A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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A Weewoo’s Legacy, Never Unfinished

by _brainchild_


A grassy knoll in Brightvale was home to a community of Weewoos. There were many different colours which were bound to amuse the onlooker. The softness of a plushie, the radiance of a rainbow, or the ravishing robes of a royal princess were bound to delight. Each year, the Weewoos would compete in a flying race around Brightvale in honour of the Neopian Times’ special edition ending in 25, 50, 75, or 00. The enthusiasm for this anticipated event was even more exuberant than the shiny feathers of its participants. Not a Weewoo could be found who stuck their beak up and refused to enter.

     Out of all the Weewoos, Angela the White Weewoo was known for her adeptness at flight, a skill without parallel. She had been practising ever since she was grown enough to fly. Angela usually won; in fact, her fellow Weewoos could only recall a single year in which another soul took the title. While most Weewoos participated primarily for amusement, there were a few who thought otherwise. This year, a dastardly duo consisting of a Mutant and a Darigan Weewoo had other plans.

     The Mutant Weewoo was named Forest due to his dark green, yet unsightly, matted feathers. His brother, a homely purple creature which bore a perpetually scowling beak and bat wings, was appropriately nicknamed “Trouble,” as the citizens of Meridell and Brightvale had never been too fond of the monsters which inhabited the citadel looming above them. Their jealousy of Angela brewed within them daily like Edna’s cauldron; not a moment went by which wasn’t poisoned by their furious emotions. Their disdain for the master of flight could have been caused by a number of factors. Maybe she was just more attractive than them on an infinite scale. Maybe she was much more popular, with her jovial companions awaiting her appearance every morning. Or maybe they envied her airborne talents, which were nothing short of elite. Whatever the reason, they sought to cast misery upon her, or, eventually, to drive her out of her homeland, as if she had fallen victim to an Eraser of the Dark Faerie.

     The coveted event was rapidly approaching, and multitudes of Weewoos took to the skies to hone their skills. Even Angela sought to improve, though her victory was almost certain... or so her friends thought. The two wicked Weewoos didn’t bother to practice themselves; instead, their brains were swirling with schemes to sabotage Angela. They were perched on a tree branch, wearing evil grins on their faces. They had placed a fiery rock beside them.

     “Don’t burn yourself,” warned Forest.

     It appeared that Trouble was scowling, though Forest couldn’t really tell, as his partner in crime always bore a sinister appearance. “Do you REALLY think I don’t know that?” the Darigan snapped. “Contrary to your foolish assumptions, my brain is bigger than that of a Mootix.”

     “Close your imbecilic beak for a second, and you’ll see that the flight-obsessed clown is approaching.”

     Trouble became instantly alert. Sure enough, Angela was drifting through the air with unmatched elegance and grace. However, this joyful spree wouldn’t last long---now was Trouble’s time to act. With a malicious snicker, he grasped the flaming projectile for a split second and hurled it straight toward the beauty he had endlessly envied.

     Angela shrieked as the pain surged through her wings. Unable to recover, she chaotically plummeted to the ground as the flames ate away at her feathers. She slammed into the ground with a crashing impact, feeling a horrendous ---snap!--- As she remained lifeless on the ground, her ruffled, burned feathers polluted her once-perfect image. The other Weewoos rushed down to the surface, their faces aghast with astonishment and horror.

     “What happened?” someone gasped.

     “I have no idea!” exclaimed another.

     “Did anyone see what happened?” The crowd of Weewoos shook their heads.

     “Let’s take her to the hospital. She’s seriously injured!” With care and concern, her companions wrapped her in a blanket and lifted her into the air, then headed toward the hospital.

     Forest and Trouble were grinning ear-to-ear, yet taking caution to hide behind the verdant foliage which adorned the tree. If they were seen, they would be accused without a moment’s thought, as their rotten behaviour had earned them a nefarious reputation throughout the community. “It looks like SHE won’t be competing this year!” Trouble sneered, having earned his name very well that fateful day.


     “She’s waking up,” someone announced.

     Angela tried to sit up in bed, her bones plagued by the searing pain which she never imagined was possible. “Ugh... What happened?’” Then she felt a sharp inflammation in her right wing. She gazed in its direction and was overcome by shock as she saw the cast in which it was encased in. “I-I crashed!” she stammered.

     “How is that possible?!” someone asked incredulously. “You’re so talented!”

     “There may be clues within her singed wings,” pointed out another.

     All eyes fell upon the black, ashy remains of her once brilliant, spotless feathers. “What caused that?!” someone gasped.

     “Maybe there was foul play,” someone speculated.

     Everyone turned to stare at the guesser. After a few seconds, the crowd began to grumble. “It was probably Forest and Trouble!” yelled a friend, incensed by unwavering emotions. The other Weewoos nodded in agreement.

     “Nobody should do anything rash,” announced another. “They’ll take us out, too!”

     Just then, the Weewoos heard a knock on the door. One of them scurried over and opened it to be greeted by a gorgeous Faerie Weewoo, albeit bearing a despondent facial expression. “I’m Elegancia, Angela’s sister. I’m here to see her.”

     When Elegancia walked in and saw her sister suffering, she held back tears. “This is horrible!” she shouted in anguish.

     “It was Forest and---”

     “I don’t CARE how it happened! I just want her to feel better!”

