For an easier life Circulation: 197,890,907 Issue: 1017 | 20th day of Gathering, Y26
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Volunteer Shifts

by maddie_bangz


”We’ve got more Neopets, incoming!”

     Dr. G sighed heavily as Neopets around him scurried to catch the incoming gurney. The Volunteer Centre was, as always, a flurry of activity. Neopets shouting for help and medical supplies, gurneys and stretchers flying across the room as nurses direct the wounded to rooms and open spaces. New volunteers trickled in, looking at the chaos surrounding them with anxious expressions on their faces. Dr. G watched as some of the other volunteers grabbed the newbies and directed them to their posts for the next six hours.

     “What’s up, Doc?” Nurse Glee smirked as she walked up and dropped a stack of paperwork onto the counter in front of Dr. G. He rolled his eyes and began to thumb through the documents, ignoring Glee’s giggles.

     “Sorry, I can’t help myself. But really, how’s it going over here?” Glee asked, meeting Dr. G’s exasperated gaze with another chuckle.

     “I don’t know if we can keep up with this, Glee”. Dr. G confessed with a sigh. “Everyday it seems like new Shades are appearing, taking on new forms and we just can’t keep up…”

     Nurse Glee gently nudged Dr. G’s shoulder. She smiled sadly at him.

     “It seems like a lot now, but look around you. Neopets are stepping in around the clock to volunteer and lend a helping hand around here. We’ll manage. We don’t really have a choice but to just keep going.” She said softly. Dr. G nodded in agreement and with a heavy sigh grabbed the paperwork to take into his office.

     “Hang in there Doc!” Glee called as she turned and disappeared back into the chaos of the hospital.

     Once Dr. G had the paperwork put away to be ignored for another day, he surveyed the room and tried to pinpoint where he should jump in first. He walked towards the nearest Neopet on a stretcher, tears streaming down their face.

     “This is textbook Watery Eyes.” The hovering volunteer stated, pulling some Healing Gauze Pads out of the box in their hands. Dr. G gently tilted the patient’s chin up as he examined their eyes more closely.

     “Very good, make sure to direct them to the pharmacy where they can pick up some Onion Balm if needed once they’re discharged.” He instructed. He turned back to the visibly frightened Neopet sitting before him.

     “You’re going to be just fine.” He reassured them as the volunteer gently began placing the pads over their eyes. The volunteer nodded gratefully at Dr. G as he once again turned his attention back to the bustling room around him. He began surveying the space to see where he might be needed, when he spotted an unfamiliar figure standing at the hospital entrance.

     “Oh no…” Dr. G mumbled as he locked eyes with Torakor.

     The large and imposing warrior slowly entered the room and the volunteers and wounded Neopets nearby stopped to stare at the heavily decorated gladiator. He wore all of his protective gear, the harsh hospital lights reflecting brightly against his armour. His sword was sheathed at his side but his shield swung from his hand like a pendulum. The room began to hum as more and more of the Neopets paused to see what this leader would have to say.

     Torakor approached Dr. G with a grave expression on his face.

     “What is it?” Dr. G practically whispered, feeling unable to breathe as he waited to see what could possibly bring their main battler to the hospital. Physically, he didn’t have a scratch on him, but his eyes revealed a look of defeat.

     “There’s been another development.” Torakor shared slowly, taking in the audience around them.

     “Well, come on, out with it!” Dr. G begged, his shaky voice betraying his fear.

     “A new shade variant has attacked the Neopian Plaza.”

     The hush over the room was instant as the crowd took in the news.

     “Another variant? But we don’t even have a handle on the Void Wyrm attacks at Kiko Lake yet!” Dr. G exclaimed. His heart sank as he thought of the repercussions. Their hospital was already struggling to handle the influx of patients. How would they be able to support all of the wounded?

     “I understand. This setback isn’t… ideal.” Torakor said sadly.

     “What is it?” A nearby volunteer Usul squeaked shyly.

     “I’m sorry?” Torakor turned to the Neopet.

     “The new shade… what is it?”

     Everyone waited with bated breath as Torakor sighed.

     “We’re calling it a Festering Void Remnant.” Torakor paused as the room erupted in murmurs. “It is… to be quite honest, disgusting. The stench of it is enough to make you sick. It has hundreds of tentacles that just ooze that same purple bubbling fluid we’ve seen with the other shades.”

     “Does it make you grey?” Another hesitant voice asked. Torakor paused.

     “The grey is continuing to spread. We’re not sure yet if this Void variant has any other special abilities, it’s just too soon to tell.”

     “What are we going to do…” Dr. G breathed. He felt like he was going to be sick. He looked around the room at the expectant faces, everyone looking to him and Torakor for guidance. Dr. G had never felt so defeated. Torakor could see the hesitation on Dr. G’s face and leaned forward with concern.

     “We have to remain a strong and united front Doctor. These Neopets look to us for hope in winning these battles.”

     “Yeah, but who do we have to look to for hope?” Dr. G shot back.


     Both Dr. G and Torakor turned towards the unexpected voice. Nurse Glee stood at the hospital entrance with her signature smirk on her face. She stepped aside and motioned to the scene behind her. Dr. G gasped at the sight.

     Hundreds and hundreds of Neopets lined up out the door. Not sick or wounded, but standing tall and proud as they met the gazes of everyone in the room. They proudly wore the ‘NEOHOSPITAL VOLUNTEER’ badges affixed to their chests.

     “I…” Dr. G didn’t know what to say. He stared in shock as Nurse Glee began to usher the new volunteers into the hospital.

     “Neopians are always looking for ways to help, and we’ve got a fresh new wave of volunteer shifts to fill. Never give up hope Doc. These shades don’t stand a chance against us!” Nurse Glee proclaimed proudly, and the fresh volunteers cheered as they prepared themselves at their stations.

     “Perfectly said, Nurse Glee.” Torakor grinned and gave Dr. G a reassuring clap on the shoulder. Dr. G grinned through the pain, appreciating the notion even if Torakor might’ve forgotten his own strength.

     “Alright, well let’s get to work!” Dr. G yelled and the room erupted in cheers once again. Even the grey Neopets in the room seemed able to produce a small smile. Torakor waved goodbye to the staff and patients as he walked back out the door. Nurse Glee waved over her shoulder as she approached Dr. G.

     “I don’t want to say I told you so but…” She teased and Dr. G smiled good-naturedly.

     “Yeah, yeah, get back to work!” He scolded jokingly.

     “You first!” Nurse Glee laughed as she pulled another pile of paperwork from her lab coat and tossed them at Dr. G. He scrambled to catch the looseleaf pages before they scattered around the hospital floor.

     “You’re not funny!” He yelled but Nurse Glee was already walking away, checking in on a nearby volunteer and joining the fray once again.

     Dr. G sighed but felt hopeful as he took in the scene. Neopia would win this war, and it was time for him to get back to work.

     The End.

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