The Mega-Super-Hyper-Fantastic All-Neopian Quiz!! by phoned
Think you’re a real whizz when it comes to Neopian general knowledge? Been a player for a long time and think you know it all? To celebrate the 850th issue of the Neopian times take this MEGA 85-question Neopian quiz and test your true Neopian knowledge!! This quiz is going to test every aspect of your Neopian knowledge. The questions range from fairly simple (marked with a single * and worth 1 point), mild headscratchers (marked with a two ** and worth 2 points), and fiendishly difficult (marked with three *** and worth 3 points). There are also additional bonus points available if you really know your stuff! Ready to begin? Round 1: Famous Neopian Figures 1. What are the 6 main Faerie types? * 2. Who is the ruler of Faerieland? * 3. Who feeds hungry Neopets who cannot afford to feed themselves? * 4. Who created the Virtupets Space Station and has tried to take over Neopia multiple times? ** 5. What species is Bruno of Neovia? * 6. What is the name of the KeyQuest Faerie? * 7. Who is in charge of the Cooking Pot on Mystery Island? ** 8. Which Earth faerie saved a young Sophie the Swamp Witch and gave her the means to make magic? *** 9. What is the Space Faerie’s name? ** 10. What is the Fountain Faerie’s name? ** 11. What is the Grey Faerie’s name? ** 12. What is the Snow Faerie’s name? ** 13. Who are The Drenched? ** 14. What is the Negg Faerie’s name? ** (Kari) 15. How many founders of Altador were there? ** (Mega bonus: every founding member you can name is worth an extra point each!!) 16. What was the name of the Krawk responsible for much of the havoc caused in the Tale of Woe plot? ** 17. Which land is Princess Lunara the heir to? * 18. Captain Tuan is the captain of which ship? ** 19. Which Techo is in charge of the Neopian Pound? * 20. What are the names of King Coltzan III’s two daughters? ** (Bonus point: which is the elder sister?) Round 2: Food and Drink 21. Where do you get Asparagus from? ** 22. How many times can your pet eat from an omelette? * 23. How many times can your pet eat from a jelly? * 24. How many times can your pet eat from a pizza? * 25. What kind of foods do the Alien Aishas love to eat (and give out from their Vending Machine!)? * 26. What kind of items does the Soup Faerie like to ask for in her quests? * 27. What fruit is much-loved by Hasees (particularly Jimmi and Woogi)? * 28. What exactly is the infamous Borovan? ** 29. What soda brand is the biggest rival to NeoCola? ** Round 3: A Blast from the Past – Plots, Site Events, and the ever-changing Neopian Landscape 30. What items were originally required to enter Mystery Island, Faerieland, or the Ice Caves? *** 31. Many years ago there was a game set in a gym which gave out NeoPoints and membership cards. What was this game called? *** 32. Where were Kitchen Quests originally located? *** 33. Before Tyrannia was officially rediscovered in Year 3 there was an earthquake across Neopia. Where in Neopia was a tunnel opened by this earthquake which then led to Tyrannia? *** 34. In which Neopian year was the first Altador Cup held? ** 35. The Atlas of the Ancients plot led to the discovery of which Neopian land? ** 36. In which plot did Lord Kass make an appearance? ** 37. What was the name of the courageous Bori who rescued Hannah in the Hannah and the Ice Caves plot? * 38. When New Maraqua was discovered in the Curse of Maraqua plot, a new type of material was discovered. Weapons made of this material were said to be able to cut through water as if it was air, with no resistance. What is this material called? ** 39. The Lost Desert plot saw Prince Jazan marry Princess Nabile. Which land are this royal couple the ruler of? * 40. What species is Ylana Skyfire, the calculating bounty hunter featured in The Return of Doctor Sloth plot? ** 41. Which three Petpetpets were available in Professor Milton Clodbottle’s Habitarium? ** 42. What was the name of the now-discontinued official Neopets game on Facebook? ** Round 4: Games 43. Adee the Chia is the hero of which game? * 44. Where do retired games go? * 45. How many chapters are there in NeoQuest II? Can you name them all in the order that they’re played for a bonus point? ** 46. Our favourite Usul adventurer Hannah first made her debut in Hannah and the Pirate Caves. She has now been in 3 more games. Can you name them all? ** 47. 200m Peanut Dash features which Pet and Petpet duo? * 48. Robot Chias are the enemy target in which game? * 49. Which Petpet features in both red and blue colours in the game Crisis Courier? * 50. How many different colours of dice are there in Dice-a-Roo? * (Bonus point: can you name them all in the right order?) 51. What are the three basic flavours/colours of Juppie Juice in Meepit Juice Break? * 52. What is the maximum number of Lottery tickets you can purchase per day? * 53. Without the use of any buffs or boons, what is the lowest price you can pay per stock at the Neopian Stock Market? Bonus point: what is the lowest price you can pay pet stock with the use of buffs or boons? *
