Meow Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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Wandering Stars

by pikapi20


     Part Two:

     Deep beneath the surface of Kreludor and the threats posed by the local fauna lay the warren-like bunker housing General Dwaqsa of the Combined Kreludan Defence Force, the walls of its many rooms having been carved out of the underlying moon rock by generations of Orange Grundos that had called this place their home. Having first protected his ancestors from Dr Sloth's original enslavement of his kind long ago, the early crack in the side of the crater had evolved little by little into a multi-roomed abode. The Veteran's favourite room, though, was the one that he had added - an extensive Armoury. With the walls covered in blasters, shields and other futuristic technology he had collected over his many years in service, he always enjoyed showing it off to first-time guests.

     It was here that Qlydae Wegg found his father happily regaling his Team Kreludor Captain, Derlyn Fonnet, with tales of his adventures from the Kreludan Civil War. The left forward frowned. The conflict between the Orange and Purple Grundos erupted in his teenage years and forced him to grow up fast. He never wanted to join the Cadets or follow in Dwaqsa's footsteps but found himself with very little choice... only for it to go badly. Spectacularly so. He'd always been athletic though and found sport to be an excellent distraction during the bad times, the newly introduced game of Yooyuball being something he particularly excelled at. The Purple Gnorbu's words snapped him out of his reverie. "So what is it like serving in the Force, now?" she queried, "Has it been a big adjustment?"

     Dwaqsa crossed his arms in thought. "Honestly?" he replied, after a moment to think about it, "Not really. Which, in a way, is a relief." He chuckled at the defender's surprise before continuing. "Before the war, the Kreludan Defence Force was always a combined army from both groups. Some of my best friends ended up on the other side when everything fractured." The elder Orange Grundo sighed. "I'm not going to stand here and say everything was perfect before the fighting and it certainly isn't now but I'd like to think it's getting better. Xarthab and Zorlix are on the same page again and I've always said that was half the battle anyway. The rest of us are just stuck doing what we're told."

     Derlyn appreciated his candour. "I know the feeling."

     The elder Orange Grundo laughed again before spotting his son entering the room. "There you are, my boy," he called out as the left forward approached the two of them, "I have some Protein Shakes in the refrigerator, are they still your favourite?" As soon as he had nodded his father was off to fetch them. Leaving the younger Orange Grundo to scowl at his superior.

     "Can you please just knock it off already."

     "Knock what off, precisely?"

     "Being nice to my Father. You don't even like this sorta stuff and you're making me look bad."

     "It's called being polite."

     "Prfft... since when did you know anything about being 'polite'."

     Wegg would regret saying that. Derlyn would make sure of it.

     For now though, she maintained a poker face. "I think I heard your Father calling," she responded in an unnervingly calm tone, instantly making her colleague uneasy. A calm Fonnet was far worse than an angry Fonnet. Heading into the main Living Quarters, Derlyn sat down next to Zenor Kevix on an orange settee whilst Wegg opted for the matching armchair on the Blue Grundo's opposite side. The tense atmosphere was immediately picked up by their former teammate but he knew better than to dare mention it. Shaking his head, he leant forward to pick up a Galactic Protein Shake that had been placed on the small table in front of his seat by Dwaqsa. With the General having just finished another anecdote, the defender pounced, "With all this going on, I can't imagine what Wegg was like growing up."

     The left forward froze. His Captain just smiled.

     Dwaqsa let out a mighty laugh before sitting down in another armchair. "You mean my mischievous little Fuzzle over there?" the elder Orange Grundo grinned, causing his son to sink in his seat, "He was always up to something, that was for sure. He just couldn't help himself! If you let him near anything that was remotely shiny or new it wouldn't last a parsec." At this point, even the understanding Kevix was doing his best to suppress a smile. "I remember when he was in the Cadets. His instructor had just gotten himself this new red spaceship and he decided to take his friends on a little joyride. Needless to say, the joy was short-lived." The younger Orange Grundo flinched at the memory. "I was worried for a while he wouldn't amount to anything but thankfully he proved us all wrong!"

     The Purple Gnorbu's smile faded. She had heard that somewhere before.

