Most Liveable Neopian City: Meridell or DC? by swordlilly
According to a new report, Meridell is the most liveable city in Neopia. The Y24 Neopian Liveability Index, published by Brightvale University, used five measures to determine liveability in Neopian cities: stability, healthcare, culture, education, and infrastructure. Meridell came in first place, followed closely by Darigan Citadel. In the middle were Neovia, Virtupets Space Station, and Faerie City, while Kiko Lake came in last place. Meridell scored high in culture and infrastructure. Historically a fertile farmland, Meridell has a thriving community based on agriculture. Its roads are always well-maintained because Meridell supplies so much of Neopia's food; there is demand for Meridellian products all the way from Faerieland to Mystery Island. The Meri Acres Farm frequently welcomes tourists who enjoy picking fresh berries in the summer. Likewise, there is usually a crowd of tourists lined up to play Cheeseroller, where each player buys a hunk of cheese and then tries to roll it down a hill as fast as they can. Nearby Merifoods is renowned for its simple but delicious meals, including tomatoes, peas, flatbread, and chunky meaty stew. Potato counting and guessing the weight of the marrow are other ways in which Meridellians celebrate their agricultural heritage. Food in Meridell is plentiful and affordable. Even the poorest residents can always find croutons, gravy, and squished tomatoes donated by local farmers. Access to healthcare is adequate as well. Kayla's Potion Shop is often well-stocked with medicines such as Kaylas Home Remedy and Dangling Potion Bottle. Because no Meridellian really has to worry about getting food or medicine, crime rates tend to be low. The worst that happens on a day-to-day basis is scuffles at Round Table Poker when bettors lose. While Meridell is not without its political problems - its ruler, King Skarl, is known to be gluttonous, for example - most residents seem to accept that their leader is flawed, and everyday life is so comfortable that they do not think to make trouble. In terms of education and employment, Meridell has several industries that offer internships and training: farming, potion-brewing, construction, tourism, the service industry, and the military. Whether it is writing ballads to be played at Merifoods, learning to pave the cobbled roads, or honing archery skills in the castle grounds, there seems to be a place for everyone. "I've been living in Meridell for eighteen years," a Red Zafara named Amelie Wood told the Neopian Times. "Before I came here, I was kind of a drifter; I worked in dingy taverns on Krawk Island, and did odd jobs in Faerie City. But once I got here, I knew I wouldn't leave for any place in the world. Life is just so peaceful and comfortable here." Wood currently works in the Meridellian tourism industry, helping to welcome customers and set tiles at Shapeshifter. Tommy Mill, a squire in Meridell Castle, agrees. "The work can be kinda boring but I got used to it," he says of his everyday duties, which include cleaning armour and learning fencing. "Above all, I'm proud to be ready to defend Meridell if a war ever happens again. There is so much worth defending here, from my favourite apple pie to the songs in the hills at sunset. I wouldn't give Meridell up for anything." Not everyone agrees with the findings of the Liveability Index, however. Residents in Darigan Citadel suspect there was foul play at work. "Folks at Brightvale University came up with this report, didn't they?" Dimshield Curt, a Shadow Korbat who interns at Darigan Toys, scoffed. "Of course Brightvale would want to paint a rosy picture of Meridell. Meridell is its biggest trading partner. Promoting Meridell is in their own business interests." "I don't believe for a second that Meridell is the most liveable city in Neopia," Master Vex, the lead prison warden of Darigan Citadel, told the Neopian Times. "Just look at their castle treasurer, always gambling with the residents' tax money. None of their knights can do anything worth a potato. DC is where the streets are truly safe and the criminals are properly locked up." Though Darigan Citadel has upheld a truce with Meridell for two decades, flickerings of the old rivalry still exist. Yooyuball matches between DC and MD are always particularly intense; the Y24 Altador Cup results remain disputed to this day. The latest disagreement over the Liveability Index is another in a long string of disagreements. "Culture! They scored high in culture!" a Darigan Aisha, Florencia Smithens, expressed her fury. "You're telling me those wearers of potato sacks, who bet on TURDLE Racing, can compete with our refined black and purple silks, our swift dark steeds, our sleek swords and finely crafted chains." She straightened her silver collar, which was studded with deep stones and tiny spikes. "We're the ones who know anything about fashion or fighting." "And boy do we have a night-life," a nearby Skunk Meerca added. "We may not seem to have as big of a tourism industry, but that's just because everything happens at night!" Your correspondent also interviewed some residents in relatively neutral locations to see what they thought of the Liveability Index's findings. Mimi Sun, a sushi vendor in Shenkuu, said she was more familiar with Meridell than Darigan Citadel. "I can believe that Meridell's economy is doing better," she said. "We grow most of our vegetables ourselves, but we still import Meridellian eggplants because they are just so good. Darigan Citadel on the other hand has never really managed to sell us anything." By contrast, on Terror Mountain, which is renowned for its tourism, residents mostly favoured Darigan Citadel. "If I had to choose between the two places I'd rather move to Darigan Citadel than Meridell," said Wendee Hipkins, a Pink Usul who teaches skiing. "DC is just way more exciting. One of my best students is from DC, actually; she used to learn magic there and she's soooo adventurous on the slopes. I think the numbers on the index are messed up. Meridell definitely shouldn't have scored as high as it did." The writers of the Y24 Neopian Liveability Index could not be reached for comment.