Topped with white icing in a pattern matching that of the chocolate Kiko’s, this edible seashell is the perfect treat for any Kiko lucky enough to be zapped this decadent color. Since chocolate Neopets aren’t too fond of water, the nautical design of the Chocolate Cowry Shell can help alleviate any aching yours might feel from missing out on cool dips in Kiko Lake.

Desert Kiko
Unlike other foodstuffs on this list, it is not just the colors of the Caramel Kiko Apple that coordinate well with the desert Kiko. While the blue eyes of the two are a great complement to one another, the chocolate pieces on the tops and side of the apple look akin to a desert Kiko’s headdress. Staying true to a Kiko’s heritage is important in providing them snacks they will appreciate the most.

Disco Kiko
The sweet, mysterious flavors of Fruit Surprise Rock Slices make them a favorite amongst the bright and bubbly disco Kikos. Further strengthening this groovy pair are their similar springtime palettes of green, pink, and yellow. When your disco Kiko tries this candy, their taste buds will be transformed to a whole new dimension!

Gold Kiko
Unlike the Chia, which comes with many produce-y color options, there are no lemon Kikos. There are, however, gold Kikos - which look quite similar in hue to the Lemon Kiko Drink. Notably, this beverage is darker than the Lemon Kiko Taffy, and lemon is the only flavor of five Kiko Drinks to also be sold as a flavor of Kiko Taffy. As a step up from the obvious but boring option of a Kiko Taffy variety for your gold Kiko, choose this refreshing beverage for a treat that is sure to consistently satisfy his or her sophisticated palate.

Halloween Kiko
Speaking of staying true to your colors, a Kiko’s heritage is more than skin deep. For instance, while Halloween Kikos are big fans of the sweets often associated with their namesake, they also love the crunchy, gooey goodness of popcorn balls. It would then seem quite appropriate that I recommend the Cheese Kiko Popcorn Ball as a great match for a Halloween Kiko!

Rainbow Kiko
Though many Kikos have one dominant color, rainbow Kikos are known for… having the entire rainbow proudly displayed for all to see! Treats of varying colors suit this type of Neopet fine, but the ideal treat pairing for a rainbow Kiko is definitely one that is also rainbow. That’s where the Kiko Fudge Sundae, a delicious concoction of chocolate ice cream and a number of toppings served in a rainbow bowl with Kiko eyes, comes in. Your rainbow Kiko is guaranteed to enjoy this cool lookalike snack (though I’m not providing any refunds).

Royalgirl Kiko
Made only of the highest quality Plumberries, the purple Plumberry Coral Lolly is the most appropriate Kiko Lake Food for the finest color of Kiko (or so they say), the Royalgirl Kiko. Adorned with bright purple hair, a crown, and a powerful sceptre, these picky queens will obviously only settle for the best Lolly flavors; this season, Plumberry Coral is all the rage.

Plushie Kiko
Sold in a lovely blue wrapper (which is hopefully biodegradable), baby pink Spoogentberry Kiko Candy Floss tastes of its namesake Meridellian fruit, with hints of sugar crystals throughout any mouthful. Though a few Kiko Lake snacks correspond to the soft colors of a plushie Kiko, the few I interviewed confirm that this treat is indeed the favorite amongst most.

Split Kiko
Another color of Kiko with many color-coordinating Kiko Lake Food choices, the fairest of them all for the split Kiko during the sweltering month of Swimming is arguably a Kiko Cola. Never mind the blue Kiko on the label of the cool Kiko Cola, the soda is instead (obviously) more suitable for the equally purple and orange variety of Kiko. You see, if one leaves a Kiko Cola open overnight, the extra fizz disappears and the drink goes flat, though still drinkable and even tasty to a select few: the fizzy and flat dual nature of this cola pair quite nicely with the dual color scheme of a split Kiko.

Sponge Kiko
Sponges are not very tasty, though a typical sponge Kiko does appreciate other unique, airy and light treats, such as a Banana Nut Cupcake, a false “cupcake” as it is actually made simply of a banana nut muffin and… icing! The pastry’s golden, cinnamony banana muffin base, crunchy walnuts, and yellow frosting, however, are favored by most sponge Kikos, even despite the misnomer.