Faerie Customizations: Elemental Edition by aleu1986
In my previous Faerie Customizations article, I covered most of the unique faeries, and now it`s time to look at the elemental ones. There are six types of elemental faerie: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light and Dark. How can you customize your Neopet to resemble a mischievous Fire Faerie or a beautiful Water Faerie? If you`re looking for inspiration for some faerie-related looks, please read on. In this article I have also included famous elemental faeries such as Illusen, Jhudora, Nuria, and others. Bottled Earth faerie  Rainbow Field of Daisies Background Trapped in a Jar Pretty Little Daisy Magical Spring Vine Wings Dyeworks Brown: Side Swept Blond Wig Dyeworks Green: Lavender Faerietale Dress Golden Key Necklace When creating an Earth Faerie look, your go-to options are green dresses, brunette wigs and backgrounds featuring flowers, forests, gardens and fields. For the wings, there are several green and leaf/plant ones available. Due to the grass and flowers being part of theTrapped in a Jar item, I feel it`s best suited for Earth and Light faeries. Earth Faerie in Faerieland  Gift of a Piece of Cake Illusens Laced Slippers Sugar Plum Faerie Wig Brilliant Green Faerie Wings Faerieland Gazebo Delicate Earth Faerie Dress Faerie Topiaries Discovery of Faerieland Day Background The gazebo and topiaries add to the garden theme. I struggled a bit to find shoes that fit the dress, so I ended up using the matching Delicate Earth Faerie Shoes. Footwear is not strictly speaking necessary for this type of faerie look, as Earth Faeries generally are often depicted barefoot. Famous Earth Faerie: Illusen  Fingerless Asparagus Gloves Green Belt Illusens Collectors Contacts Wooden Flower Necklace Mushroom and Flower Arch Glade Tree House Illusens Collectors Bow Illusen Wig Illusens Laced Slippers Earth Faerie Wings Illusen Dress Illusens Glade Background Illusen lives in a forest glade in Meridell, where she offers quests to Neopians who visit her. She is known for her kindness and is more patient than certain other faeries. During the wars of Meridell, Illusen helped defend the land and offered sanctuary for the peasants. She is also famous for her rivalry with Jhudora the Dark Faerie, though Illusen will not speak of what happened between them. This customization makes use of the Illusen-themed wearables available, and has added detail to complete this iconic faeries look, such as the necklace, gloves and belt. I`d say the contacts and the bow are expendable from this customization, particularly the bow, as four-legged Neopets can`t hold it and it just sits on the ground next to them. You can replace the contacts with the Earth Faerie Eye Shadow, as they cannot be worn at the same time. The Glade Tree House is Illusen`s home, and the mushroom arch creates a nice frame, sort of like an entrance to her glade. Autumn Woodland Short Staff can be used until a proper Illusens Staff is released. Ilere  MME16-S4c: Glowing Green Contacts Dark Enchanted Cape Deadly Beauty Dress Ileres Tree Background MiniMME19-S2b: Spring Forest Markings Ilere Collectors Wings Dark Green Shrubbery Ilere is a mysterious and reclusive Earth Faerie who lives deep in the Haunted Woods. In the Tale of Woe plot, Ilere took young Sophie in and offered her the equipment she needed to become a witch. This is your typical, standard look for Ilere. The glowing eyes and bright markings add magic and mystery to the customization. If you don`t own the Deadly Beauty Dress, try Black Rose Dress or Warriors Victory Dress. Earth Faerie in the jungle  MME16-S4a: Poisonous Leaf Wings Flowering Vine Staff Shadowy Forest Wig Court Dancers Collectors Eye Shadow and Contacts Jungle Foliage Face Paint Hanging Vines Stuck in the Lost Isle Background Jungle Green Gown This was intended as a new spin on the classical Earth Faerie look, but it can also double as an alternative look for Ilere, as the green wig and dark dress suit her nicely. The staff can also be used in an Illusen customization.
Air Faerie in Faerieland  Commemorative Floating Air Faerie Doll New Years in Faerieland Background Sparkling Winter Wings Cloud Staff Cloud Gate Foreground Armin Collectors Contacts Dyeworks Blue: Shimmery Rose Top Perfect Hair Wig Flowing Air Faerie Skirt NOTE: The Cloud Gate Foreground does not show up in the image provided by DTI. Your standard options for an Air Faerie look is blonde hair, blue clothing, blue wings and a background featuring clouds and sky. There is a handful of cloud-themed backgrounds to choose from, and new Dyeworks versions have added to the selection. I chose the Sparkling Winter Wings both based on the colour, but also for its butterfly-like design. Several Faerie Neopets have insect-like wings, and this wearable echoes that. Although Air Faeries usually have blue eyes, I don`t think adding contacts is needed – I did it in this example to cover up the big, green bug eyes of the Buzz.
