The Greatest Show on Earth:Part Five by unfogging
"Five minutes to show time!” Hyoo shouted. He nervously adjusted the collar of his uniform, a bright, teal and purple coat jacket with a frilly white cravat. It was supposed to be reminiscent of earlier circus shows from decades earlier. It was described as “vintage,” but mainly it was just itchy and smelled a little funny. It was the night of their opening show. Thanks to Polly and his amazing advertisement, word had spread life wildfire across town about Hyoo’s circus. The arena was half filled with Neopians eager to see his show. Hyoo had written home to Anna, and of course she was in the crowd, too. He got her seats on the first row. She said he could look at her during the show if he got nervous. The night before, Hyoo and his stars had all gone out to eat to celebrate and get ready for the big day tomorrow. For the last four weeks, they had practiced long and hard. They’d grown closer together as a team. Hyoo found himself even getting along very well with Ash – something he thought would never happen. He found himself respecting Ash’s talent and focus, which was a passion they both shared. Last night, his nerves had gotten the better of him. Him and Kalua had stayed up very late talking, with Kalua trying to talk him down from his panic and help raise his confidence. Thankfully, she had succeeded. Kalua always had a way of making Hyoo feel safe and confident about himself. Hyoo went to sleep the night before feeling ready for the big day tomorrow. Backstage, everybody was practicing their skits. Jonvi and Casey read jokes from cards to each other. Zenko was making his cards levitate in thin air, a trick had perfected only days before. Kalua worked on her dance routine. Ash was throwing fiery batons into the air, catching them effortlessly while spinning and turning around. They were as prepared as they could be. The show was going to be amazing – he had worked out an amazing routine for everybody, and everybody was telling him how amazing it would be. He knew in his heart of hearts that he had something incredible here. Yet still, Hyoo was nervous. His entire life had led up to this moment. He couldn’t fail. “Hey, how are you doing?” Kalua asked Hyoo gently, breaking him from his daze. Kalua was dressed in tropical attire. She wore a coconut skirt and a frilly shirt covered in hibiscus print, and had adorned her legs and arms and hands with tropical jewelry. She looked ravishing. He smiled at her. “I’m ok. Really nervous. What if they don’t like us?” “They won’t like us. They will love us,” Kalua reassured him. She gently touched his shoulder and sauntered off. Overhead, the lights flickered. The show was about to begin. Everybody moved to their places, ready. Hyoo closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, centering himself. This was the moment. It was now or never. He stepped out onto the stage. The spotlight shined in his eyes, the heat from it warming his skin. He looked around. An expectant crowd circled the stadium, quietly murmuring. Suddenly, Hyoo flashed back to 11 years ago, when he saw the circus for the first time. He remembered the showman who introduced his stars, proudly proclaiming: “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…welcome to the circus!” Taking a deep breath, Hyoo summoned all his confidence, charisma, and passion. He boomed, “Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls…welcome to the circus!” With a flourish, he gestured to his stars. The show had begun. The next hour passed by in a blur, but everything seemed to go according to plan. Not surprisingly, the crowd was completely wowed by Ash and her pyrotechnics. She proudly swung her flaming batons and slithered through her flaming dance ribbons, sparkling in her shiny red and black costume. Hyoo had never seen her look so free and happy. Casey and Jonvi left the crowd in stitches with their comedy skit they performed together. Zenko wowed the audience with his illusions and trickery. And everybody fell in love with Kalua’s charming and exotic dance. When it was over, the sound of everybody’s cheers filled the air. Hyoo and his performers linked arms and bowed, and Hyoo had to hold back tears. He had actually made it. His dream had come true. After the dust settled, Hyoo saw his owner, Anna, walking towards him. Her dark eyes were shining with happiness. “Hyoo, I