     "Anyway, enough about all that," Dwaqsa declared, "what did you think of the Armoury, Fonnet?"

     "It was pretty impressive, General."

     "You could have one just like it if you change your mind over the Force."

     Feeling slightly better, Wegg sat back up. His father was just being nice to his colleague because he was still trying to recruit her and not because he preferred her over him. Hopefully. "Sorry to disappoint you," Derlyn responded graciously, "but I've already planned out what I'm going to do when I eventually retire from playing professionally. I'm thinking more of an administrative role within Yooyuball, behind the scenes." She took a sip from the straw of her Protein Shake. "But not for a while." The Purple Gnorbu had her eyes on a board member position at the Kreludan Yooyuball Federation - but didn't like mentioning it too often due to the politics involved.

     "Well I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job," approved Dwaqsa, not sounding too downhearted, "you're made for a leadership position." Turning his attention to her former teammate, he queried, "What about you, lad?" Kevix squirmed in his seat. "I'm sure I can find a role for a quick-thinking, engineering-orientated individual such as yourself."

     "Uhh..." the shy Blue Grundo trailed off, looking to his friends for support. Caught between Derlyn nodding her head and Wegg shaking his, Kevix ploughed his own course as best as he could. "...yeah, I mean, I'm flattered and all but," he stumbled slowly, "I've kinda got this... thing..."

     "Thing?" the Veteran probed, intrigued, "What 'thing'?"

     The former right forward gulped whilst his best friend hid behind his hands. Their enterprise was a bit more fanciful than the sort of practical endeavours his father tended to approve of. Collecting himself, the Blue Grundo spoke softly, "I've... opened a Yooyuball Academy. Basically, the idea is to train the next generation of players for Team Kreludor. The Federation doesn't really have those sorts of facilities so I figured I could provide them myself, with some help." He frowned. "It's not... huge or anything. But, you know, it's a start and I hope it can do some real good. Both for the team and, well, generally."

     There was a short silence.

     "That's... great to hear!" enthused Dwaqsa, causing Wegg's jaw to actually drop.

     "It... is?"

     "Of course it is!" the elder Orange Grundo insisted, jumping from his chair, "It's great to see a youngster stick their neck out and do something that matters to them." A smile appeared on Kevix's face as he sat up just a little bit taller. His parents back on the Virtupets Space Station had been very supportive of his new direction but he had yet to discuss it with them face-to-face. It just meant more in person. The Blue Grundo also had a lot of time for his best friend's father. Acting as a mediator between the pair as he had done for many years often reminded the sometimes homesick former right forward of his own family. "It won't always be easy," the Veteran concluded, "but just know I'm proud of you for having a go."

     Wegg silently shuffled to the Kitchen Quarters.


     The gentle hum from the many Kreludite-powered appliances which hugged the carved moon rock walls of the Kitchen Quarters calmed Wegg's frayed nerves. Looking at his distorted reflection in the dull metallic surface of the room's large refrigerator, the younger Orange Grundo cursed his friends for bringing him to this place. After another hard Yooyuball season, the last thing he wanted reminded of was how little he measured up. He could remember maybe one occasion where his father had expressed pride in his achievements and that was some time ago now. Sighing heavily, he took solace that the Meteor Shower would soon pass and he would be on his way somewhere a bit more merry. Turning to leave, he found the room's entrance blocked.

     "What's the matter?" queried Dwaqsa, somewhat concerned, "Why did you leave like that?"

     Wegg couldn't help but mumble, "I-It's nothing."

     The elder Orange Grundo frowned. When pushed, he would concede that talking through problems was not something he was particularly good at and it was a trait that he regretted passing on to his son. In fact, they didn't really talk about... anything. As far as the General was concerned, that was the only real problem the two of them had and he wasn't about to let it make this visit end badly. Shaking his head and crossing his arms, Dwaqsa refused to take that answer, "Clearly there's something wrong, son."

     Impetuously, the left forward shoved his hands into the pockets of his designer jacket and turned away. He wasn't quite sure why but talking to his father always seemed to reduce Wegg into the same moody teenager who crashed a stolen spaceship into the antenna of the Orange Central Moon Base whilst trying to impress his fellow Cadets. It was a miracle the only lasting damage was to his pride. "Yeah, well..." he began grumpily, eyes falling to the moon rock below as he turned back round,"...maybe I didn't wanna hear you go on and on about how great Kev is."