Standard Air Faerie  Sheer Blue Wings Dyeworks Blue: Golden Shimmer Cape Feet in the Clouds Foreground Golden Key Necklace Valentines Daydream Wig Faerieland Furniture Collectors Cloud Dress Dyeworks Blue: Pink Mountain and Cloud Background My personal favourite item in this customization is the wig. I like the cloud hairband and the light blue streaks in the blonde locks. An elegant wig fit for a vain Air Faerie.
Famous Air Faerie: Psellia  Brilliant Blue Faerie Wings Cloud Covered Summer Dress MME6-S5: Poppable Harris on a String Cloud Garland Cloudy Sky Background Swinging on a Cloud Air Faerie Eye Shadow Air Faerie Bubble Necklace Psellia Wig Psellia is one of the protectors of Altador, her constellation is The Dreamer. She is also known for saving Jeran the knight during The Battle For Meridell, when he fell from the Darigan Citadel. Psellia is a kind and peaceful Air Faerie that rarely leaves Faerieland, but she sends messages to the rest of Neopia with her pet Harris. Bottled Dark Faerie  Dark Faerie Magic Orbs Sleek Purple Wig Dark Faerie Wings Black and Red Stripe Stockings and Witch Shoes Dark Faerie Staff Dark Faerie Smoke Dress Dark Faerie Eye Shadow Bottled Faerie Background This background can be used with any elemental faerie, but I feel the colour scheme particularly fits and flatters the Dark faeries. Signature colours for these faeries are purple and black, which should be reflected in choices of wig and clothes. Dark Faerie Magic  Dark Faerie Magic Cloud Garland MME13-S2b: Deadly Spell Foreground Purple Highlight Bob Wig Dark Faerie Gown MME13-S1: Magical Shrunken Heads Purple Warlock Battle Wings Magic Spell Circle Background The theme of dark magic feels fitting for this type of faerie, they are known for evil curses and dark spells. I wonder what this Dark Faerie is conjuring? The green and purple colours also bring to mind a certain famous character...
Famous Dark Faerie: Jhudora  Pretty Purple Faerie Shirt Jhudora Wings Darkest Faerie Tights and Boots Shelves of Potions Trinket Jhudora Wig Deadly Poison Bottle Poisonous Purple and Green Skirt Jhudoras Cauldron Spooky Potions Cave Background Jhudora is known for offering quests to brave Neopets, but she is also known to inflict terrible punishments onto those who fail to complete them in time... Fyora the Faerie Queen watches Jhudora closely, but has so far been unable to discover her secret plans. Jhudora is also famous for her rivalry with Illusen the Earth Faerie, though no one knows what happened between them to make them enemies. My impression is that most people use the Jhudoras Bluff background when dressing their Neopet up like this famous Dark Faerie, and although it`s a sensible choice, I wanted to explore other options and make use of the lovely Jhudoras Cauldron item. Water Faerie  Green Scallop Evening Dress Maraqua Team Glitter Face Paint Golden Sea Star Wig Stuffed Sea Shell Foreground Exploring Maraqua Background Seashell Throne Luminous Seashell Staff Water Faerie Eye Shadow Water Faeries are beautiful and magical, their signature colours are shades of blue. Most underwater scenes fit them perfectly. You can add Gormball Splat Foreground or MiniMME9-B: Splashing Puddles to a back background to make it look like your Water Faerie Neopet is sitting/standing in a puddle. In addition to the dresses and skirts used in these examples, try Flowy Scaled Skirt to give your Neopet the illusion of a red mermaid tail. Water Faerie at Mystery Island  Lush Green Island Tree Adorable Wonderland Shoes and Tights Beaded Shell Necklace Iridescent Scales Skirt Dark Tropical Wig Pretty Tropical Lagoon Background Though traditionally blonde, who is to say that there aren`t Water Faeries with other hair colours out there? The Dark Tropical Wig gives your Neopet a gorgeous set of black locks, and the pretty flowers fit perfectly in a Mystery Island setting like this one. Floating at the Beach Background is a similar background, but features more open water and sky. Water Faeries don`t have wings, but if you really want to add them anyway, these are my suggestions: Ornate Maractite Wings, Shell Faerie Wings, Water Wings. Famous Water Faerie: Naia the Rainbow Fountain Faerie  Golden Key Necklace Roo Island Castle Collectors Dress Painters Supply Table Frozen Facepaint Premium Collectible: Blonde Anchor Wig Dripping Paint Brush Water Faerie Eye Shadow Rainbow Fountain Background Ombre Cloud Garland Who hasn`t dreamed of receiving a quest from the Rainbow