9 Reasons I Keep Coming Back to the Site by milestrong
I have been playing Neopets for well over 10 years now. I can still remember the time I created my first ever account— My older cousin was there showing me the ropes and showing off his Darigan Kougra, which I thought was the coolest thing ever at the time, and still think is pretty cool today! I created a Yellow Buzz and was browsing through its different possible colours, feeling super amazed and wanting to someday paint my Buzz Fire (because Fire is so rad, amirite?) Fast forward to today, and even though my dreams now are a little different from the ones I had when I was much younger, I still feel the same sense of pride and astonishment whenever I complete a goal I’ve been working really hard towards. And I’m sure my younger self would be just as proud of me as I am for accomplishing those goals. Like many others, I have not been an active player of Neopets all the time these past several years. With so many real-life commitments and growing up getting in the way of having more free time, my playtime is condensed into bursts of weeks or sometimes months at a time, after which I will go on hiatus again until my inevitable return. Does this mean I don’t enjoy playing Neopets, since I keep stopping every time I come back? Quite the opposite, actually. It’s because I love this game so much that I keep coming back despite all the craziness I have to deal with in real life. And although each person may have their own reasons for why they keep returning from their hiatus, allow me to list nine of my personal reasons why I’ll always log in again, even if I haven’t been around for a very long time! I was getting a little bored, and I had some free time on my hands This is perhaps one of the most common reasons why I keep returning. Often times, when I find myself with more time on my hands than I know what to do with, I’ll log back on the site and check out what’s new. There might not always be something going on, but it always feels right at home whenever I’m here. There are new games that got released (and potentially new rewards!) This isn’t one of the main reasons I come back, but it’s one of them regardless. I’m always excited and hyped for whenever a new game drops, and more recently, the Legends & Letters mobile game has been a blast and has definitely renewed my interest in playing the main game yet again. There’s a site event going on Whether there’s a major plot that’s going to reshape the face of Neopia as we know it, or it’s something recurring and familiar like the yearly Advent Calendar during the Month of Celebrating, it’s always nice to drop back in during those times to participate and snag some cool rewards. I miss my guildmates or neofriends Sometimes, something totally unexpected will happen in real life that will remind me of someone I know from my guild. I’ll then start getting curious about how they are, and often times log back on to check. And when I do, I’m pulled yet again into this long and winding Cybunny hole where I end up playing and catching up with friends for a good while. I have to look after my pets every now and then, at least Part of playing this game is bearing the responsibility of being a pet owner and having to care for your little darlings. Sometimes I’ll just feel guilty if I know I haven’t logged on in a while and my pets are just starving by themselves, waiting for me to return and feed them again. To make up for this, I usually send them on a fully paid month-long vacation to a different Neolodge every time! I still have old goals to chase after! I know this may not apply to everyone, but I am a very goal-oriented person. It simply doesn’t sit right with me if I knew there was something I was working towards and I just stopped in the middle of it. So whenever something sparks a fuse in me and I feel that fiery drive again, I go back on the site and make sure I accomplish at least one or two of my old goals from my last return. Some day, I may finish all of my goals and have none left to come back to complete, but I don’t think that day will come for a very, very long time. I’m feeling inspired or creative and I want to channel that energy into something Sometimes, I just get the itch to write or draw something, but I never really know what. But whenever I’m on Neopets, I’m always surrounded by loads of inspiring things to draw or write about. The site has given me a great platform to showcase my work to other like-minded people, who not only appreciate the work I do but also offer me advice on how to get better! It’s truly an amazing experience! Sometimes, just to reminisce! There are times when I’ll randomly feel nostalgic and begin to miss bits and pieces of my youth, and since Neopets was a pretty big part of it, this site is just a huge puddle of nostalgia for me. I get very emotional whenever I take a look at how much the site has grown over the years, and how much I’ve grown along with it. Gone are the days of blissful innocence where I can log in for the day without the slightest care in the world, and have been replaced by the stress of work, school, and other things, but it’s always nice to know that a huge piece of my childhood is still here, waiting for me to come back always. Because Neopets was, and always will be one of my favourite games ever. Neopets has, for the most part, been an integral part of my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. I grew up playing this game and have learned so many things from it and have met so many people and made so many great friends. There aren’t any games I’ve played that I can say the same about. There’s always games to play, items to buy, people to talk to, and so much more. You never run out of things to do, even if it feels like it sometimes when you get a little burned out. I have had so much fun playing this game throughout my life and I can proudly say that it is one of my favourite games of all time. Even if there isn’t any new games to play or events to participate in; even if I’m not feeling particularly creative or inspired, or even if I’m busy with all the stuff I have going on outside of the game, I’ll still try to find some time and make my way back to this site. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading through my reasons why I always come back to this site! Feel free to message me if these are the exact same reasons you have as well, or if you have any other reasons I didn’t list down. I’d love to hear about them!