am so proud of you!” she gushed. She hugged her Buzz happily, and he hugged her back. “And guess what? I brought a special visitor. Maybe you will remember him.” Hyoo looked at her questioningly. From the side, an older man appeared. He had long, silvery white hair, and piercing blue eyes. Something about him seemed familiar to Hyoo, but he couldn’t place it. As his appearance, Polly squawked in happiness, flying onto the man’s shoulder. Suddenly, Hyoo remembered. The man who sold him Polly all those years ago. “It’s you!” he gasped at the older man. The man smiled. “Yes, it’s me!” he said, stroking the top of Polly’s head lovingly. “So, it’s been a while since we have met. I loved your show.” “Thank you so much!” Hyoo gushed, proud. “I couldn’t have done it without you. Finding Polly, seeing the circus that one day. It changed my life in a way I couldn’t ever have imagined.” “I’m flattered to hear you say that, but you could definitely have done this without me,” responded the man. “I’ve been going to the circus selling my petpets every year that I can remember. I’ve seen all sorts of Neopets with all sorts of personalities. But you were one I never forgot. I saw how persistent and stubborn you were, and at such a young age. I thought to myself, ‘Now that is somebody who knows how to get what he wants.’” “Boy that’s the truth,” Anna interjected, rolling her eyes. The man smiled and continued. “I’ve been around a long time, Hyoo, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that nobody gives you what you want in this world, you have to take it. You have to work harder and smarter than anybody else. And it seems you have done exactly that.” “Hyoo, who is your friend?” Kalua had walked over, looking at the man and Anna with a friendly expression. Anna raised her eyebrows at Kalua’s shiny dark eyes and beautiful, flowing hair, and gave Hyoo a knowing look, mouthing Who’s that? Hyoo shook his head at her, blushing. “Hi Kalua, this is my owner, Anna,” he said. “She’s come all the way out to see us.” “Nice to meet you, Kalua,” Anna said, shaking her hand. She smiled at her. Anna always told Hyoo he worked too hard, and that he should take some time to get to know some girls. Hyoo had always rolled his eyes at the thought. Girls are unpredictable and uncertain. Work isn’t, he always responded. But at the same time, there was a part of Hyoo that wanted a companion. Somebody to stay by his side and support and believe in him, no matter what. So far, it seemed Kalua had been doing exactly that. “And this is…” Hyoo trailed off. He realized he didn’t even know the old man’s name. “Oh I’m just a crotchety old man, love, don’t mind me,” he said easily. “Hyoo, it was great seeing you again. I had a feeling you’d do great things, and I wasn’t wrong. When’s the next show?” “You’ll be the first to know,” Hyoo responded. The old man smiled, raised a hand in farewell to them all, and walked off. “Guys! That was amazing!” Ash came over, her face flushed with excitement. She hugged Hyoo happily, surprising everybody. Hyoo saw Anna’s eyebrows wriggle yet again at another pretty girl speaking to Hyoo, and he hurriedly shook his head. “Hi, I’m Ash. Are you Anna?” Ash asked. “Why yes I am, nice to meet you,” Anna responded, discreetly looking Ash up and down, from her poofy brown hair to her sparkling uniform. “I loved your performance. It was incredible!” The rest of the crew soon came barreling over, wanting to bask in the success of the show with Hyoo. Anna met and introduced herself to all of them, telling them how much she enjoyed the show. After a while, she looked at her Buzz. She decided she should leave him be to enjoy the success of his show. “Well, Hyoo, I’m going to head off,” she told him. “Go have a great time with your friends. I’ll be in town the next few days. Let me know when the next show is going to be. I won’t miss it.” She hugged her Neopet and left, waving goodbye to everybody. “So what are we going to do next, Hyoo?” Kalua asked him excitedly. “Yeah Hyoo, what’s next?” Zenko asked, showing an uncharacteristic amount of excitement. Over the last four weeks, Hyoo had really seen Zenko open up in a way that he had never before. Everybody on the team was telling Hyoo that. Hyoo smiled. He wasn’t sure what was next, but he did know one thing: With his stars, and now friends, by his side, it was going to be incredible. The End.