Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 196,068,857 Issue: 856 | 15th day of Awakening, Y21
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Chia Love

by grandeshop

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Neo Pun Intended? - Volume 1
Would you do a quest for me?

(Idea by Xoro)

by benrina


The Treasure of Smuggler's Cove:Part Two
“Oy, Sammy, wake up!”

by unfogging


The History of Battledome Challengers, Part 4
In the last special edition of "The History of Battledome Challengers", we brought in five new BLUMAROO challengers, talking about their tactics and exactly how they ended up in the Battledome. Making a total of fifteen challengers that we've broken down the history of so far.

by krawkedattitude


Unchanging Love
nothing has changed :)

by linework

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