'm not here to kill you. I meant it when I said all I want was to be your friend. It is a long story; I am--" "So, this is where you've been of late, is it, Magax?" cackled a voice. "I see Fiona was right; I should have taken more notice of your movements." They both spun to look. Nox was standing there, a foul look on his face. Caelum clung to Magax's arm, terrified. She had never considered that she might encounter Hubrid Nox, and now she realized how foolish that had been. She knew the confrontation she had told Magax he would have to have with Nox over where his allegiances lay was here. "Why are you here, Hubrid?" Magax asked, a slight edge of hostility in his voice. "How can you stand to be around her? She reeks of Faerie," Nox sneered. "I don't understand," Magax said, truly confused by the statement. Caelum understood; Nox knew her secret and was telling Magax. She couldn't allow it to come out from his mouth; it had to be from her. She stepped in front of Magax, putting her her hands in a gesture for him to stop and listen. "That's what I was trying to tell you! I am a--!" Her words were cut off in a scream. Nox blasted her with his dark magic, sending intense pain shooting through her. She stumbled forward and Magax caught her. She gripped his vest for support, her fingers clutching the fabric. That snapped her out of the haze her mind was in from the pain. She had long, white fingers. She looked up into Magax's face; it was contorted with shock. "I was trying to tell you. I was trying," she sobbed. Magax gripped her by the shoulders and helped her to her feet. Nox was leering at them, sure of his victory. Magax would be disgusted and cast her off, his trust lost forever and would spend the rest of his days as Nox's most loyal minion. For a moment, Caelum's heart faltered. Then, she became aware of Magax's grip on her arms. It was still as gentle and kind as it had been when she had been a Neopet. "What was this supposed to prove, Hubrid?" Magax demanded. "Did you think that unmasking her in this way would make everything we've shared meaningless to me? All it has done is show me that you are willing to hurt me in whatever way you think think would hurt most to try to ensure my unwavering loyalty to you, which hardly inspires such a feeling in me." Nox recoiled slightly at the unexpected outcome he recovered quickly. He walked across to Magax. He placed a hand on his shoulder and opened his mouth as if he would speak. Instead, he launched a sneak attack on Caelum. She was blown off her feet and landed hard on her stomach, her world spinning. She barely had time to raise a shield to ward off the second blow, but it was useless; it ripped through the shield like it wasn't there. Caelum's body came to rest a few feet away from where she had landed the first time. Magax let out a scream of horror and turned on his old friend and master. "You make a mistake, Magax. You are mine, and you will serve me with unwavering loyalty whatever I choose to do. The Faerie's existence ends here, and you will be the one to end it. It is fitting that you do it, and here. Today we end all that ever was and would be with the Battle Faeries. The girl is Anastasia's sister." Magax looked between Nox and Caelum, disbelief in his face. "I tried," Caelum sobbed out, unsure if she was talking to Magax or Anastasia. "Silence!" Nox shouted, readying another blow. He never launched it. A bolt of spectral lightning ripped through him and he staggered backward. He threw a glare of absolute hatred at Magax. "How dare you?" he demanded. "Get out of here. Get out of here right now," Magax snarled. "She's a spy, and she manipulated you," Nox said, his tone was taunting, but it did not faze Magax. "I said, get out of here!" Magax shouted. "Are you growing a heart, Magax? It won't change things. If you fall out of my good graces, what will there be for you? The faeries will never forgive you, and the world only knows you as a monster. I ask you, what would be worth that?" "Redemption," Caelum said, her voice weak. "I said for you to be silent!" he roared, throwing a blast of dark fire at her. Magax jumped in front of her, his Darklight Axe absorbing the blow. It had been a feint. A second stronger attack swept around from behind and hit her. She screamed and felt her world rock, but she held on. She lay there, desperately clinging to consciousness, a voice inside telling her she would not be okay. Magax screamed in fury and jumped at Nox swinging the Darklight Axe. Nox barely dodged the attack and every swing that followed. Magax's assault was relentless, leaving Nox no time to even contemplate a counterattack. Nox managed to duck under a swing and roll away. He jumped into the air held up his hands. "I'll end this here. I can forgive this insult, Magax. You have until the end of the day to choose where you stand." "Coward!" Magax screamed as Nox teleported away. Magax put away his axe and ran to Caelum. She was lying face down in the dirt, the grass had been burned away by the foul magic. He rolled her over as carefully as he could, but she still let out a scream of pain. "We'll get you help," Magax told her as he brushed her hair off her face. "You're going to be fine, Caelum." "No, Magax, I'm dying," Caelum said, feeling surprisingly calm. "No!" he gasped. "Don't say things like that; don't think things like that. You're going to be fine!" He started to scoop her up, but stopped when she screamed in pain. Instead, he cradled her in his arms. "You couldn't fly me to Faerieland in time; I might last the journey to my house, but not long enough for any help we could summon to arrive. There is nothing to do except tell you what I came here to say. I think I've time enough for that. My sister asked me to come. Nox was not lying; my sister was Anastasia. She said there was one shred of light in you, a light fighting in all the darkness. She thought that it was strong enough that it might win. She sent me to help you find that light and help to to grow strong enough to win. I meant everything, Magax. You're my friend, and I love that one shred of light I see in you. I forgive you for what you did to Anastasia, and I think she forgave you before the end. I'm sorry for deceiving you, and not undeceiving you sooner. I was afraid that because I was a Faerie that I would lose your friendship. I was a fool; I'm sorry." Magax held her close, tears escaping his eyes. "You did nothing wrong. I'm the one who has done so much wrong. Caelum, if I cast off Nox and his evil, can there truly be redemption for me, even after all this time?" "It is never too late, Magax. Never. You can start over. I know you..." her words trailed