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An Extensive Look at Neopian Quests

by sherlockpwns


The more you travel through Neopia, the more complex it seems. Every corner you turn, there seems to be a new quest, a Random Event, or something more extravagant than the last. In this article, I’ll be talking about the former, quests.

Quests are a staple of a Neopian’s life. Quests can grant you stat increases, elusive colors, Neopoints, and random items. But, where are all of these quests, you might ask? Well, look no further! Below, I will talk about any and all quests that Neopia has to offer.

1. Faerie Quests.

Faerie Quests are one of the most well-known events throughout Neopia. Faerie Quests show up as random events or you can purchase a Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. Even then, the Faerie asking for your help is completely random.

A random Faerie Quest would look something like: “The ____ Faerie appears before you.” Then they would ask for a random item. It varies for each Faerie, but each Faerie is consistent with their items. Faeries could ask for things such as Grooming Items, Smoothies, Petpets, any r94-r96 items, and other items.

What do you get from a Faerie Quest? Most Faeries give you stat increases, normally between +2 - +3 increases. The stat increase you get, though, is dependant on the type of Faerie. For example, Dark Faeries reward you with hit points while Light Faeries reward you with levels! There are a few exceptions to this rule, like Queen Fyora. Queen Fyora gives you +2 level, +5 hit points, and +5 strength points for your active pet! Wow, that’s a lot! The Fountain Faerie can give you access to her elusive Rainbow Fountain where you can paint your pet practically any color! The Crafting Faerie requires NC Mall items but you’ll be rewarded NC Mall items as well! The Grey Faerie “borrows” a reward from an Elemental Faerie (like Fire, Water, Light, etc) or the Fountain Faerie!

For Faerie Quests, there is no time limit! Though, there is a catch. Shop Wizard and Super Shop Wizard are down until you’re able to complete the quest. For quest help, you can go to the Quest Board on the NeoBoards for help!

2. The Esophagor and the Brain Tree.

The Esophagor and the Brain Tree go hand in hand! I’ll start off with the Brain Tree.

The Brain Tree is a unique type of quest! To complete the Brain Tree’s quests, you have to complete two of the Esophagor’s quests! The Brain Tree asks you a question and there are two parts to the question. To get the answer, you have to feed the Esophagor twice. Once you know the answer, you must type it in completely correct to the Brain Tree! A small mistake and the Brain Tree won’t accept your answer. By completing a Brain Tree quest, you might also get him as a Battledome challenger.

As explained before, the Esophagor is used to answer the Brain Tree’s questions, but you can do an Esophagor quest separately. You can also receive the Esophagor as a Battledome challenger.

What do you get from a Brain Tree quest or an Esophagor quest? From the Brain Tree quests, you can get a variety of items ranging from Baby Fireball to Staff of Brain. Other rewards include a Neopoints prize! From the Esophagor quests, he can give you any r89 item and below!

For the Brain Tree quests and Esophagor quests, there is a time limit! The time limit can range from 1-3 hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to do them. The difference, though is that Shop Wizard and Super Shop Wizard aren’t down! You’ll be able to do those quests in no time!

3. Edna the Witch.

Edna the Witch is another Haunted Woods quest. If you complete all three Haunted Woods quests (Esophagor, Brain Tree, and Edna), you can get an exclusive prize, Tales of the Esophagor.

Edna the Witch resides in the Haunted Woods. You can complete up to ten quests of hers a day, that’s including Kitchen Quests and Taelia Quests, which I will get to later. She will ask for 1-3 random items.

What do you get from Edna the Witch? The first quest you complete, you’ll get her as a Battledome challenger! There is a catch to this, though, she’s only available to fight during 12 AM NST and 1 AM NST. If you’re lucky, you’ll also get the elusive avatar. Other prizes you can get from her are Neopoints, ranging from 85 to 263 Neopoints. She’ll also give you any r82 Spooky Food item or lower!

For Edna the Witch quests, there is a time limit! The time limit can range from 1-3 hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to collect all of the items for her witchy potion. Like the Brain Tree and the Esophagor, you’ll be able to use the Shop Wizard and the Super Shop Wizard.

4. The Kitchen Chef.

The Kitchen Chef resides in Mystery Island and he needs ingredients to feed the angry and hungry Mumbo Pango. You need to help him feed Mumbo Pango or he may become his next meal!