Fountin Faerie? If you`re lucky enough to be given one of her quests, you can bring your Neopet to the Rainbow Fountain in Faerieland and paint them a new colour! Instead of the painters table, try Magical Faerieland Painting or Oversized Paint Brush. Playful Fountain Set causes water to squirt up around your Neopet. The Dyeworks Blue: Summer Orange Root Blonde Wig is also a blonde wig with a hint of blue. The Drenched  Undead Contacts and Face Paint Shallow Pirate Grave Foreground Lovely Sea Monster Dress Nightmare Maraqua Underwater Wig Eerie Underwater Grotto Background Fearsome Fish Bone Staff These evil, dark Water Faeries appeared in the Curse of Maraqua plot, yet little of their personalities were revealed, and their individual names are not known. There are plushie versions of these faeries, the names of which refer to them as follows: Evil Eldest Drenched Sister, Moderately Evil Middle Drenched Sister and Slightly Less Evil Youngest Drenched Sister. Alternatives The Drenched Collectors Contacts Undead Princess Dress The Three Skull Facepaint Iridescent Sea Monster Wig Fire Faerie  Wings of Flame Hands of Fiery Energy Flames Dyeworks Orange: Multicolour Wig Broiling Fire Foreground Sun Burn Red Eye Shadow Flame Dress MME3-B1: Magma Pool Background Bed of Burning Coal Embers Fire Faeries are known to be mischievous and impatient, their signature colours are those of the flames: Red, orange and yellow. Similarly to the Dark Faeries, they typically have short hair. Tyrannian Volcano Lair Background and Volcano Lavafall are good Neopoint options for this look.
Fire Faerie at the Faerie Festival  Premium Collectible: Stone Bridge Foreground Short Woodland Archer Wig Island Flame Baton Brilliant Red Faerie Wings Meridellian Festive Gown Ruined Faerie Festival Background Fire Faerie Eye Shadow The idea here is that the bridge functions as a stage for this performing Fire Faerie to show off her tricks. (Just pretend that the faeries in the background haven`t been turned into statues). You can swap the Premium Collectible bridge for Meridellian Festive Tent. This places the Neopet firmly on the grass with a white tent behind her, which also obstructs the view of the poor petrified faeries. Hopefully she won`t set the tent on fire! Famous Fire Faerie: Nuria  Nightsteed Collectors Flame Hands Fiery Wooden Wings Flames Long Lost Desert Scroll Trinket Temple of 1000 Tombs Interior Background MiniMME22-S2b: Queen of Lost Desert Markings Burgundy Hood Dyeworks Red: Dark Mystical Gown Nuria is a Fire Faerie from the Lost Desert. In the Lost Desert plot puzzle, a statue of her was featured in a room of the temple of 1,000 Tombs. Her wings are literally made of fire, and so she`s always at risk of burning things around her. She`s also known to have strong fire magic. Light Faerie  Vintage Blond Roll Wig Sparkling Carmariller Wings Dyeworks Yellow: Lovely Layered Lilac Dress Giant Flower Background Dyeworks Yellow: Glass Rose Staff This background, with the beam of sunlight and the big yellow flower, felt quite fitting for a Light faerie. The signature colour for this faerie is yellow, and their hair can be different shades of blonde, golden or white. Their wings are yellow or golden, consider for example Golden Holiday Wings or Queen Buzzer Wings. Light Faerie in Faerieland  Faerie Palace Background Lighted Faerie Staff Golden Altador Cup Goal Stockings and Shoes Sun Shower Golden Ombre Wig Brilliant Yellow Faerie Wings Iridescent Light Dress This beautiful, regal looking background feels particularly fitting for Light and Air faeries, with the bright, open spaces and the sunlight pouring in. The Sun Shower fits perfectly here, and can also be applied to the previous customization. Famous Light Faerie: Siyana  Sun Princess Wig Sun Prince Markings Sun of Altador Effect Shining Sun String Lights Sparkling Faerie Wings Altador Sun Background Sun Princess Dress Brilliant Sun Staff Siyana is also known as The First to Rise, and is one of the twelve founders of Altador. She once saved an entire village of farmers from bandits, by waking them in the night by emitting an intense light. This customization pays tribute to Altador, and of course the very symbol of the Light Faerie: The sun. It`s quite bright and flashy, and that`s the intention. And there you have it, my suggestions to how you can customize your Neopet to look like an elemental faerie! I hope you enjoyed this article, and that in inspired you to try out some new looks.