10 Fun April Fools Pranks by unfogging
Hi there! I am Ren, also known as the Mistress of Mischief and the Commander of Chaos. These nicknames are given to me with love from those who I harmlessly prank each year. At least, I think it’s love. Who doesn’t love a good harmless, practical joke? I mean, other than the person I upset yesterday. And I am currently banned from Shenkuu for my recent shenanigans. And King Hagan certainly isn’t happy with me at the moment either, now that I mention it. But other than that, my jokes are harmless! Really, they are! I like to play jokes all year. What’s life without a little fun? But I know not everyone is like me, and chooses to wait until a specific day to play pranks on others. Or maybe they live a sad life where they don’t have any pranks at all! So, with April Fool’s Day right around the corner, you may be wondering if there are some harmless pranks you can play on your fellow Neopian or your Neopet. As Neopia’s resident prankster, I’m here to give you a list of some of the best pranks. These pranks take place all over the world of Neopia, so wherever you are, you can make someone laugh today. Prank One: Put bubble soap into the Rock Pool on Mystery Island. The resident Petpets actually love it. It’s like a giant bubble bath, and adds some character to the tired old Rock Pool you see every day. Plus, it draws in business for the locals! Another idea is to pretend to be the Island Mystic and give random advice to as many Neopets as possible in a serious voice. Prank Two: Use fake doubloons to try and get into The Golden Dubloon. The grumpy old Lupe that guards the entrance looks like he needs a smile. And maybe it will work and you can get some of Loretta Fontaine’s Famous Pizza for free! Also, try telling other Neopets that you claimed to have seen a previously unknown species of monster in the waters at dawn, and give increasing vague and contradicting answers to any follow up questions. Prank Three: Drop off a package of carrots in front of the Faerie Petpets shop. I will admit I am not sure what this one does, I just know Flouds are never supposed to be near carrots. Sounds like a great opportunity for a joke! If you don’t want to get Petpets involved, then head to the Faerie City library and write the most random answers possible in the Faerie Crossword to see the Library Faerie’s reaction. Prank Four: Visit Coltzan’s Shrine early in the morning, and hide behind the shrine. When someone visits, put on a huge, booming voice and pretend to be the voice of Coltzan revealing how to win a million Neopoints from the shrine. Vary it each time and see the silly things Neopet will try to do for a reward, like hopping on one foot and saying “argh!” or running in circles while singing. Prank Five: Visit Kelp and pretend to be a high profile customer like King Kelpbeard’s advisor to get into the restaurant without a reservation. This is more of a life hack, since getting in there is basically impossible otherwise. I recommend doing a lot of research to be able to fully commit to this prank. Prank Six: Walk around the Haunted Woods dressed like the Brain Tree and demand knowledge about people that have never existed from random Neopet you pass. Alternatively, you can dress as the Esophagor and ask for food. This is probably more beneficial to you, as free food is great. Prank Seven: Visit the Virtupets Space Station, gather a bunch of Evil Fuzzles, and pelt them at random Neopets that pass by, shouting “DOOM! DOOOOOOM!” This will be sure to delight fans of the game, plus you get to hoard adorable fuzzy toys as a result. Alternatively, you can walk up to the Grundo Chef and give nonsensical advice on how to make dishes that do not exist. Who knows, maybe he will get inspired by these ideas and the citizens of Virtupets will enjoy some new cuisine! Prank Eight: Go to the Tyrannian Plateau with an omelette you made at home and pretend to have discovered a rare and unusual omelette that has never been seen before from The Giant Omelette. This also involves food you get to eat after, which is a win. Prank Nine: Take the rarest item you own, like a Paintbrush, and go to the Igloo Garage Sale. Run out of the garage sale, brandishing your rare item, and shout “LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN THERE!” Watch in amusement as everyone nearby makes a mad dash for the garage sale. Alternatively, you can do this with Tarla’s Shop of Mystery. It’s always good to support local businesses. Prank Ten: Find a scuba suit and hang out at the bottom of Kiko Lake during the glass boat tours. Wave to random Kikos and do funny dances to catch people’s attention and make them smile. If you aren’t a Kiko, this will be even funnier, as nobody ever expects to see non-Kikos there. Prank Eleven: Go to the Neopian Pharmacy and ask for a cure for a disease that doesn’t exist. Something like “Shiny scales” or “Meepit mouth.” It’s up to you how long you let the charade go on, but if it looks like the pharmacist is getting too upset, be sure to laugh it off and tell them it’s a joke. Another great prank is to do your makeup as badly as possible, head into the Grooming Parlour, and tell the owner that you are there to take her jobs as Neopia’s most superior makeup artist. I hope you enjoyed my list! Be sure to remember to stay safe and have fun, and always consider the feelings of others. April Fools Day is about having fun, not hurting other people’s feelings. Now if you don’t mind, I am off to go do some pranking. Happy April Fool’s Day!