off. "Caelum, stay with me," Magax begged, looking into her face. She smiled at him, and died with that smile on her lips. Magax cradled her head against his shoulder, weeping bitterly. He didn't know how long he sat there holding her, but he reluctantly forced his mind back to the present. Nox had mad a comment about ending all that was and would be with the Battle Faeries. At the time, it had passed over him, but now he understood. Today was the day that Fiona was going to take the swords from Valeane. He had to stop her. For Caelum's sake, he needed to save Valeane. *** Valeane dropped to her knees. The swords would not obey her commands like they had Anastasia. They were leaden in her hands. They barely wounded the Werelupes that attacked her; they were as dull at butter knives. She knew the truth now. She had been judged and found unworthy. She looked up at Fiona, tears of rage and fatigue pouring down her face. Fiona smirked at Valeane. "Come now, my friend. If you just hand over those swords, all will be well for you. I'll make your end quick. The Werelupes do not promise as much," Fiona taunted her. Valeane looked down at the dirt. There was no one who could save her now. Her cries would not reach Fyora from this place, and it had been her own fault. She had never been devoted enough to solving the riddle of the swords, and had run off to fight without a second thought. She had failed Anastasia and Caelum. However, she was not about to let the swords fall into Nox's hands. "Never will you get these swords!" Fiona declared. The ancient tree that stood behind her was her only chance. She threw the swords and they embedded themselves into the tree. For a moment, they just rested there, and then the tree sucked them in. "No!" Fiona screamed. "What have you done?" "Kept them away from you," Valeane panted out. "The tree will only relinquish the swords to one who shows the potential to master them. You will never be that Faerie. You will never get your hands on those swords." Fiona let out a roar of rage. She blasted Valeane with her dark magic. Valeane was blown back into the tree. "Finish her, slowly," Fiona said to the Werelupes. They crept forward, dark grins on their faces. Valeane bowed her head, ready for the end. Magax dropped from the sky, landing between Valeane and the Werelupes and their mistress. Fiona smiled widely. "Magax, my friend! I assume that Master Nox must have had his little chat with you and your dear little friend. Have you come to finish off the great Battle Faerie yourself?" Fiona laughed wickedly. "Yes he did. I've thought it over and I've come to stop you," Magax said as he pulled out his Darklight Axe. "What?" Fiona gasped. "What has come over you?" Magax blasted two of the nearer Lupes with his spectral lightning. Fiona began to panic, screaming at them to get Magax. They raced forward, obeying her command. They tried to take him on all at once to overpower him with overwhelm force. Magax just smirked as he took her pack down with his lightning and axe. When it was done, Fiona stood there stupefied. "Well, then, how about you?" Magax asked. "Magax, when Master Nox hears of this, he'll destroy you!" Fiona screeched. "Bring a message back to Nox for me. I am no longer his servant. I am his worst enemy." Fiona gave a little gasp disbelief. Magax took a step closer to her, raising his axe high. She heeded the warning and teleported herself away. Magax put his axe away and turned around. The gravely wounded Valeane was watching him, propped up by the roots of the trees. He came towards her to help. "Don't you touch me!" she screamed. "What did you do to Caelum? Where is she?" "I failed to save her. Nox killed her; I didn't react in time. I didn't kill her, but it was my fault because I should have stood up to him sooner than I did. I failed her," Magax said simply, holding her gaze. Tears overspilled the Faerie's eyes and she hung her head. "You're not the only one who failed her. Why did you save me, then?" "Because, though the Faeries may never forgive me for what I've done, I can try for redemption," Magax said. "That was Caelum's wish for me. She gave her life to make me see that. Please, let me help you, for her sake." "No, I cannot let you do that," Valeane said. "I have to remain here. I failed; I was judged unworthy. The swords must wait for their true master. I must wait too, as a guardian to guide the worthy one." "Cannot you simply return to Faerieland and find the proper Faerie there and guide her that way?" Magax asked, unwilling to accept that he could have been too late to save her as well. "No, this is the only way. She must find her own way here; she must know from her heart, not because she was taught. I can do no more than this. It is my own fault it came to this. I may have been more prudent than Anastasia, but I was weak at heart. You did one right today. If you had not come, I would have been able to do this. Now, I can be here for the true Battle Faerie." Magax nodded, unable to argue with her. "I'm sorry it came to this. I'm sorry I failed you both today." "Do good, Magax. Let that little shred of light win. For Anastasia's sake. For Caelum's. For your own," Valeane told him. "I will," he promised. "I will." Valeane gave one last breath. Her eyes closed and her head dropped. The body slowly disappeared. Magax could feel her presence, trapped until the worthy one came. He turned and walked away, praying she would not have to wait long. *** Magax stood at the little head stone. The little headstone stood on the edge of the woods, looking out over the rolling hills where Faerieland now resided after its fall. The sky above them was grey and heavy with clouds. Magax knelt down, running his fingers over the stone, tracing the name engraved into it. "Hubrid Nox is dead, Caelum. Felled by a villain worse than he. However, knowing him and his deep power, I would not be surprised if he found a way to return. Until then, I will continue to do good, to protect the innocent from the darkness, just as you would have wanted of me." Magax sat there, washed in the tranquility of the place. It was hard to imagine life without Nox in it. For the last five hundred years, his life had revolved around him. First as his servant, then as his enemy. But now, that was over. "I wish you were here, Caelum," he said. "There would finally be time to do all things we talked about. But, I know that you're with me, no matter what. I hope I haven't disappointed you." Even as those final words left his mouth, he knew wherever she was, she was proud of him. He got up, running his hand over her name one final time. Above, one shred of sunlight broke through the clouds.
The End