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How Rascally Are You?

by swordlilly


Have you ever wondered how you'd fare in the Cold, Mysterious World of Trading, where there are few persons you can trust? Whether it's NC trading, NP trading, or pet trading, you will almost certainly run into rascals along the way. Take this survey to be assigned a Rascally Rating, which will tell you how gullible - or cunning! - you really are.

      I. How do you present yourself on the Neoboards?

     A - I chat in the open all the time.

     B - I lurk and emerge from hiding when someone is trading something that I want, potentially at a price that is acceptable to me.

     C - I only make boards when I have friends online who can help me bump my board.

     D - I generally don't check the Neoboards.

      II. How do you style your Neoboard presence, userlookup, pets and gallery?

     A - I wear whatever avatar I happen to like, and I dress my pets in whatever I personally like. My collections are for my own enjoyment, not others'.

     B - I wear an expensive avatar, customise my pets with popular items, and display a curated collection in my gallery. I want to give people the impression that I'm glamorous and rich.

     C - I pay attention to what other people are wearing and come up with my own version of what I think will be popular next. I don't just blindly copy others or put my vulnerabilities out there. I want to look like I'm sophisticated and have taste.

     D - I don't care about my appearance at all. What I care about is real riches, which I generally try to keep under wraps.

      III. When you want a rare item, how do you go about trying to get it?

     A - I look for and consider all the recent trade data I can find and then cautiously try to find a trade on the Neoboards.

     B - I look around until the right opportunity comes up.

     C - I look for a cheaper alternative. I can't be bothered to chase after anything that expensive lol.

     D - I tell everyone what I want and say that I will offer anything for it. I try to trade with whoever is the first to respond.

      IV. When someone approaches you with a tentative offer like "How do you value this item," what do you say?

     A - I talk with the person and observe them first to try to see how much they want my item and how much they can pay.

     B - I respond with a value that I think is appropriate.

     C - I ask them to make me an offer.

     D - I ask my friends for help and then tell the person the value that my friends told me.

      V. If someone makes an offer that feels inappropriate to you, what do you do?

     A - Ghost them and add them to my Do-Not-Trade-With list.

     B - Politely tell them no.

     C - Inform them of the recent trade data in case they just weren't in the know. Then try to renegotiate.

     D - Act nice to them and direct them to trade with somebody else, so the somebody else can be the one to reject them.

      VI. If someone makes a huge over-offer, what do you do?

     A - Say no, lol, and tell them straight up that they massively over-offered. It's not nice to take advantage of others.

     B - Direct them to value guides and resources. If they still can't be bothered to check, then accept lol.

     C - Ghost them on the boards but try to work out a trade in private.

     D - Direct them to value guides and resources and give them time to reconsider.

      VII. Do you worry about getting scammed?

     A - I think everybody does, to some extent.

     B - Not really. This is just a game to me, I don't take it super seriously haha.

     C - Not too much. I'm better at earning than haggling. I prefer not to spend too much time networking and haggling.

     D - I'd at least like to think I'm experienced enough to not get scammed.


     Add up all your points. The final number is your Rascally Rating.

     Question I

     A - 2 points

     B - 4 points

     C - 3 points

     D - 1 point

     Question II

     A - 1 point

     B - 2 points

     C - 3 points

     D - 4 points

     Question III

     A - 3 points

     B - 4 points

     C - 2 points

     D - 1 point

     Question IV

     A - 4 points

     B - 2 points

     C - 3 points

     D - 1 point

     Question V

     A - 1 point

     B - 3 points

     C - 2 points

     D - 4 points

     Question VI

     A - 1 point

     B - 3 points

     C - 4 points

     D - 2 points

     Question VII

     A - 4 points

     B - 1 point

     C - 2 points

     D - 3 points

      If your Rascally Rating is 9 or lower:

     You are a very kind person. You will sometimes get taken advantage of, but because you are so generous to others, people will also respond with protectiveness and gratitude, and you'll make friends easily.

      If your Rascally Rating is 10-14:

     You are a little bit rascally. You are aware that there is danger in the world, but generally you don't worry about it too much, and you do your best to treat others fairly. Life is too short to spend worrying about losing out.

      If your Rascally Rating is 15-19:

     You think you're rascally but your moves are too obvious. While you may sometimes make good trades, you'll also annoy enough people along the way that you'll miss out on the real good trades.

      If your Rascally Rating is 20 or higher:

     You're a master manipulator of everything that breathes. Your moves are so subtle that people rarely suspect your true motives. You'll glide along coolly in the world, secretive, powerful, and alone.

      I hope you enjoyed this survey! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe, and hit the banana icon to receive notifications about new content.

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