Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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A Tale of the Faerie Queen

by saqo


Fyora took a few steps forward, deeper into the clouds of Faerieland. Her long purple hair fluttered in the light breeze wafting lazily through the peaceful land.

     She was quiet today.

     Fyora, the Faerie Queen, was usually powerful and in charge. She ruled Faerieland, the most wonderful and majestic land of all Neopia, after all. She stood tall, elegant, and beautiful. Inward, she was benevolent and confident. Her magic was strong and coveted by Neopets and Neopians alike.

     But recently, Fyora hadn’t felt like herself. Winter in Faerieland had been long so far. The usual blue, purple, and pink pastel expansive sky had been grey and dark. Her work at the Hidden Tower had been demanding, the days long and the customers increasingly impatient for her items. Neopians approached her day and night with faerie quest items, looking to make their Neopets faster, stronger, more defensive, or more healthy.

     Why was everyone always seeming to search for more?

     A new item, a new colour, more strength or speed, a new Battledome weapon, a paintbrush or a rare faerie doll?

     Fyora sighed and stretched her arms up, straightening her crown. She took another few steps into Faerie City toward the Hidden Tower. It would open shortly, and she could see Neopians milling about, waiting for it to open its doors for them to gain more items. She felt she couldn’t go forward, though, and stopped in her tracks with a frown.

     Why did she feel this way recently? After all, in the past, she had defended Faerieland! She had imprisoned the Darkest Faerie, and ruled over this land! She was strong and capable. She knew this. And yet, she felt she could not face the crowds today.

     She turned suddenly, and almost ran into Taelia, the Snow Faerie.

     “Taelia?” Fyora asked, startled as she took a few steps backwards. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have work in Terror Mountain?”

     Taelia’s bright, blue eyes sparkled. “Yes, Fyora, but today a Neopian completed a quest for me. After giving them their item, I was surprised that there was in fact a message left behind for me. The quest magic work for me, too. The message said that you were in need, and so I came right here.”

     Fyora blinked, a little uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to anyone offering to help her. She wasn’t comfortable being seen as needing help, even! She was a Queen! “I… I can’t imagine why that would be,” she said quietly, glancing at the Hidden Tower again over her shoulder. The crowds of Neopians had increased in just the few moments she had been looking away. Her heart raced a little.

     “Fyora,” Taelia said, placing a hand lightly on Fyora’s arm, “we all need help sometimes.”

     “What do you mean?” Fyora asked again, her purple eyes slightly narrowed at her friend.

     “The Light Faerie visited me last night. She said that she had stopped by the Hidden Tower to search for a Neopian to offer a quest, and she saw you there.”

     “Of course,” Fyora asked, crossing her arms, “that’s where I work these days, you know that.”

     “Yes,” Taelia said quietly, pausing for a moment and lowering her voice even further, “but she said you were missing your smile.”

     That was it. That was the difference. That was why Fyora had not felt like herself recently. Fyora was a benevolent and confident leader, yes, but she also ruled Faerieland with kindness and welcomed all Neopians and Neopets who came to her for help. Indeed, she served as an example for all rulers of how to govern their Neopian land for the success, happiness, and abundance of life for all who resided there, or visited there.

     But sometimes, even those of us who offer help, need help ourselves.

     Fyora realized that now.

     Ruling a land was not an easy task. It was demanding and sometimes overwhelming. There were many tasks that only the land’s ruler could complete, and thus so very much was placed on their shoulders. But, there were also tasks that others could help with, she realized. Yes, faerie quests were something Fyora had to take on, as her magic was sought after for its power and the rewards it could offer. But, running the Hidden Tower? Distributing her grooming products to beautify Neopia? These tasks were surely something she could be helped with. And in doing so, perhaps they would be even more successful.

     “Alright Taelia, you are correct,” Fyora said to the delight of the Snow Faerie. “All of my responsibilities have become too much, recently. I suppose I could use some assistance until my smile returns. What do you suggest?”

     Taelia clasped her hands together and hopped a few times up and down, her short black bobbed hair shiny and catching the dull light from the grey winter day. “First of all, you should head home.”

     “Home?!” Fyora asked, shocked. “But there is so much work to be done!”

     “Fyora, I’ve already asked Jhuidah to take on a shift at the Hidden Tower. See?”

     Fyora glanced over her shoulder again, and saw the Island Faerie ushering eager Neopets into the Hidden Tower. Jhuidah winked at Fyora and Taelia before disappearing into the bustling shop.

     “And the quests?” Fyora asked, glancing back at Taelia.

     “Any Faerie Queen quests received today will be taken care of by Naia instead. You see, she’s quite popular these days…”

     “Naia?! The Fountain Faerie? You mean, she is more popular than me?”

     “Well, her quests are pretty stupendous,” Taelia said, eyes wide. “Imagine, receiving the Neopet colour of your choice! What luck!”

     Fyora narrowed her eyes, but begrudgingly nodded. “I suppose you are right, that does sound like a sought-after prize…”

     Taelia took Fyora’s arm and walked her slowly toward Fyora’s chambers in a tall tower in the heart of Faerie City. “Now, dear Faerie Queen, you can take the day off. We will take care of your tasks. There is nothing to worry about.”

     Fyora spent the day resting in her home, lounging, and eating some delicious burritos. A bubble bath and some delicious Neopian desserts topped the evening. She went to be early, safe in the knowledge that her jobs were being taken care of by her friends.

     When Fyora awoke the next morning, the dull grey sky had cleared, and she was presented with a crisp and clear, beautiful blue-skied winter morning. She breathed deeply, feeling energized and feeling a calm, peaceful, and grateful smile spread across her face. It was back!

     Fyora walked to the Hidden Tower, and spotted Jhuidah leaving. “Fyora!” She called, offering a wide smile, “I’ve just finished cleaning up after the rush last night. It’s all set to go for you. Are you feeling better?”

     “Yes, I am,” Fyora said with a grin, placing a hand on her friend’s arm, “Thank you for your help. My smile is back, and I’m reading to get back to my tasks. In fact, I’ve come up with some new ways to spread kindness, love, and faerie magic into Neopia!” Fyora said with a wink.

     You see, kind readers? Sometimes, those of us who are so used to giving help, just need some help ourselves! Fyora will tell you, that in resting and accepting the help of her dear faerie friends, she came back better than ever.

     The End.

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