Fourteen Foods for Valentine's Day by _brainchild_
Fourteen Foods for Valentine’s Day! ---Starring Lerlifa the Chocolate Draik, Rasola the Plushie Kougra, and Walda the ever so bratty Baby Kacheek!!!--- Lerlifia: Hello there. My name is Lerlifia, and I consider myself to be a real foodie! ...No, you imbecile. Not because I’m a Chocolate pet. I am BEYOND sick of hearing those silly jokes! Anyway, I view myself as a foodie because I love trying different types of cuisine, even if I may feel a bit apprehensive about some of them. (That Ketchup Ice Cream was quite different, to say the least.) Therefore, in honor of February 14th (Valentine’s Day), I am going to sample fourteen Valentine-related foods to see whether I like them or not.
---Heart Shaped Negg--- Lerli: This looks yummy! Rasola: I hear that they use faerie dust to make it taste better. Lerli: How is that a crime?! *nonchalantly bites into negg* Lerli: The flavor is lovely, but the texture is somewhat...rubbery... Rasola: *sigh* Those things are made of RUBBER. Our owner wrote a poem about this shady secret in Round 2128 of the Poetry Contest. Lerli: What? BLEEAAAHHH!
---2 Scoops of Friendship--- Lerli: Who doesn’t like ice cream?! DIG IN!!! *begins to obnoxiously devour the treat* Rasola: There are TWO, so sharing is caring! *grabs bowl* Lerli: Fine, but I already ate the chocolate one. Walda: Did someone say CHOCOLATE?! *dashes in excitedly* Rasola: Noooooo... Walda:*grabs bowl* Where is the CHOCOLATE?! WAAAAHHHH! *tantrum ensues* Rasola: Go to your room. Walda: I WANT CHOCOLATE!!! *bites Lerli’s tail* Lerli: OWWW!!! Rasola: WALDA! What did we tell you about that?! That HURTS!!! Lerli: GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!
---Adorably Pink Lollypop--- Rasola: This looks SOOOOOOO adorable and tasty!!! *sticks out tongue* Lerli: Don’t--- Rasola: BLEEAAAHHH! What gives?! Lerli: I told you not to... Rasola: This thing is made of PLASTIC!!! WHY?! Lerli: It’s a customization prop, smart one. Rasola: I wish I had known that before! Lerli: *sigh* I tried to tell you...
---Box of Chocolate Larnikins--- Rasola: I hope these aren’t real bugs. Lerli: Relax. They’re just choc--- I mean, candy. Rasola: Either way, who in their right mind would sell a product that looks like THIS?! The box is torn open, and the chocolate is MELTED! Horrible marketing, if you ask me. Walda: Did someone say CHOCOLATE?! *rushes in excitedly* Lerli: Yeah, chocolate-covered BUGS. You won’t like these. Walda: EWWWW!!! *runs out* Rasola: That was close. Anyway, I don’t want these. They’re a melted, sticky mess! Throw them away. Lerli: Your loss! I don’t care what my food looks like. *licks chocolate happily*
---Candy Heart Necklace--- Lerli: Yum! *tears apart string and starts eating* Rasola: *sigh* I was going to wear that. Lerli: Who in their right mind would wear CANDY as a NECKLACE?! Especially YOU! You have plenty of expensive golden jewelry! Rasola: *shrug* I felt like changing up my style a little. Lerli: Well, these are too sweet. Want them? Rasola: *grits teeth* You ruined my necklace for NOTHING?! Lerli: Take them or leave them. Rasola: I guess... *chomps on candy*
---Bitten Heart Muffin--- Rasola: These items are getting worse and worse. Lerli: Agreed! Who would even EAT, let alone SELL, something which a stranger already took a bite out of?! I don’t want their Sneezles! Rasola: Sneezles if you’re LUCKY. Walda: *walks in* I’m BORED---Is that a CHOCOLATE muffin?! *eyes light up* Lerli: No, it’s coffee-flavored. Walda: BLEEAAAHHH! Coffee tastes like a Pile of Soot! Rasola: How would you know what a PETPET tastes like?! Walda: Umm... Rasola: I’m calling the PPL!!!
---Heart Crepe--- Lerli: This looks yummy. *eats* Rasola: Is that strawberry frosting? Lerli: Yup! Want some? Rasola: Meh, I’ll pass. *Lerli tosses out the stick that was holding the crepe together.* Lerli: Your loss. *rustling sound* Rasola: *turns around* WALDA!!! Why are you eating out of the TRASH?! Walda: There was a chocolate heart on the end of this stick! YUM!!! Lerli: I must’ve overlooked it... Rasola: This is NOT the Meridell Rubbish Dump! I can’t imagine why someone would want old food out of a dumpster... Walda: It tastes MORE than fine!!! Lerli: It’s still gross, Walda...