     Just then, there was another knock on the door. Someone opened the door and saw the doctor, who walked in with a slightly hopeful expression on his face. “She’ll heal,” he reassured the Weewoos. “She’ll make a full recovery. It’ll just---”

     The jubilant cheers from the crowd echoed throughout the building. The light at the end of the tunnel was comforting and relieving for everyone.

     “It’ll just take some time. Could everyone wait outside now? I have to administer treatment.”

     The Weewoos left the room, waving goodbye to their treasured friend. Elegancia was allowed to stay, as the two were related. “Angela,” began Elegancia, “I’ll enter the race in your place.”

     “You might not win---Sorry, that was rude. I’m feeling horrible right now.”

     “Don’t worry about it. It’s true. Even if I don’t win, I can at least have fun by representing our family. It doesn’t hurt to try.”

     With these words of encouragement, Elegancia managed to muster a weak smile out of her sister.


     The highly anticipated day of the event had arrived. Elegancia had taken to the skies recently to improve her skills. While she had little confidence in herself, she remained aware that her primary goals were to enjoy herself and represent her family well. However, the wicked Weewoo brothers were determined to prevent that from happening, as they had some sinister tricks lying in wait.

     They, too, were competing in the race. They intended to WIN, WIN, and above all, WIN, at the expense of every other unfortunate participant. The legitimacy of their victory was not of concern to them, as long as they were the first to cross the finish line. Grinning sneakily, they appeared to be carrying something which would help them garner a win, however illegal. Not a pinch of remorse would be felt by these malicious monsters, a pair whose selfishness was often the subject of pity.

     As the Weewoos prepared to take flight, the announcer grabbed the megaphone. “Welcome to our annual Weewoo race!” he announced. “The rules are simple: just be the first to cross the finish line! If you crash, you’re disqualified. Sabotaging other contestants is strictly prohibited, so any violators will end up with a lifelong ban from the race. On your marks, get set, GO!!!”

     The line of determined Weewoos took off like a group of metal springs. Naturally, the more talented Weewoos sprinted ahead, while others lagged behind. Elegancia was filled with confidence upon noticing that she was one of the better contenders. However, if Forest and Trouble had their way, her potential success would go up in flames.

     Not much time passed before the destructive duo started wreaking havoc. Wielding Ultra Rainbow Flashes, they blinded and dazzled the more talented contestants, who lost focus and began to plummet toward the ground. Fortunately, plenty of referees and other staff members were present to catch the fallen athletes before they could be injured.

     Elegancia was making great progress when she heard two pairs of wings flapping behind her. She glanced over and saw the sinister siblings pursuing her, complete with illegal Battledome weapons in their talons. Unless she wanted to become their next victim, she had to think quickly. Just then, she had an idea.

     Being a Faerie Weewoo, Elegancia had transparent wings, akin to beautiful mirrors. Aware of this, she figured this feature of hers would be useful. When the brothers fired beams of radiant yet chaotic light, she simply turned their back to them and allowed her wings to reflect the attacks back at them. Sure enough, the vile villains had been annihilated by their own weapons. With dazed facial expressions, they plummeted to the ground, yet Elegancia would have been lying if she had said she felt sorry for them.

     With the two punished pranksters out of the way, Elegancia made a great effort to finish in a high place. While her performance was without parallel to Angela’s, Elegancia still felt relatively joyful when the race concluded, since she had come in second. She considered her finish to be decent for a novice such as herself.

     As she walked up to the podium, she noticed the wretched brothers recovering from the dizzy spell they had inflicted upon themselves. Due to their immense unpopularity, they hoped to escape from the event without being seen, or else they would be called out for their misdeeds. Nevertheless, they didn’t manage to accomplish this feat. A fan grabbed the megaphone and shouted, “Hey, it’s Forest and Trouble! They must be responsible for knocking half the contestants out of the sky!”

     The crowd’s symphony of applause turned into an abysmal storm of boos. Furious fans grabbed their refreshments and hurled them at the rotten beasts. The clowns tried to escape, yet the magical effects of the weapons had not yet worn off, so they simply flew in circles. As a result, they were pelted with food until they practically suffocated.

     Elegancia stifled a laugh as the two monsters were dragged away by security. At the podium, she was awarded a silver medal and 25,000 Neopoints. While she could use this sum to indulge in herself, she decided to spend it on the radiant figure which had inspired her victory. She had many gorgeous gifts in mind, so she figured that a little of everything would suffice.


     At the hospital, Elegancia entered her sister’s room with a smile. “Hi, Angela. Are you feeling any better?”

     “Yes, due to the potions which the doctor has been giving me. How did you do in the race?”

     “I came in second.”

     “Not bad for a beginner! Congratulations!” Angela grinned.

     “Thanks.” Then Elegancia handed Angela a gorgeous wicker basket adorned with bows. “A gift basket? For me?” Angela exclaimed as her face lit up like Altador’s sun. She browsed through the basket, elated by her sister’s kindness, as well as the lovely gifts she had received. There were lots of items she enjoyed, including candy, cosmetics, and more!

     “Thanks for making my day!” exclaimed Angela, hugging her sister with her healthy wing. While Angela was still in the hospital, the incident had brought the sisters closer together. Also, Elegancia had managed to perform well in her sister’s place, and the wicked Weewoo brothers had been shown the door. In spite of Angela’s recovering wing, all the two sisters could do was smile.

     The End.

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