A New Beginning by 000688
"But why can't I stay with you?" "There's just not enough room. It won't be for long, Mai. Someone is bound to adopt you." "But I like it here, this is my home." "You'll find a new home, Mai, I promise." *** The Pound door creaked open, and Dr Death peered his head around. He squinted into the half light, searching for the yellow Vandagyre. "Mai? Where are you? It's almost time." There was a scuffing of claws and a ruffle of feathers, and Mai stepped out into the open.
"How many this time?" she asked, smoothing the fur around her eyes.
"Three," Dr Death replied, giving her the once over, "but I think they're looking for a more striking colour." He patted her on the wing and smiled a half smile. "There'll be one for you eventually. It's only a matter of time." Mai sighed and followed the Doctor along the bleak corridor towards the viewing bay. She felt like an act in a side show: "And now, the amazing Vandagyre!" Every day was the same; Neopets who had been abandoned by their former owners, lining up and smiling for the audience. Potential new owners examining them, picking out every quality and every imperfection. Judging them on appearance alone. She was beginning to feel as though her only way out was to sign up to a circus. Today was no exception. Mai, along with a rather depressed looking red Mynci and another young blue Vandagyre filed into the bay. They acknowledged each other briefly, the Mynci muttering "good luck" just before the lights came up. The spot lights were particularly bright today, and Mai struggled to focus on the families gathered before them. She could just make out a rather paunchy looking purple Skeith, his eyes scanning the bay. His owner stood behind him, as though letting him take the lead on their choice. Further along from the Skeith was a very elegant faerie Gnorbu, floating slightly off the ground next to its owners legs. The Gnorbu was joined by a much smaller Gnorbu, Mai guessed a baby, glancing out from behind their owner. They looked like a happy family, Mai thought to herself, as the Neopets peered through the glass. Perhaps they will want me. But no sooner had she had the idea, the Gnorbus' owner shook their head and Dr Death led them away. One down, three to go. The purple Skeith had been focused on the Mynci for quite some time, which made Mai uncomfortable. After all, was he eying up his new brother or his next meal? The Mynci sensed it too, immediately beginning to shake. Through the mist he'd created on the glass, Mai saw the Skeith nod, and his owner pulled him back. "We'll take him," he said, pointing. Mai placed a comforting paw on the Mynci's shoulder as Dr Death beckoned him out of the bay. "Good luck," she whispered, feeling her stomach begin to do somersaults. She hoped she was wrong, as Dr Death accepted the neopoints and the red Mynci followed his new owner out of the Pound. Maybe one day, they would meet again. Mai turned back to the glass, which she could see through a lot better now her eyes had focused properly. There was a short girl standing behind a yellow Kacheek, her blonde hair immediately noticeable. She was whispering in the Kacheek's ear and smiling. Mai stared at the Kacheek, who seemed to be staring straight back. She was wearing what appeared to be a postal uniform, although Mai couldn't quite make it out. Poking it's head out of her satchel was a Sparky, it's tiny wings beating against the leather. The Kacheek patted the Sparky and nodded at the girl. Mai suddenly felt a twinge of excitement and nerves, all mingled together. Is this it? Dr Death opened the door of the bay and shook his gnarled hand at her. "Come on," he said, almost grinning. "I told you it wouldn't be long." Mai couldn't feel her feet. It was as though she glided out of the bay, a feeling of elation bubbling inside her. A new family, and one that had chosen her. She waved to the blue Vandagyre, still standing in the bay, wishing him to be next. He will be chosen soon, she knew it. It was only a matter of time. Standing in front of her new owner, she opened her beak but no words came out. The Kacheek laughed. "Hi there," she said, her voice soft and light. "My name is Eve, and this is Anya. You'll be coming home with us now." Anya nodded and smiled, shaking Mai's paw. "We've just purchased a new neohome. It's nothing special, but you can call it home." Tears began to build in Mai's eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. "I.. I don't know how to thank you," she stammered, bowing her head. "I really don't." Ella patted her shoulders. "No need to thank us now, let's just get you out of here." She handed Dr Death the neopoints and shook his hand, then signalled to Mai and Eve to follow. Eve took Mai's paw and gave her the biggest smile she'd ever seen.
"I hope we can become like sisters," Mai said, fighting back the tears again. "I've always wanted a sister." "You already are my sister, Mai," Eve said gently. "We're Neopets. We've always been sisters." This time, Mai couldn't keep it in. She sobbed, and Eve offered her a tissue. The Sparky in Eve's bag flew up between them, giving Mai a lick. She laughed through the tears, petting him gently.
"See," Eve said brightly, stroking the Sparkly affectionately, "even Foo agrees." *** It was dusk by the time they reached the neohome. Tucked away in a small corner of Neopia Central, the tiny house only had one floor, but Mai could see that Anya and Eve had attempted to make it as homely as possible. Just off of the entrance hall was the lounge. In it, there was a cozy looking rug settled in front of the fireplace, a modest sofa set and a petpet basket: Foo's, no doubt. The walls were washed in white, with several frames scattered about. From the purple and green pennant hanging at a jaunty angle above the doorway, Mai could tell that they were Faerieland supporters. "Make yourself at home, Mai!" Anya shouted from the kitchen, the next room along. "I'm making gingerbread tonight." "Gingerbread is my favourite!" Mai exclaimed, perching on the edge of one of the sofas. "I've not had it much, but I know I love the taste." "Really?" Eve mused, taking the seat opposite Mai. "That's really interesting. We love Gingerbread, too. It's almost like we knew we would find you." Mai smiled. For the first time in her short life, she felt secure. Anya and Eve seemed to be perfect, and even though they didn't have much, Mai could tell that they had big hearts. Mai was so busy daydreaming, she barely noticed Eve now grinning from ear to ear.
