Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,228,680 Issue: 900 | 1st day of Hunting, Y22
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30 Facts about The Neopian Times

by sthephanie


1. The first Neopian Times Edition it was released on the 25th day of the Month of Sleeping (Year 2), more than 18 years ago! Unfortunately, it's not possible to see that content anymore.

     2. The main symbol of the Neopian Times is a White Weewoo, a pirate Petpet. According to Jellyneo, by the way, the White Petpet Paint Brush it was released after a lot of users started submitting entries to NT mentioning White Weewoos, a reference of a famous white owl from a very popular fantasy books series.

     3. Have you ever heard that two heads think better than one? You can submit your comic/article/story with a collaborator! Both of you will receive a shiny new trophy and credits, of course! If you have good ideas but no draw skills, for example, you can find a partner!

     4. If you are published on special issues, you could receive a terrific prize! For example, when our Valentine's Day comic was accepted, we received a Pink Paint Brush from TNT (each of us!). So lovely!

     5. The former editors of Neopian Times are Mr. Shankly, Miss Snowflake, Droplet, Country Queen, Jade and of course Scrappy!

     6. Aesop, the current Neopian Times Editor, always tries to give you an answer about your entry. Your comic/article/story may be rejected, accepted or being held over and be considered for future publication. It's great to have feedback about your entry, isn't?

     7. If your question is answered on Editorial you won't receive a trophy. However, the Editorial section is still a fantastic way to better understand the rules and learn more about the Neopets World. If you have a doubt about something or a suggestion, you can submit your question to NT Editor or check the NT archives. In the same way, if you want to thank you TNT for something, send a message! It feels good to be recognized for hard work and they deserve that :).

     8. More than 19.000 questions have already been answered on Neopian Times Editorial.

     9. Did you know there are some thematic Neopian Times wearables? If you are curious, take a look at the following items: Neopian Times Background, Neopian Times Eyrie Hat, Neopian Times Eyrie Shirt and Vest, Neopian Times Eyrie Shoes, Neopian Times Eyrie Trousers, Neopian Times Eyries Paper, Neopian Times Zafara Handkerchief, Neopian Times Zafara Hat, Neopian Times Zafara Shirt and Vest, Neopian Times Zafara Shoes, Neopian Times Zafara Trousers and Neopian Times Writing Quill.

     10. Curiously, some Issues has been printed by Neovian Press and are Neopoints items, like Neopian Times Issues 3, 5, 14, 27, and 81.

     11. Five Neopian Times thematic items are really expensive: Neopian Times 200th Anniversary Card (100,000,000 NP), Book of Ideas (20,000,000), Neopian Times Coin (12,000,000 NP), Neopian Times White Weewoo Plushie (9,700,00 NP), and Postal Weewoo Action Figure (1,000,000 NP).

     12. If you get published in Neopian Times at least ten times you will win another pretty avatar (Neopian Times Star).

     13. If you get published in a Neopian Times issue ending in "50" or "00" you'll win a wonderful avatar (Neopian Times Writer).

     14. Neopian Times Writer it's a very rare avatar. It has been given only 12 times until now and only once per year, except in Y18: '200 (Y7), '250 (Y8), '300 (Y9), '350 (Y10), '400 (Y11), '450 (Y12), '500 (Y13), '550 (Y14), '600 (Y15), '650 (Y16), '700 (Y17), '800 (Y19).

     15. Each Neopian Times issue is brought to you by a Neopets Store, event, game or land... Sponsoring its important, isn't? You can check it at the end of main issue page. If you want to learn more about it, check the great article ''800 Neopian Times Sponsors'', written by andrewo94.

     16. Nowadays, each issue usually publishes around 30 different pieces of user content including articles, stories, and comics. In short, each week is a new chance to get published!

     17. Currently, the Neopian Times is only published in English. However, in the past, there were versions in Chinese, Dutch, Japanese and also Spanish.

     18. If you are a huge fan of Neopian Times you can also buy some support items like the "I Love The Neopian Times T-Shirt", Neopian Times Mug, Neopian Times Notebook, Neopian Times Pencil Case and Neopian Times Poster.

     19. If you are an Usuki Collector, you should have a Neopian Times Usuki Set in your gallery. Maybe it will inspire you to submit your comic/story/article!

     20. Unlike other areas of the site, Neopian Times trophies are manually added to your Game trophies. So, if you don't receive your trophy immediately, be patient! Sometimes our dear Editor needs a few days to get caught up and award you a trophy.

     21. If you like to be daring, you can participate in a Major Collab. A Major Collab is a special event when NT Writers submit a piece in a specific theme. If you want to learn more, check the great article ''A History of Neopian Times Collabs', written by june_scarlet and parody_ham.

     22. Neopian Times search is a useful tool to find matters of your interest and also to discover other Neopian's preferences. For example, Dr. Frank Sloth is more directly quoted than Jhudora. However, Jhudora is more directly quoted than Fyora.

     23. The most directly quoted land on articles/comics/stories is Altador (+300 times), followed by Meridell (+225 times), Darigan (+150 times), Faerieland (+140 times), Maraqua (+140 times), Tyrannia (+120 times), Shenkuu (+90 times), Brightvale (+80 times).

     24. According to Editorial 777, you can submit to the Neopian Times on side accounts on regular issues. For special issues, however, it's against the rules, because of the possibility of Neopoints awards.

     25. Usually, a new Neopian Times issue is released on Friday evenings, sometimes on Saturdays. However, sometimes the Editor needs more time to save the Neopian Times from evil Meepits :(.

     26. There are some things that must be avoided... Take a look at Neopets Help "Things we'd prefer NOT to see in Neopian Times": //

     27. If you enjoyed an article, story or comic, send a Neomail to the writer/author talking about that. I strongly recommend this awesome article for all readers: "Claire's 800 Reasons for Sending Fanmail", written by dewdropzz.

     28. There is a special board for Neopian Times Writers, the Neopian Times Writers' Forum, where you will find other writers to talk with. :)

     29. There are more than 500 guides in Neopian Times archive! Share your knowledge with another Neopians writing a guide about the game or activity you excel at. Tips are always useful.

     30. Neopian Times Circulation increases every year. It was "only" 2,500,000 on Issue 23, in comparison to 195,379,961 on Issue 848. Congratulations!



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