Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 676 | 16th day of Sleeping, Y17
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by linework

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The Path: Part Two
Amelie watched the dragon in silence, with the impression that she had seen him before. Suddenly, memories came to her head. "It's Terask!!" she said, amazed...

by sakura_dreamer


To Space!: Part Five
"Did you enjoy the tour, Brandi?" Agneza asked, voice carefully neutral.

"Yes, I did," Brandi said hesitantly, unable to meet Agneza's gaze.

by 77thbigby


Of Time Machines and Banana Cookies
"I didn't want to get your hopes up if it didn't work. Time travel's already a proven concept, it's just incredibly hard to pull off."

by opossumman


From Dawn to Dusk
The air was hazy as Theodore descended onto the landscape of his favourite planet, Neopia. Where, or perhaps when, he was landing was...

by azienskieth

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