The Potion by ginger23456
He stumbled upon the potion in a secluded area of the forest
whilst out to clear his head of the strife of living with his three brothers;
a clear liquid that looked like water but wasn't. Kyle could tell just by looking
at it and as he shook it, swirls of colour - reds and blues and greens -- gushed
outwards from the centre and collided with the glass before dissipating. He watched,
mesmerised, as he shook it again and again. What was it? And what was it doing
out here in the forest?
The Lupe clasped it in his paws and brought it
close to his face. He peered into the strange liquid. It looked like water now
and he suspected anybody who hadn't shaken it would mistake it for the tasteless,
colourless liquid. He pulled out the cork at the top and a torrent of ambrosial
scent filled his nostrils. It reminded him of the flowers he would pick for
mom on a hot summer's day but it was more vibrant. He sniffed the air. It was
magnificent. He began to wonder what it would taste like.
No, he thought. I don't know what it
is. Could be poison. But it was too sweet to be poison. He then remembered
the art of trickery that Dark Faeries used to fool their victims. Yes. It could
well be poison.
He clutched the potion in his paws. It might
be deadly to drink but it sure wasn't deadly to look at. He would keep this
potion all to himself. He would put it in his special box -- the one he kept
his most treasured possessions in -- where no one, especially not his brothers,
would find it.
He reached his front door, knocked, and then
hid the potion behind his back. His younger brother, Brett, opened it and said
hello in a cheerful manner. Kyle replied quickly, eager to get upstairs into
the safety of his room. This potion was his and no one, no one, was to see it
or touch it except him.
* * *
She rubbed her hands together in glee and smiled,
her white teeth glimmering and her purple lips shining as the dim light rippled
across them. The Dark Faerie looked intently into the purple smoky ball and
in there she could see her victim, a young Lupe named Kyle, rummaging around
in his room savagely, trying to find the box with his most treasured possessions
stuffed away safely inside it.
"It's working," she said.
* * *
He had begun to huff and wheeze as he pulled
the big box from under his bed. He uncorked the potion bottle and sniffed once
more. Maybe it would be okay to drink. It smelled too good to be poison anyway.
He looked intently into the depth of the potion locked away in the bottle. He
brought it to his mouth. He tipped it up.
"Hey!" yelled a voice. "It was Brett. "Wanna
play a game of…" He stopped mid sentence. "Kyle, what's that?"
Kyle, heart racing, attempted to hide the potion
behind his back but it was too late this time. His brother had seen and now
he'd want it all for himself.
"I-it's water," he stammered. "You don't like
w-water, do you, Brett?"
"No but…are you sure that's water? You're acting
mighty suspicious about it. In fact, I'd say you were trying to hide it from
me. What is it really, Kyle?
"Nothing!!" he yelled, stamping his left paw
on the floor. A drop of the potion fell onto the floor and dried instantly.
"Just go away before I do something I really regret!"
"No!" his defiant brother yelled. He advanced
towards his brother and Kyle, sensing that his brother would take the potion
away from him, quickly gulped the whole thing down. He coughed, gagged and spluttered
and dropped the empty bottle onto the floor. It tasted awful, much unlike its
scent, and no matter how much he tried to rid of the taste, it still lingered.
"Now go!" he yelled, even more fiercely than
before. The hair on his back stood on end and he snarled. Brett ran.
* * *
"It's working already," she said, a slight cackle
in her voice. "It shouldn't take long to take on the full effect. And then he'll
be mine to take. And mine only," she added.
She peered once more into the ball she had created
with her dark magic. In it, the Lupe was thrashing around in his room, knocking
over his furniture and ripping his pillows and duvets. A puff of white feathers
erupted from the pillows and filled the room and his younger brother lay, cowering
in pain as his back legs became trapped, underneath an upturned cupboard.
The Dark Faerie smiled. He had turned savage.
It was just what she wanted.
* * *
He was out of breath and hot. What had come over
him? He looked around his room with wide eyes. What had he done?
"B-Brett!" he yelled. "Brett, w-where are you?"
He found no answer and was getting worried. Did he leave? Kyle hoped so. He
didn't want his brother to see what had just happened.
There was a noise and a whimper. Kyle looked
down at the gap in-between the upturned cupboard and the floor. A tiny paw tried
to claw its way out.
"Brett!" Kyle crouched and took the small paw
in his own. "Come on; let's get you out of there."
Brett cried out in pain as his elder brother
took both of his arms and pulled.
"My legs!"
"You're trapped! Oh no, hang on, Brett. Just
hang on."
Kyle pushed the cupboard back up and Brett bounded
out. He licked a wound on his back leg but there didn't seem any real damage
done. Kyle crouched down beside his baby brother and looked into his eyes. They
were shaking and watery as though they were trying desperately to hold back
"Why did you do this?" he sobbed. "This room
means so much to you. Why did you have to destroy it?"