---Cupid Negg--- Lerli: It looks like the arrow is made of candy. Rasola: I won’t overlook that like you did last time. *pulls out arrow and eats it* Yum! Lerli: Um, Rasola, look at your arms... Rasola: *looks down* AAGGHH! There’s cherry sauce all over my sleeves! Lerli: When you pulled out the arrow, the sauce leaked out onto your clothes... Rasola: Talk about a serious design flaw!!! Now my expensive dress is ruined! Remind me not to buy this again...
---Heart Shaped Fruit Cake--- Rasola: It seems kind of odd to mix fruit and *whispers* chocolate... Lerli: It has fruit in it because it’s a tropical food. It may be unconventional, but I’ll try anything, since I’m a foodie. *eats it* I kinda like it, but I agree that it’s odd. The fruit overpowers the chocolate... Walda: *sprints in excitedly* Did someone say CHOCOLATE?! Lerli: Noooooo... Walda: *gobbles cake* Um, this is weird... *frowns* Rasola: Then don’t eat it. Walda: Not what I was expecting...
---Heart Latte--- Rasola: I think this cup could be a lot more reminiscent of Valentine’s Day. Lerli: Who cares?! I bought this for the coffee. Rasola: However, you’re meant to keep the cup. Lerli: Whatever. *drinks coffee* *frowns* They put a bit too much sugar in this... Rasola: Let me try. *drinks coffee* A BIT?! That’s an understatement! I might as well be drinking sugar water! Walda: *walks in* Well, I like things which are sweet. *grabs coffee obnoxiously and drinks it* OWWWW, OWWWW, OWWWW, OWWWW, OWWWWWWWWW!!!! HOT, HOT, HAAAAAAAATTTTT!!! Rasola: It’s coffee, smart one. Of course it’s going to be hot. Lerli: *confiscates coffee* A small child shouldn’t be drinking coffee anyway! If chocolate is enough to send her on a sugar rush, imagine what COFFEE will do! Walda: CHOCOLATE?! GIMME SOME CHOCOLATE!!! Lerli and Rasola: NO!!!
---Bleeding Heart Jelly Sundae--- Rasola: Well, this doesn’t look appetizing. Lerli: I agree, but I’ll try it anyway. *eats sundae* YUCK!!! What is this even MADE OF?! Not ICE CREAM, that’s for sure! Rasola: I’ll pass, then. Lerli: What could it be?! It tastes all... nasty and... gross... and... VILE!!! Rasola: What were you expecting?! This monstrosity came straight out of the HAUNTED WOODS! Lerli: That explains it... Walda: *walks in* Why is everyone yelling? *eyes light up* Yum! Ice cream! *gobbles sundae* Lerli: Seriously, don’t... Walda: EWWWWW!!! GROSS!!! *eyes watering* What IS THIS?! WAAAAHHHH!!! *runs away while throwing tantrum* Lerli: Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
---Deluxe Heart Waffle--- Rasola: Here’s a way to get Walda to eat her breakfast. It has ice cream on it. Lerli: She doesn’t need it. There is little to no nutritional value in it... Walda: *walks in* Did someone say my name? *eyes light up* Ooohhh! Ice cream! *takes bite* OWWW!!! What did I just bite down on?! Rasola: You’re supposed to remove the decorations, smart one. Walda: WAAAHHH!!! *tantrum ensues* Lerli: Since you hurt your mouth, the ice cream should make it feel better. Walda: *devours treat* Yum! I wish it was chocolate, though. Rasola: *shakes head* The brat ALWAYS gets her way...
---Glitter Heart Candy--- Rasola: How does it glitter?! Lerli: I don’t know... Magic, I suppose! Rasola: Don’t tell me they’re using faerie dust again. I don’t trust this one after hearing about that Heart Shaped Negg. Lerli: I’m eating it anyway. *puts it in her mouth* *eyes grow wide* Apparently the glitter is carbonated! I LOVE THIS! Rasola: Now I want one, too... Lerli: You had your chance.
---Angry Candy--- Rasola: I wouldn’t eat those if I were you. Lerli: Why not? Rasola: Because they’ll bite you, smart one. Lerli: Nonsense! They aren’t alive! *eats* They are very spicy, yet sweet at the same---OWWWW!!! Rasola: What did I tell you? Lerli: These...nasty...things...0/10...don’t...recommend... --- *Lerli’s face begins to turn green.* Rasola: Lerli, it looks like you’re sick with Fyora knows what... Lerli: No kidding, Einstein! Take me to the Gelert Doctor! Rasola: Okay, let’s go. After we’re done, you ought to go get a refund on those evil candies!!!
The End.