     Dwaqsa was stunned. And offended on Kevix's behalf. The former right forward had known them for so long he was practically family at this point. Upon hearing his name through the cave-like opening, the Blue Grundo headed towards the Kitchen Quarters with his old Captain to see what the two of them were bickering about. The duo reached the father and son just as the unfolding argument was reaching its climax. "He's your best friend," shouted the Veteran at his younger counterpart, "I thought you of all Grundos would be happy for him!"

     Something snapped in Wegg at that moment.

     "Happy for him?!" the left forward yelled, "It's my Academy too!!"

     Before covering his mouth with both of his hands.

     His father didn't know what to say.


     The younger Orange Grundo froze. Shouting something in the heat of the moment was very much Derlyn's style, not his. He didn't know what to do. Looking up at his friends, they seemed equally shocked by this turn of events. Slowly putting his arms back down to his sides, Wegg was forced to accept that the Alien Aisha was very much out of its spaceship. Voice shaking, he continued, "...Or at least it will be." His father's look of shock dissolved into something more akin to confusion. Clarifying, he went on, "When I retire, that is." The left forward could almost feel the tension leave his body. "Me and Kev's plan was always to do it together but... events overtook us."

     "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

     "I... I didn't want to disappoint you."

     "Disappoint me?" Dwaqsa wrinkled his brow. "Why on Kreludor would I be disappointed?"

     Wegg inhaled deeply before gently letting it out.

     "The Force is your life... but it's... it's just not for me. I didn't want to let you down."

     "Let me down?" Dwaqsa paused. To his son it felt like an eternity. He would be lying if he said that he hadn't in the past dreamt of Wegg following in his footsteps at the Combined Kreludan Defence Force. Proudly leading his kind and serving his moon with honour. "How can you think that?" Something that he was already doing in the field of his choice. "I joined the Force to make sure my boy could have the best life possible," the General spoke softly, "and if this is what you want to do then I'm all for it."

     His son was... perplexed. "...Really?"

     "Of course!" enthused the elder Orange Grundo, scooping up his surprised counterpart into a tight hug. Which surprised him even more as Dwaqsa wasn't usually a hugger. Releasing Wegg as his friends approached, he thought it best to head to the Living Quarters to allow the younger Orange Grundo a moment alone with them. He may not have been the best at reading pets but he liked to think he knew his son well enough to know when he needed a bit of space.

     Leaning against one of the Kitchen Quarters' cupboards, Wegg felt as though he had gone several matches with a Darigan Yooyu. At least this time it had been worth it. "That... went surprisingly well," he conceded, turning to his friends. He had been so convinced that things would go poorly whenever he were to broach the subject that he just wasn't prepared for it to go well. At all. It was... weird. Good weird. But weird nonetheless. And as much as it pained him, it meant that his Captain had been right all along. Which was not something the left forward found easy to admit. "I guess you were right, Fonnet," he acknowledged, somewhat begrudgingly, "you said if I told my Father the truth then everything would work out in the end. Congrats, I guess."

     Derlyn wrinkled her nose at the praise. "I didn't say that."

     "Yeah... you kinda did?"

     "No, I didn't," the Purple Gnorbu insisted, crossing her arms loosely in mild frustration. She didn't want any credit for Wegg's bravery. It may have come from a moment of anger but, as far as she was concerned, he was the one who deserved the praise. What he did had taken a lot of character. "If you recall, I said that you'd be better off telling him the truth now than living a lie," the defender patiently explained, "I never said that everything would work out." She knew better. Life was more complicated than that. Managing to crack a small smile, she concluded before leaving the Kitchen Quarters herself, "But I'm glad it did."

     Not for the first time today, Wegg's jaw dropped.

     Kevix laughed at the sight.

     "Hey! Before you have a go at Dee, mate, you can't say she wasn't right this time."

     "Yeah but-"

     The Orange Grundo paused. Then smiled.

     "Forget it."

     The End.

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