Round 5: Pets, PetPets, and PetPetPets 54. Which Pet species can be made instantly Bloated and cured of any illness by feeding it any food item with the word ‘worm’ in it? *** 55. What does it mean if a pet is Limited Edition? * 56. How do you attach a Petpetpet? ** 57. Which Petpetpets have their own avatars? *** 58. What Neopet was most recently discovered? * 59. Which Neopet cannot be abandoned at the Pound or transferred? ** 60. What happens if you try to abandon or transfer an Ice Bori at the Pound? *** 61. Which two Neopets can eat non-food items that other pets cannot? ** 62. Where would you take a Krawk Petpet if you wanted it to transform into a full Krawk Pet? ** 63. The very first Lutari first appeared where in Neopia and was doing what? *** 64. Although Grundos are not limited edition they are not available to be created in Create-A-Pet. If you want a brand new Grundo, where can you get one? ** (Bonus point: red, blue, green, and yellow are the 4 standard colour choices for a new pet. What 3 additional colours exist for creating a new Grundo? ) Round 6: Collectibles – Stamps, Avatars, and NeoDeck Cards 65. How many spaces are there for stamps/coins/charms on each page in your Stamp Album? * 66. How many different colours of NeoDeck cards are there? ** (Bonus point: Can you name them all? Super bonus: Can you name them all in order of rarity for an extra point?) 67. Which staff member features on the TNT Staff Smasher ‘Revenge is Sweet’ avatar? * 68. How many Kadoaties must be fed to unlock the Kadoatery – Mew! Avatar? * 69. Which Petpet features on the Stamp Collector – Snowy Valley avatar? * 70. What item must be equipped to a Grarrl to get the Grarrl Warrior avatar? * 71. How many Kadoaties do you need to feed to get a Gold trophy? ** 72. There are three books for sale in the Hidden Tower which give avatars when read. How much is does each of them cost? ** (Bonus point: can you name each of them in order of cheapest to most expensive?) 73. What does your pet need to do at the Kelp restaurant in order to be award the Bon Appetit avatar? ** 74. What is the trophy for NeoQuest II shaped like? * 75. If you win the Neopian Lottery you are awarded with either a bronze, silver, or gold trophy, depending on how much you won. What are the thresholds for each of these trophies? *** Round 7: Misc 76. How many kinds of original brown codestones are there? * (Bonus point: can you name them all?) 77. How many kinds of red codestone are there? ** (Bonus point: can you name them all?) 78. What is the Quiggle version of an Usuki called? * 79. Who runs the Fortune Cookie stall in the NC Mall? * 80. There are three Scratchcard Kiosks in Neopia, where are they all? * Bonus point: can you list them in order of least to most expensive price per card? 81. How many extra item spaces does each shop or gallery upgrade give you? * 82. What does the Premium Space Faerie Charm do? * 83. How is the Valentines Site Theme unlocked? ** 84. When tackling a Brain Tree quest, where do you find the information he asks for? * 85. Why might you visit Donny on top of Terror Mountain? **
Answers Round 1: 34 points available (plus 13 bonus points) 1. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Dark, Light – 1 point 2. Queen Fyora – 1 point 3. Soup Faerie – 1 point 4. Dr. Frank Sloth – 2 points 5. Gelert – 1 point 6. Bree – 1 point 7. Jhuidah – 2 points 8. Ilere – 3 points 9. Mira – 2 points 10. Naia – 2 points 11. Baelia – 2 points 12. Taelia – 2 points 13. A trio of evil water faeries – 2 points 14. Kari – 2 points 15. 12 (Bonus: King Altador, Psellia, Jerdana, Marak, Florin, Fauna, Gordos, Kelland, Sasha, Siyana, Torakar, The Darkest Faerie) – 2 points (plus 12 bonus points) 16. Mr. Krawley – 2 points 17. Shenkuu – 1 point 18. Cyodrake’s Gaze – 2 points 19. Dr. Death – 1 point 20. Amira and Vyssa (Bonus: Amira is eldest) – 2 points (plus 1 bonus point) Round 2: 12 points available 21. The Cooking Pot – 2 points 22. 