Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,472,570 Issue: 853 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y21
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The Ultimate Weapon

by rfe260302

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Great stories!


The Pteri Defence: A Weapon Guide
Pteri are fierce competitors when it comes to the Battledome. They are lightweight, nimble, quick, and able to take flight high over their opponents. They have a large range of weapons that they can use that play to their strengths and protect their fragile feathers. These guys are fierce and are sure to make quick work of anyone who dares to challenge you. If you stock up on a bunch of healing potions and make sure to get some good faerie abilities then you are sure to be unbeatable.

by parshew


A World Of Grandiose Creature:Part Three
After the harrowing brush with death I experienced last week on Mystery Island I decided it would be better to venture to a place a lot safer for Neopets like me.

by luuuvmebabe


Where's Weewoo?
Can you spot the White Weewoo in this Winter Wonderland? Happy Month of Celebrating!

by starcature


So You Want to Play in the Neopian Philharmonic?
While it is indeed impressive to start a band from scratch and have it premiere in a concert hall in Tyrannia, it takes great musical finesse just to be inducted in one of the most prestigious bands in all of Neopia: the Neopian Philharmonic Orchestra.

by nolsterbuckr

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