Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,927,879 Issue: 670 | 21st day of Storing, Y16
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Contrast: Not the Brightest

by jojomoonless

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Results May Vary: Ninja Training
Your puns are not appreciated here.

by return_of_itsy


The Mortog Prince
LONG AGO, when the faeries were young, in the floating kingdom of Faerieland, there lived two faerie friends more beautiful than the rest.

by the_lady_j


Adventure Awaits: The Wonder of the Faerie Caverns
What do you need to know about the Faerie Caverns? It's all right here for your perusal.

by nostalgia_14


The Truth About Grave Danger
Your petpet is in grave danger! Bravely searching for that one, hard-fought treasure! Or... have we gotten it all wrong?

by winterdreary

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