You can complete up to ten quests of the Kitchen Chef, that’s including Edna the Witch and Taelia Quests. He will ask for 3-4 random items.

What do you get from the Kitchen Chef? Well, other than an extreme sense of self-accomplishment, you’ll also get a random item. There’s also a chance you’ll get a stat increase and a Neopoints reward! You could also get some rare and exclusive Kitchen Chef items, like Gadsgads Bowl or Kitchen Quest Cookbook.

For the Kitchen Chef, there is a time limit! The time limit can range from 1-3 hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to collect all of the ingredients to make sure the Chef doesn’t get turned into soup! Like all of the previously mentioned quests, except Faerie Quests, you’ll be able to use the Shop Wizard or the Super Shop Wizard.

5. Taelia the Snow Faerie.

Taelia the Snow Faerie is slightly different from the other Faerie’s, as she isn’t random and you can show up to her and accept a quest!

You can complete up to ten quests of hers a day, that’s including the Kitchen Chef and Edna the Witch. She will likely ask for 3-4 random items.

What do you get from Taelia the Snow Faerie? You used to be able to get a Draik egg, but sadly, that reward isn’t awarded anymore. Completing one of her quests will give you a spiffy avatar and you can also get her as a Battledome challenger! Furthermore, you can get a magical snowball, a few Neopoints, and even a few Snow Faerie themed items. You can also grab an Ice Cream Machine Coupon.

For Taelia the Snow Faerie, there is a time limit! The time limit can range from 1-2 hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to collect all of the things that Taelia needs. Like all of the previously mentioned quests, except Faerie Quests, you’ll be able to use the Shop Wizard or the Super Shop Wizard.

6. Jhudora and Illusen.

These two quests are pretty similar so I put them together.

For both Jhudora and Illusen, you can complete a quest of theirs every twelve hours. But wait, there’s a catch! If you complete an Illusen quest, you can’t complete an Illusen quest or a Jhudora quest within the next twelve hours. This is because Illusen and Jhudora are sworn enemies, so you have to choose carefully who you want to complete a quest for! The same applies if you completed a Jhudora quest first, you’re unable to do an Illusen quest in the next twelve hours.

What do you get from Jhudora and Illusen? It varies for every quest. There’s a series of fifty quests for each girl, and completing a quest will bring you up to the next quest. If you fail a quest, you’ll have to restart on the lowest level. Examples for Jhudora would be the Dark Shroom you receive from level 35 or the very expensive, yet spectacular Wand of the Dark Faerie from level 50. For Illusen, examples include Illusens Novel from level 11 or the very expensive, yet spectacular Illusens staff. Also, completing level 20 of each type of quest will grant you a spiffy avatar! If you complete one of Illusen’s quests on March 17th, you’ll get another avatar! If you complete one of Jhudora’s quests on February 4th, you’ll get another avatar!

For Jhudora and Illusen, there is a time limit! Each quest is approximately 16 minutes and 40 seconds, meaning 1,000 seconds! This is because of the high-score table. Whoever completes the quests the fastest will be featured on the high-score table. The easiest time to do this is during the beginning of the month when all scores are reset. Like all of the previously mentioned quests, except Faerie Quests, you’ll be able to use the Shop Wizard or the Super Shop Wizard.

7. The Coincidence.

The Coincidence became a quest you could do daily after the Portal Activation event in Y15.

Since the Coincidence is a daily, that means you can only complete it once a day. Dr. Landelbrot will ask for 3 items, each in quantities of 1-3.

What do you get from the Coincidence? You can get a Random Event, which will do a variety of different things to your pet. You could get up to +10 on a random stat! Sadly, it could also decrease up to -3 on a random stat. Other outcomes include five lottery tickets, a random item from your inventory is removed, and Neopoints can be taken away or given to you! You can also receive a variety of items like Petpetpets, Robot Petpets, and TCGs. Other Random Events can happen but they won’t affect you or your pet.

For the Coincidence, there is no time limit! You can keep your quest as long as you’d like, and you can abandon it as well. Like all of the previously mentioned quests, except Faerie Quests, you’ll be able to use the Shop Wizard or the Super Shop Wizard.

There you have it, all of the quests in Neopia! Keep in mind that abandoning a quest will have no serious consequence, except a deflated sense of pride.

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