3 times – 1 point 23. Twice – 1 point 24. Six times – 1 point 25. Gross foods – 1 point 26. Smoothies – 1 point 27. Doughnutfruit – 1 point 28. A hot drink made from Asparagus and Hot Chocolate. Borovan as a flavour is a combination of asparagus and hot chocolate. – 2 points 29. Achyfi – 2 points Round 3: 28 points available 30. Totems – wood, faerie, and ice – 3 points 31. Grundo’s Gym – 3 points 32. Old Maraqua – 3 points 33. Ice Caves – 3 points 34. Year 8 – 2 points 35. Moltara – 2 points 36. Battle for Meridell – 2 points 37. Armin – 1 point 38. Maractite – 2 points 39. Qasala – 1 point 40. Acara – 2 points 41. Mootix, Larnikin, Pinchit – 2 points 42. Treasure Keepers – 2 points Round 4: 13 points available (plus 3 bonus points) 43. Ice Cream Machine – 1 point 44. Game Graveyard – 1 point 45. 5 (Bonus: Meridell, Terror Mountain, Lost Desert, Haunted Woods, Faerieland ) – 2 points (plus 1 bonus point) 46. Hannah and the Ice Caves, Hannah and the Kreludor Caves, Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure – 2 points 47. Elephante and Puppyblew – 1 point 48. Carnival of Terror – 1 point 49. Minetheus – 1 point 50. Red, blue, green, yellow, silver – 1 point (plus 1 bonus point) 51. Red, Blue, Yellow – 1 point 52. 20 tickets – 1 point 53. 15np (Bonus: 10np) – 1 point (plus 1 bonus point) Round 5: 24 points available (plus 1 bonus point) 54. Pteri – 3 points 55. Not always available to be created in create-a-pet; only released in small batches at certain times – 1 point 56. Refresh your inventory with the Petpetpet in it until it jumps onto your pet’s Petpet – 2 points 57. Mootix and Moach – 3 points 58. Vandagyre – 1 point 59. Lutari – 2 points 60. It turns into a Blue Bori – 3 points 61. Grarrl and Skeith – 2 points 62. Fungus Cave – 2 points 63. Terror Mountain Happy Valley selling Ice Cream – 3 points 64. Adopt-a-Grundo in the Space Station (Bonus: Brown, White, Purple) – 2 points (plus 1 bonus point) Round 6: 17 points available (plus 3 bonus points) 65. 25 – 1 point 66. 8 (Bonus: Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Purple, Black, Gold, Holographic) – 2 points (plus 1 bonus point and 1 super bonus point) 67. Donna – 1 point 68. 75 – 1 point 69. Candychan – 1 point 70. Bony Grarrl Club – 1 point 71. 25 – 2 points 72. 100000np, 1000000np, and 1000000np (Bonus: Grimoire of the First Order, Grimoire of Prosperity, and Grimoire of Affluence) – 2 points (plus 1 bonus point) 73. Take home leftovers – 2 points 74. The star of the game Rohane – 1 point 75. Bronze for wins under 500000np, silver for wins of 500001-999999np, and gold for wins of 1000000np or more – 3 points Round 7: 13 points available (plus 3 bonus points) 76. 10 (Bonus: Mau, Main, Lu, Vo, Tai-Kai, Orn, Har, Eo, Bri, Zei) – 1 point (plus 1 bonus point) 77. 6 (Bonus: Mag, Cui, Kew, Sho, Zed, Vux) – 2 points (plus 1 bonus point) 78. Quiguki – 1 point 79. Noda – 1 point 80. Lost Desert, Ice Caves, Haunted Fairground – 1 point (plus 1 bonus point) 81. 5 – 1 point 82. It randomly doubles the Neopoints you earn from Flash game score sends – 1 point 83. Send A Mysterious Valentines Card to a NeoFriend on February 14th – 2 points 84. Complete 2 Esophagor quests – 1 point 85. To get a broken toy repaired – 2 points Total points available: 141 basic and 23 bonus for a total of 164 points
Results If you scored.. -no tags here- 40 – Well, you tried! There is obviously so much about Neopets you have yet to discover, get out there and explore! 40-108 – You know your stuff! You know the basics, you know some quirks of the site, but there are still some facets of Neopia which have eluded you. Take the time to look back over old plots and events to really get a sense for how Neopia came to be how it is. 109-141 – Wow, you’re a Neopets expert! You have obviously been here a LONG time and been active throughout that time. There’s not much you don’t know, you’re a real dedicated Neopian! 142-164 – Are you Dr. Frank Sloth? You must have spies all over Neopia and a huge database of information to get a score this high! You are among the most dedicated of Neopets players.
No matter what your score was I hope you enjoyed this quiz and perhaps it has taught you some things you didn’t know about this crazy site we call home. If you want to know more you can always check out the Neopedia, or great fansites like Jellyneo with their Item Database and Book of Ages. Here’s to another 850 issues of the Neopian Times!