"What is it?" she asked, trying to work out Eve's expression. "You're about to find out," Eve said, as Anya walked into the room carrying something behind her back. It was wriggling, whatever it was, as Ella was almost fighting with it. "We wanted to surprise you, as a gift for joining our little family." Anya pulled out from behind her a small Petpet, and when Mai examined it more closely, she noticed it was made out of Gingerbread. She gasped. "A Gingerbread Dandan?! For me?" Anya and Eve looked at each other and laughed. "Of course for you!" Eve said, watching as the Dandan pounced onto Mai's lap. "What do you think of him?" Mai stared down at the petpet, who was now sniffing her feathers. She stroked his head lightly, feeling the crumbs under her claws. When he looked up at her, she beamed.
"Oh, I love him more than I can say!" she gushed, pulling him to her. He snuggled into her wings and closed his eyes. "What are you going to call him?" Eve asked, patting the Dandan on the head. Mai thought for a moment. "I've always liked the name Thor," she said. "What do you think?" "Thor it is!" Anya exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "Now, what shall we actually have for dinner, seeing as we can't eat Thor?" The three of them laughed, and Mai felt in that moment as though she truly were home. *** A few weeks passed, and Mai began to fit in to life in Neopia Central. Eve worked every day for the Post Office, delivering copies of the Neopian Times across several different lands. Every day she came home with a tale to tell, involving princesses, pirates and wayward faeries. Mai couldn't get enough of her stories; they were like miniature adventures. Eve was a good storyteller, and she had even drafted a few stories of her own. "I hope they get published in the Times one day," she said excitedly one morning. "I've always dreamed of being an author, or a reporter. Anything involving writing, really." Mai nodded, crunching her cereal and listening keenly. "What do you want to be, Mai?" Mai finished her beakfull and swallowed. She had never really thought about what she wanted to be in the future. She had always been too focused on the present; where she was living and when she was going to be adopted. In fact, the thought had never crossed her mind... "I honestly don't know," she said, pushing the last few cereals around her bowl. "I've never really thought about it." Eve frowned. "Everyone should have a goal, Mai, no matter who you are." "Well, yes, but I always just figured I'd be stuck in the Pound or end up in the circus." "The circus?" Eve said, exasperated. "Why on Neopia would you think that?" "I guess it was all the performing for the owners at the Pound," she said, recalling the tedious routine. "I thought the only way out might be to join the circus." Eve laughed. "Well, forget the circus because we took you away instead." She patted Mai's paw and smiled. "But if you do like being on a stage, perhaps you might enjoy reading poetry?" "What do you mean?"
"In the Deep Catacombs of Neopia Central there is a poetry contest, run every week. Neopians submit their entries and the best ones win a prize. It's extremely popular." Mai nodded slowly. "Okay, but what does that have to do with being on stage?" "Well, how do you think everyone gets to hear them? Someone reads them out!" Mai considered it. Reading poetry? She wouldn't have said that performing in front of others was something she particularly enjoyed whilst being at the Pound, but the notion of reading poetry for a living and getting lost in the beautiful words of fellow Neopians, sounded quite appealing. "Okay, I'll do it," she announced triumphantly. "When do I start?" *** It was bustling in the auditorium. Neopians piled in through the doors, squeezing in to every last bit of space. Mai peered out from behind the curtain and let out a long breath. "I can't believe how busy it is. Eve wasn't kidding when she said it was popular." The yellow Chia smiled, nodding in agreement. "Just concentrate on the poems and you'll be fine," he squeaked, adjusting the traditional feathered cap on Mai's head. "And remember to read out the authors name, too." "Right, ready," Mai whispered, and the Chia gave the curtain signal. The crowd fell silent as Mai made her way to the centre of the stage. She tapped the microphone and cleared her throat. "Fountain Blues, by Dustin. On rainy afternoons..." The audience were mesmerised, with not a single sound echoing in the auditorium but Mai's voice. After she'd read ten poems, she took a bow to rapturous applause and shuffled off the stage.
"That was amazing!" she exclaimed, handing the parchment and the feathered hat back to the Chia. "Everyone was so engrossed!" The Chia smiled. "That's the power of poetry; there's something for everyone." Mai agreed. There was such a mix of Neopians in the audience: Blumaroos, Aishas, even Grarrls.
"Mai!" a voice called through the rafters of the backstage area. Eve and Anya waved from behind a group of nervous-looking Shoyrus. "Mai, you were fantastic!" Mai found her way over to them and hugged them both. "Thank you," she said, beaming from ear to ear. "I think I have finally found my calling. It felt so good to be up there, watching everyone listening to the poems. Some of them were really good, too!"
"Same time next week, then?" the Chia called from behind her. Mai turned and nodded. "See? There is something in Neopia for everyone," Anya said, as the three of them made their way to the entrance hall. "Everyone has a place, no matter who you are and where you come from." Mai sighed and looked up to the sky. Who would have thought that an abandoned Vandagyre could find her place in the world, after spending so long in the Pound? She glanced over at Anya and Eve, talking animatedly about the poems. It's because of kind and wonderful Neopians like them, she thought. I am so lucky to have my family. And the three together continued through Neopia Central, making their way to their little home. Their home, Mai thought. And mine, too.
The End