Kyle found that he too was beating back the tears.
"I…I don't know." He found that was all he could
say before his throat seemed to seize up to prevent his bottled feelings and
questions from escaping.
"What was that potion?" Brett enquired.
"Nothing," his brother replied immediately and
with a sharp edge to his voice. "Just forget that you ever saw it. Okay?"
"Okay," his brother replied. "Just make sure
that you NEVER do anything like that EVER again! Because I like you just the
way you are." He smiled. Little did he know that today would be the last day
he would see his brother.
Kyle left his room, regardless of his brother's
yells for him to return and clean up his mess, and proceeded downstairs.
"Hi," called his eldest brother. Kyle ignored
Kyle's eyes had glazed over but were wide open
as if he was looking at something fascinating but that he was the only one that
could see it; something fascinating in his mind. He knocked the vase of flowers
from the shelf with a swipe of his left paw and the vase smashed into tiny little
pieces on the floor, the flowers lying limp in the pool of water that had once
been their source of life. The sound of the glass smashing did not stir Kyle's
senses. He was in a world of his own.
Kyle's owner came charging into the hallway,
demanding to know what was going on. Kyle ignored her too and left through the
front door, slamming it shut behind him. It slammed with a bang making both
his brother and his owner jump.
* * *
She watched with glee as the Lupe destroyed the
homes in his town. He could get inside them so easily. You could do anything
you wanted when you had the power; the power of darkness; the power of evil.
She clapped her hands together as she watched him destroy house after house
and saw Neopians running in fear for their lives. With this abrupt chaos, and
with a savage Lupe seen by all, no one would suspect the Dark Faerie for anything.
She could take over Neopia, start afresh, with new towns and cities, and she
would be the ruler of it all. She would have to get rid of 'him' first though.
She glared at the Lupe. He was still doing a perfect job but no matter how well
or bad he did it, it would still lead to the same thing; death. He could talk.
He could spurt out everything if he wanted to. She wasn't about to take that
* * *
Kyle had done his deed at Neopia Central, leaving
people crying, houses and shops ruined, and headed next for Meridell. Meridell
had very little to begin with but this did not bother the savage Lupe for the
darkest of all Dark Faeries was controlling him and there was nothing he could
do to stop her.
"Please stop!" the owner of Ye Old Petpets pleaded,
but Kyle wouldn't. The Petpets were huddled up one corner in a quivering mass
as Kyle thrashed his way through the store, destroying everything.
He had started to wheeze from tiredness but he
had completed four more jobs. He had destroyed Meridell, Faerieland, Mystery
Island and Terror Mountain and, as the day turned slowly to night, and the chilly
winds had moved in, Neopia was nothing more than a wreck. Shops lay unused and
derelict as did homes, trees and plants had been ruined, and everything was
a mess. Even Neopets and Petpets were roaming the streets, sodden with tears
and full of sorrow and anger.
He felt something tugging at his heart; like
an unknown force beckoning him. Someone was calling him, someone far away. He
had to go there. "Follow the clouds" an icy voice said in his head. "Follow
the clouds and you shall see me."
It was a woman's voice. She had a strong accent
and sounded very powerful. He would follow the clouds just as she had ordered
him to. He started to walk forwards not really knowing where the clouds would
lead. Minutes passed, and then hours and the clouds were gradually darkening.
A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, making the surrounding clouds turn
purple. And then he saw her; A Faerie, standing in the clouds, her arms outstretched
and her hair billowing outwards.
"Come to me," the voice said in his head. "I
have the power you need. Come to me."
And so Kyle did. His head seemed miles away and
his eyes were going in and out of focus. He no longer had any control over his
body, it seemed. He didn't care though. He couldn't.
"I'm glad you arrived," the Faerie said. "I was
beginning to think you had tugged free of my grasp. I see that it isn't the
case. Do you know why I've brought you here, Kyle?"
"No," he replied, dully.
"You were… how can I put this? My slave, weren't
"Yes," he replied in the same dull tone.
"And would you like to carry on? Would you? Would
you not tell a soul about anything? Would you take the blame all by yourself,
leaving me out of everything so that nobody would suspect anything?"
"Of course."
"Lies. I know everything, Lupe. I know what you're
feeling, what you're thinking. You are lying to me. And for that you must pay
the ultimate price; death."
Kyle's heart was pumping wildly and his head
was spinning. He tried to run but found that his legs would no longer support
his weight. He dropped to the ground as the Dark Faerie raised her hands. Bolts
of lightning erupted from the dark clouds and the thunder bellowed, the sound
ricocheting through all of Neopia. And then the clouds were gone. And so was
The End