Noah's Birthday by bubbles150
It was Noah’s birthday and the little baby Chomby could hardly wait for his friends to turn up at his birthday party which was going to be at Roo Island, where he currently is. Noah waited patiently and alone near the Merry-go-round for his guests to turn up. He planned for them to go on the Merry-go-round several times then spend the rest of the day at Roo Island beach then have cake at his Neolodge Room. His best friend, Charismee wanted to help gather all the food, drinks and presents. Noah’s Petpet, Oscar the Searex wasn’t with him, instead, he was with Twumbo, one of Noah’s great friends, shopping for a gift. “I wonder who will be the first to turn up,” Noah said to himself, oblivious that a Yellow Blumaroo wearing a red and white striped shirt was nearby listening to him. “That's a good question, you sound like you have a lot of friends coming for your party. Why don’t you have a turn on the Merry-go-round while you wait for them?” The Yellow Blumaroo suggested, overhearing what he said. “I’m tempted to, but I think it wouldn’t be fair if I did that. I do have a lot coming. Oh, here’s Edimira and she looks like she’s got her arms full” Noah said then excitedly ran up to the Faerie Xweetok who held several different gift bags in her hands. Her Petpet, Magic and Petpetpet, Ire were with her sitting on her shoulder. The Yellow Blumaroo wished he could help the Xweetok but knew he had to stay at his spot with the Merry-go-round. “Hi Edimira! Need a hand?” Noah said. “Hi Noah! Happy Birthday and I got you a lot of presents and no thank you, I'll put the bags down here. Tyzlant and all the others are coming shortly” Edimira answered as she put the gift bags down on the ground. Magic and Ire wished him a Happy Birthday too. “Thank you so much, Edimira, Magic and Ire! I’m looking forward to see the others too. Oscar’s with Charismee at the moment and they should be back shortly” Noah said. Edimira smiled and looked at the Merry-go-round, she watched as several Neopets got on it then turned her attention back to Noah. “Should we go on the merry-go-round while we wait?” she asked. “Not yet, I want to wait until the others get here and then we all can have several turns before heading to the beach. Hey look, Tyzlant, Acuarina, Oira, Xandra and Lilian are coming” Noah said excitedly noticing the five Neopets had several gift bags in their hands too. Noah rushed off to greet the five, Edimira looked after the gift bags she had given Noah just in case a sticky thief was hanging around. “Happy Birthday, Noah!” Tyzlant, Lilian, Xandra, Acuarina and Oira cried out excitedly to the baby Chomby. “Thank you so much! Would you like a hand with all of those?” Noah said smiling. “No, we’re fine! It’s your birthday so you just get to relax and have fun with all of us. I saw Waltan, Charismee, Twumbo and Jossee a while ago, so they should be here soon” Lilian said smiling to Noah as she put the gift bags down near where Edimira did. Xandra, Tyzlant, Oira and Acuarina put their gift bags there too. Noah excitedly began chatting to his friends while they waited for Waltan, Charismee, Twumbo and Jossee, who came just as they got into an exciting conversation. “Happy Birthday, Noah!” Waltan, Charismee, Twumbo and Jossee exclaimed excitedly as they put their gift bags near where the others had done. Oscar quickly went to Noah’s side and hugged him, Noah returned his hug. Bonia, Adusen, Levinna and Zaph all turned up at the same time too, with gift bags in their hands, which they quickly put in the same pile and wished Noah a happy birthday. Noah thanked them. “Thank you so much. Blossum, Bubbles, Buttercup, Jelifisch and Midnight are nearly here too, I can see them!” Noah said to his friends. He could hardly contain his excitement. Like the others, they were holding gift bags in their hands too! “Happy Birthday, Noah” Jelifisch said, as she put the gift bags with Edimira’s ones. Blossum, Bubbles, Buttercup and Midnight did the same and wished him a happy birthday too. “Thank you so much, everyone! I’m so happy that everyone’s turning up, I can see Darkness, StarrysAngel, Alariona, Queenie and Ru too! That’s everyone” Noah said. Sure, enough the five Neopets that he had mentioned walked up to him with gift bags in their hands. “Happy Birthday, Noah” Queenie said, smiling as she gave him her gift bag. Darkness, StarrysAngel, Alariona and Ru wished him a happy birthday too. Soon the twenty-five Neopets began chatting away excitedly to one another, along with their Petpets and Petpetpets. “Let’s go on the merry-go-round!” Noah said smiling to Xandra who nodded in agreement. She had secretly always wanted to go on one. Noah felt so lucky to have so many amazing friends to be with him that day. The Neopets joined the queue at the Merry-go-round, their Petpets and Petpetpets decided to keep an eye out on the gift bags to ensure no sticky thieves were about. Noah counted eleven Uni’s on the Merry-go-round while he watched the current Neopets on the ride. “Since there’s eleven of them, we’ll have to choose who gets to go first” Noah said to Lilian who was next to him. “That’s fine with me, let’s see. After me there are Ru, Queenie, Darkness, StarrysAngel, Tyzlant, Edimira, Oira, Alariona