Be My Valentine? by discardedcrayons
It was February 14th, Y25, the Month of Awakening when Knihves sat slouched on a park bench in Neopia Central. She wanted so desperately to love and be loved by some Krawk, but her appearance was off-putting to most. Adorned with a Krawk skull, to cover up her face, her brilliant pink scales gave the impression to most that Knihves was up to no good at the best of times… and at the worst of times, they expected her to be the equivalent of Jhudora or Dr Sloth, they didn’t know which was worse. The date was February 14th, Y25, the Month of Awakening when Knihves looked up from the yellow cobblestone path to see the most beautiful Jelly Krawk to ever exist. This Jelly Krawk’s body jiggled and warbled about as they strode on past the vibrant Faerie Krawk that was Knihves. She lurched to her feet to say hello to this magnificent beast, but no words left her mouth; only a hand raised in the air to wave hello. Her colour should have been Relic at this moment because she was still as Stone. “H- hi,” Knihves managed to squeak out, but this beautiful lime Krawk was too far out of earshot to hear her. She fell back onto the bench. As she pushed back the mint-coloured tendrils of hair, Knihves began to think up her game plan for getting this Jelly Krawk’s attention. Knihves pushed up the sleeves of her maroon trench coat and decided the best place to start was The Neopian Petpet Shop. This indeed was probably not the best place to start, but when Knihves felt even a tinge of love in her heart, her romantic gestures were grandiose. The Petpets in The Neopian Petpet Shop were some of the most average-looking Petpets Knihves had ever seen. She shook her head as she decided against each one. “Angelpuss? No, too angelic. Warf? Too basic. Spardel? Where is it even looking? Ugh, absolutely not. A Kadoatie? No, everyone wants one of those,” Knihves muttered. She could feel the heavy cloud of defeat surrounding her as she decided nothing in Neopia Central would be good enough for that Jelly Krawk with gummy snakes for hair. Even with the dramatics, Knihves knew all was not actually lost. She knew the perfect place to get a Petpet fit for a Krawk. She opened her wings and shot off into the Neopian sky. Next stop: Krawk Island. Unlike most faeries, Knihves had wings with feathers. Her wings glistened in different shades of pinks and blues as the sunlight warmed her wings. She was so glad to have this mode of transportation at her disposal because there would be no way she would be able to get this Petpet and come back to find this beautiful Jelly Krawk all in one day without her wings. Upon reaching Krawk Island, Knihves found a safe place to land at the end of a dock. It was time to visit her favourite Petpet store full of unhinged Petpets, Krawk Island Nippers. Admiral Kyrwinne, or Hopalong as his close friends would call him, was an understanding friend to Knihves. He had no judgements about her appearance and for a dubloon he would let her play with the Petpets for as long as she wanted. She sauntered into Krawk Island Nippers and flipped Hopalong a dubloon. Hopalong gave her a kind nod as he caught the coin before finding himself busy showing a flock of Pirakeets away from his peg leg. Knihves plopped down in the midst of the Petpets. She tucked her wings in tight as well as her tail; she would not stand for being bitten by a Barlow or Cofferling on this fine day. She watched as the Weewoos sat in the exposed rafters and chirped a little song. The Quadrapus wiggled about in time with the Weewoos’ song, but it wasn’t until she brought her gaze down to directly in front of her did her black soulless eyes start to sparkle and show a sign of love. Before her sat two Farnswaps, but they looked nothing like the other Farnswaps she had seen in Krawk Island Nippers. Oh no, no, no. These were not the average orange, unhinged critters she usually found herself playing with. These two Farnswaps were hot pink and covered in hearts. Their beady, heart-shaped, red eyes spoke to her soul. “Aye, Hopalong? I need these unusual nippers, right here,” She said. She pointed a pink claw towards the two hot pink Farnswap in front of her. “These are the ones, sir.” “Oh, those be a special kind of Farnswap. They be here for Valentine’s only. They’ll run you, uh…” Hopalong paused as he searched for a price. “They be 60 dubloons each. Think of it as a friendly discount.” He leaned up against the bar in front of him. “It be a mighty fine deal for those VERY rare Valentine Farnswap.” “Perfect. We have a deal. The two Valentine Farnswap please,” Knihves pushed herself up from the floor. She rummaged around her pocket before pulling out 120 dubloons to pay for her new babies. “Here are 120 dubloons, my friend. Thank you.” Knihves grabbed her recently acquired Valentine Farnswaps and placed them in her side satchel. She could feel them rummaging around in her bag, but as soon as she thrusted into the air, all movement ceased. She could see the sun setting in the distance as she took to the sky. Knihves knew her time was running out to find that translucent lime Krawk she so desperately needed in her life. Knihves couldn’t quite break supersonic speed, but she was quick enough to not even notice the ocean between Krawk Island and Brightvale. She hovered over Brightvale, hoping to catch a glimpse of the purple gummy snake hair or maybe the shine of the lime green snout. Knihves was unsuccessful here. Knihves knew it was a long shot, but she closed her eyes and hoped to Jhudora that she would find her Jelly Krawk love at the Deserted Fairgrounds; she once heard rumours of a travelling Jelly Circus Troupe travelling through Neopia. What better place to hang out in the off time than the Deserted Fairgrounds? This had to be the place, Knihves thought to herself. She needed this to be the place. As she flew overhead, she could see a dimly lit caravan sitting next to a troublesome-looking roller coaster; a roller coaster that looked like if a leaf so much as touched it, it would come crashing down. Knihves made a soft landing outside of the caravan’s view. Knihves slowly sauntered over, placing her hand in her satchel and pulling out a Valentine Farnswap. The Farnswap’s tail wagged a little as she held him close to her chest. As she entered the circle of caravans, her heart skipped a beat; there, standing outside a rather luxurious caravan, was the Jelly Krawk she had seen in Neopia Central. They met eyes and a magnetic pull drew them into each other. Knihves smiled her krawky smile, and the Jelly Krawk returned the smile. Knihves put forth the Valentine Farnswap and failed to find her words again. The Jelly Krawk chuckled as they received the gift. “Thank you?” They finally said. “I’m Dyxsi and this little Farnswap here will be named…” Dyxsi paused as they searched their jelly brain for a name. “How about Marvin?” The Farnswaps’ tail swished back and forth quickly as it let a guttural purr sound. “Y- yeah. N- no problem. I saw you in Neopia Central and I just… wow, you’re gorgeous. I have never seen another Krawk like you before,” Knihves stuttered at the beginning, but slowly she gained the confidence to speak. She pulled the other Farnswap out of her bag. “How about we name this one Maeve? Also, will you be my Valentine?” “That’s because we don’t exist,” Dyxsi said with a wink. As Dyxsi winked, the world around Knihves changed. There was no caravan. It was just her, Marvin, and Maeve, alone in the middle of the Abandon Fairgrounds. The End.