Last Year's Best NC Mall Events by cinnamontea
Last year's fashions are so last year, but that doesn't mean they are totally unwearable! There were some amazing outfits and trinkets released in the NC Mall in 2019, many that could complete the outfit of your dreams so it is best not to ignore them. Every year, the NC Mall puts on tons of special events and releases a lot of exclusive clothing that may never be seen again, and I wanted to look back at last year and all the cool clothing that was released. Some of the events return year after year, with different options available, but some of these items may never be seen again. I'm so excited to see what the rest of 2020 has in store for us clothing lovers, but let's see what a great year 2019 was for us! The Neopies VIP Raffle This was the first of the now annual event, starting in February to celebrate the Year 20 Neopies. It was a big raffle for different NC Mall items that was held at the event's closing gala. You could purchase tickets, a single ticket for 150 NC or seven tickets for 750 NC (a savings of 300 NC, definitely a great deal), and then visit the VIP Raffle page to claim your prizes. You could go and click on one of the gift bags to see what you would win. There were seven different prizes available, all regal and elegant. Regal Black & Gold Cape Proper Monocle & Cap Golden Phonograph Neopies Stage Background Y20 Gold Balloons Rose Gold Frames Curls Of Glamour These pieces are slightly anachronistic and show a high level of class and wealth. This event is fun because of the mystery, and everyone loves the adrenaline rush of a raffle gamble. Sweetheart Grams Sweetheart Grams returned again, an ongoing event since 2010, for Valentine's Day. The grams are filled with amazing heart themed and pink items that you can adorn your Neopets with. This event came with three different sweetheart grams: Lovely Valentine Sweetheart Gram (for those who love pink) Diamond Darling Sweetheart Gram (for those who like glitz and glam) Locked Up Hearts Sweetheart Gram (for those with darker hearts) Each gram could give any of five wearables plus a limited edition background. But there was a special bonus event included this year! It was called the Share The Love Community Challenge. To participate in this challenge, all you had to do was send at least one of the above three sweetheart grams to someone! At the end of the event, you could get your community challenge reward(s), three different valentine wearables. This was a super cool addition to the event that made it easy to spread the love and the items to other users who may not be able to afford NC or participate in the event. Mysterious Magic Neggs The Festival Of Neggs is a yearly event that also brings along this NC Mall event. You can obtain Mystical Magic Dust from the NC Mall and this will allow you to open up magical neggs to find a bunch of cool NC wearables. There were three different neggs and eighteen different items you could obtain from the whole event. One of my favourites being Mystical Makeup! All these items were brightly coloured, many featuring flowers and greenery for the spring season. The Gift Shop The Gift Shop allowed you to donate your unused NC Mall items. A lot of us spend a lot of time shopping and trading and opening capsules, and we have so, so many items we will never use. This is a great way to get these items out of our inventory in exchange for some new, exclusive wearables we actually might use or trade! You had to first go to the NC Mall and get clutter boxes which you could then fill with your unwanted NC Mall items. Once you donate them, you will earn badges that can later be redeemed at the prize shop for some really cool wearables. Reflective Rainbow Beads, Pink Lacy Dress, Spring Flower Crown Wig, these were just some of the cool items you could get for your charity! There were even avatars and trophies available for donating a ton. Forgotten Relics of Altador The Forgotten Relics of Altador came alongside the annual Altador Cup. It was a way to learn about Altadorian history while also obtaining some pretty rad wearables. You would hit up the NC Mall for some program packs, for 150 NC each, 700 NC for seven, or 2,000 NC for a twenty-eight pack (the best deal, and the way to guarantee you get everything). Then you could return each day to get a new prize. You could repeat days if you had program packs and wanted multiple of the wearable. All of the items you were awarded were historical to Altador, like the Golden Laurel Wig or Gold Plated Bracers, where you could dress as the ancient Altadorians did. Not only would you get a wearable, each day you would get to read a scroll detailing a different aspect of Altadorian history in relation to the garment you got. This was fantastic because it explained a bit behind the design choice of each item and boosted the lore. Personally, this was my favourite event of the year. The NC Mall's 12th Birthday A birthday only comes around once a year! Last year the mall celebrated with two new birthday wish candles which could reward one of a few exclusive items. There were also a few birthday cupcakes that awarded wearables and stat increases for whichever pet it was fed to. Lulu In Space The 2019 Daily Dare arrived in August and Lulu decided not to play any of the games and instead spent her summer exploring the Virtupets Space Station. She discovered a bunch of NC Mall items while up there and awarded them to those who purchased Access Keys. There were different prizes every day, all very futuristic and space themed. The Moon Shoes, Futuristic Dress, and Plasma Tape Player were so favourites of Neopians everywhere. If you completed all twenty days, there were two bonus items awarded: Views from Space Station #4 and Lulus Intergalactic Wear, so you could dress just like Lulu! Haunted Mansion For sixteen days, you could travel around the Haunted Mansion with your candles and illuminate new rooms to get some spooky, Halloween themed wearables! Stocking Stufftacular Don't forget to hang your stockings or you won't get any gifts! You could buy your stockings at the NC Mall and receive wearable gifts every day, up to five!! This is the best way to dress for the Toy Day season. We're so excited for what events the rest of 2020 has to offer us, and for some of these annual events to return. Keep refreshing at the NC Mall for updates!