and Blossum” Lilian said looking at the line of Neopets behind her smiling to know that they are within the group. “Alright that’s easy then, the eleven of us can go first and the others can go after, then there will be three that have to go with other pets” Noah said smiling. Lilian nodded; she was happy with Noah’s decision. When the current Neopets got off the merry-go-round, some stumbled, for they felt dizzy after going on it! “I knew I shouldn’t have eaten” mumbled a Yellow Chia who walked past Noah. “That poor Chia! I’m sure he’ll be fine after a while, well it’s our turn. I’m so excited” Lilian said smiling as she watched the Yellow Blumaroo signal for the Neopets to get on. Each pet paid their 50 NeoPoints for the ride. Soon eleven Neopets were on the merry-go-round which went around several times as Noah wished for it to do. When it stopped, he and the other pets were dizzy and stumbled as they got off their Uni’s. “I’m so dizzy” Ru said, as he swayed to and fro while he walked. “I can see double of everything” he added. “I’m the same” Queenie agreed with a giggle. The others nodded in agreement. “That was so much fun though, now it’s the others turn” Noah said watching as Waltan, Twumbo, Charismee, Jossee, Buttercup, Bubbles, Jelifisch, Xandra, Bonia, Zaph and Levinna went on afterwards. Noah sat down near the gift bags and watched as the rest of his friends had their turns on the merry-go-round, like him, they become dizzy when they got off. Once everyone had their turn on the ride, they sat down and talked to Noah excitedly. “How are you enjoying your day?” Zaph asked smiling to the Chomby. “I’m loving every minute of it, honestly. I don’t want it to end” Noah said. “I’m so glad everyone could make it” he added smiling to Zaph. He looked at all of his friends then at the bags. “Should we go to my place then the beach or to the beach then mine?” Noah asked, thinking it would be so much of a hassle to carry all the bags to the beach then back at his. “Good question. I got your cakes and we could have it at the beach or at yours” Charismee said, she had bought several Spiral Faellie Cakes hoping that will be enough for everyone. “Wouldn’t it be better to take the bags to Noah’s Neolodge room first then head back to the beach?” Blossum suggested. Jelifisch nodded, agreeing with Blossom’s suggestion, everyone else agreed. Noah liked that idea too, though he had originally planned to go to his place last, but seeing the amount of gift bags made him change his mind. “Alright, we’ll head back to mine and have the cake and lunch there and finish the day at Roo Island Beach” Noah said smiling. The group of Neopets, Petpets and Petpetpets made their way to Noah’s Neolodge room which was number 78, lucky for him it was big enough to have everyone in it. They had cake and random sandwich’s for lunch, along with jellies and Neocola for drinks. After they had lunch and the cake, Noah opened all of his presents, thanking his friends for their gifts. They soon made their way to Roo Island beach and played Volley Ball until sunset, that was when Noah decided to close the party, he was feeling tired but happy and noticed everyone else was too. “Thank you for inviting me to your party, Noah, I had a great time. I’ll invite you to mine when it comes” Bonia said with a smile. “You’re welcome, Bonia and everyone else. Thank you all for coming along, it was the best party I’ve ever had” Noah said. He hugged everyone as they left and soon it was just him and Oscar. Noah and Oscar made their way back to the Neolodge to tidy up. “What an awesome day, hello, what’s this?” Noah said in surprise. He found a Skidget crawling across the carpet in his room and tried catching it, but it slipped away. “Oscar, I think you and I have a new friend that may be joining us soon” Noah said. “He is so cute, if he wants to join us, I’d love to look after him. I would call him Sky” Oscar said, imagining all of the adventures the three could have together. Oscar attempted to catch the Skidget which somehow managed to get away. It was clear the little Petpetpet was shy and it was a gift from one of Noah’s friends. Noah planned to befriend the Petpetpet. “I’ll leave a Half-Bitten Apple out for Sky tonight and we’ll see if he’ll be interested in joining us next time” Noah said and took a Half-Bitten Apple out of a gift bag and placed it on his Elegant Table. “I wonder if Sky will join us” Oscar said sounding hopeful. “I guess we’ll find out another time, good night, Noah, I’m going to bed now, sleep well” Oscar added as he made his way to his Lost Desert Fancy Petpet Bed. Noah let out a yawn and climbed into his Pastel Cot. “Good night, Oscar, sleep well, and see you tomorrow, we’ll check on Sky too” Noah said. He snuggled under his blankets and thought about the events that day, he loved seeing all of his friends with him at his birthday and planned to invite them again for next year’s one. He hoped that Sky the Skidget would be able to join them too, however, only time will tell if Sky will join them. Noah closed his eyes and soon fell asleep, dreaming about the merry-go-round. Oscar too soon fell asleep, dreaming about the wonderful birthday that Noah had and becoming friends with the Skidget. The End.