There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 196,228,680 Issue: 900 | 1st day of Hunting, Y22
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Taking proper care of your Weewoo

by youi234


The Weewoo has always been one of Neopia’s most popular Petpets. Because of their intelligence and appearance, they have been the symbol of the Neopian Times for as long as anyone can remember. Now, with the 900th issue of the Neopian Times coming out today, Admiral Kyrwinne, the owner of Petpet shop Little Nippers, expects that more Neopians will want to purchase a Weewoo. However, many Neopians don’t know how to properly take care of one.

     ‘Aye,’ he states, ‘and that’s not surprisin’, as there are no books in Neopia about keepin’ or carin’ for Weewoos.’ Books like Petpet Biology may cover some basic and universal Petpet needs, but that’s not enough if you’re going to own a Weewoo. For, as the Admiral puts it: ‘They be delicate little critters that need special attention.’ This article strives to fill that gap, in the hope that all Weewoos in Neopia get the love and care they need.


     Think carefully about what your Weewoo will need in order for it to feel comfortable in its new environment. If you think a birdcage, even a large one, on top of your cabinet will do, then you’re mistaken. Weewoos grow absolutely miserable in captivity. They will grow silent, then apathetic, huddle in a corner and eventually lose their feathers and appetite.

     In order to avoid that, you need to consider what a Weewoo needs. It’s rather simple once you think about its natural habitat. In the wild, you can find Weewoos in the dense forests of Krawk Island, where it is warm and humid. The Weewoo is nocturnal, which means they rest during the day and become active at night. Once the sun sets, they start cooing, filling the forest with their hauntingly wees and woos. Then, at night, they start foraging for food near tree trunks and underneath shrubs and bushes.

     So how does this translate to keeping a Weewoo at your Neohome? Thankfully, that’s rather easy. ‘All ye need, is one big Neogarden,’ Admiral Kyrwinne says, ‘so they can wander ’round as much as they like.’ Of course, you will want to take the climate into consideration. If you live in Krawk Island or Mystery Island, that is just perfect! Your Weewoo will feel right at home. If you have your Neohome in Neopia Central, Brightvale or even Shenkuu, that’s alright, too, as long as you can create shelter for the colder months. But if you live on Terror Mountain or the Lost Desert, it’s best to consider a different type of Petpet. Weewoos can’t adapt to such extreme climates.

     As for your Neogarden, here are some things to take into consideration. Weewoos are timid by nature and actually have a small territory, so they’re unlikely to leave your Neogarden. However, if you don’t want them digging out all your flowers and plants, make sure to create a large outdoor run of at least a hundred square meters. Remove grass, it’s not suited for digging and foraging, and replace it with loose soil or moss. Plant lots of low shrubs and bushes, preferably also some trees. Add twigs and foliage, so the Weewoos can build their own nests. Buy or build a coop where your Weewoo can find shelter if your climate is less than tropical.


     In the wild, Weewoos eat a wide variety of food as they are omnivorous. Assuming you keep your Weewoo in your Neogarden, they will forage for food themselves. They are fond of grubs, which they pull out of the ground with their little beaks. Their favourite and most nutritious sources of food are Ha Ha Grubs and Woo Woo Grubs, which can be found all over Neopia.

     Next to Grubs, they also enjoy all sorts of berries. Good to know: Breenutberries and Yamboberries aren’t just sweet, but hard to crack too, a challenge Weewoos greatly enjoy. If you would rather go for fruits instead of berries, then Tropical Fruits are best. With an occasional Juppie or Doughnutfruit, you will have a very happy Weewoo. Finally, feed them enough seeds and nuts. Sunflower Seeds and Pack o Pumpkin Seeds will do just fine.

     Keep in mind that Neopet food and Weewoo food is very different. ‘Don’t feed yer Weewoo somethin’ that can’t be found in the wild,’ Admiral Kyrwinne advises. Avoid bread and cooked food, even in small portions such as crumbs or leftovers, as it contains too much salt. Never feed your Weewoo sweets!


     The Weewoo doesn’t really need your help grooming, as it does most of it itself. Just like any other bird Petpet, they preen their feathers daily. That way they remove dust and dirt, as well as possible Petpetpets and Blood Grubs. If you have birdbath, bowl or even a puddle, they will wash themselves with that water. Never bathe your Weewoo with soap or shampoo! It will remove the oil on the feathers, damaging them in the long run.

     Social needs

     Weewoos are social creatures. In the wild, they live in flocks. That means they need to be around their own kind in order to feel comfortable. You will notice this mostly during grooming and resting when they actively search each other’s company.

     Does this mean you have to buy a flock of Weewoo if you want to own one? Don’t worry, it doesn’t, though the Admiral would gladly relieve you of some extra dubloons. But it does mean your Weewoo cannot live alone. It will need the company of at least one other of its kind. Therefore, always buy at least a pair, or your Weewoo will be miserable.

     So what about the bond between Neopet and Weewoo? Weewoos are shy by nature, so it will take time and patience before the Weewoo starts trusting your Neopet. Don’t get discouraged, though! Weewoo are also curious, so they will want to get to know your Neopet. If you actively interact with your Weewoo every day, it will quickly become accustomed to your company. Hand-feeding it regularly will increase trust, as does playing little games. You will see, in no time your Weewoo will be perched on your shoulder, happily chirping in your ear. Or, as Admiral Kyrwinne comments: ‘Ye be lookin’ like a pirate before ye know it.’


     Your Weewoo will be active from sundown until sunrise. So if you want to interact with your Weewoo, make sure to adjust yourself to their schedule. Forcing them to be awake at midday, just because you want to play with them, will make them agitated. Also, remember Weewoos sing at night. This might keep you, your Neopets or your neighbours awake. Take this into consideration before buying a Weewoo.

     Because of their intelligent and curious nature, Weewoos will constantly explore your Neogarden, so make sure it can safely do so without harming itself. Also, put time and effort into training your Weewoo. It enjoys learning and playing games. Consider stopping by the Petpet Supply shop to buy a Blechy Squeeze Toy or Puzzle Treat Ball. Highly recommended is buying a Neopian Times Issue 3 and have your Weewoo practice delivering it to you! Make sure to buy several, as some are bound to get shredded in the process.

     If you have other Petpets, that’s probably not going to be a problem. Weewoos are generally kind towards other Petpets, as long as their outdoor run is big enough. Combining them with other bird Petpets like the Pawkeet or Pirakeet will make them feel right at home. A Bikiwan is also much appreciated company. Good to know: these Petpets are diurnal, so they won’t be running into each other too much, only during twilight.

     Avoid Petpets that make a lot of noise during the day, because your Weewoo won’t be able to get the rest it needs. Don’t combine Weewoos with Petpets like Cobrall or Biyako, as they frighten Weewoos. Also, never combine Weewoos with bug-like Petpets such as the Spyder, Buzzer or Slorg. When hungry, your Weewoo will follow them around, mistaking them for food.

     In closing

     Well, that’s about the basics of taking care of your Weewoo – properly. If you take all these things into account, you will be the owner of a very happy Weewoo. If you have any more questions regarding their behaviour, wellbeing or needs, make sure to contact the Admiral or the author of this article.


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