What NOT to Dress as this Halloween by neoaggie99999
Spooky Season is officially here! Halloween is the one time of year where there are little to no rules to dressing up, but given the events of the plot this year, there may be some considerations to weigh. As with previous Halloweens, there will inevitably be many Neopians dressed as Faeries (Illusen or Jhudora are fan faves), the Giant Omelette (an egg-cellent choice!), or even the ever-popular King Coltzan, but what about some more unique costume ideas? There have been some new characters in Neopia this year, but not all would be appropriate. So here we would like to kindly suggest some characters you should NOT dress up as this Halloween! Hospital Volunteer As you’re digging around your Closet, you may be finding yourself buried under a plethora of Medical Face Masks, Doctor Tops, and Hairnets from your Volunteer Shifts. What a great sustainable way to repurpose all your excess Wearables for an easy costume idea, right? Wrong! You see, practically every pet in Neopia has been called to work a hospital shift. You could be easily mistaken as a volunteer abandoning their duties if you are caught frolicking around the lands trick-or-treating in your uniform. That sort of unprofessional behaviour would be highly frowned upon by Dr. G, Nurse Glee, other fellow volunteers, and injured patients from the battlefield. You wouldn’t want their judgement upon you the next time you see them at your next hospital shift, would you? Unless you’ll actually be working your volunteer hours during Halloween, steer clear of any clinician outfits to avoid any potential misunderstandings. Void Creature Okay, if hospital clothing is off limits, what about Void-related wearables? After all, they are likely the next most common set of items in your Closet. Admittedly, the Void look has a cool factor. Plot Prizes and the NC Mall have both dropped alluring accessories, such as Void Markings and Void Wings. Though, if you go as far as dressing up like one of those invading Void Creatures (say the Void Wyrm, the Void Prowler, the Festering Void Remnant, or a Voidling), you could be inviting trouble. If your intentions aim to fulfil the Halloween spirit of “scary,” those desires may be misplaced. Some battle pets may be instinctually triggered to fight upon seeing you - remember, we’ve been fending off these Void Creatures for the past three months now. Unless you want to spend Halloween engaged in brawls instead of trick-or-treating, go easy on that Purple Shimmer Body Paint. Vira Once the most beautiful Acara in Neopia, Vira’s selfish and vain desires led to darkness corrupting her heart. She had been hiding in obscurity for many years, quietly becoming a popular villain to dress up as over time. But this year? Maybe not so much! She’s been found sneaking around with, and even commanding, those evil Void creatures, cackling with evil glee. Apart from constantly stirring up trouble, no one knows exactly what other shenanigans she has up her sleeve as the Void continues to cast its gloom over Neopia, but she’s certainly up to no good. So it’s no wonder that everyone is after her now! You definitely would not want to be mistaken for Vira - or else you may face the wrath of hordes of angry Neopians, or worse, Queen Fyora herself! The Grey Painter You know who gave that incurable grey affliction to King Skarl, Hubert the Hot Dog Guy, and the Money Tree? The Grey Painter - the other character who has been cahoots with Vira over the course of this plot. You may feel sympathetic towards that forlorn Yurble, but be wary that he has also been inundating entire lands with the grey curse - Meridell, Brightvale, Neopia Central, Kiko Lake. Be vigilant of his sighting, for you may find yourself the next victim drowned in the flood path of his unchecked power. Out of concern for public safety, we would advise NOT to dress as the Grey Painter, so that this character of interest can be more readily identified by the greater powers of the Council to apprehend him. Furthermore, Nyx and friends have also currently been on the lookout for the Grey Painter, previously known as Ozzy. Any dress-ups to look like the Grey Painter would frustrate their search efforts - another reason that it would be most considerate to not dress as him. Kiko Lake Team Ah, arguably Neopia’s most despised Altador Cup team. They may not be the best Yooyuball players out there, but they sure are great at convincing unsuspecting Neopians to (unwillingly) donate their prized treasures! The Kikos are rather adorable with their bandaged foreheads, and their rotund bodies are a fantastic camouflage for the food baby you may have acquired after eating all the fall apple and pumpkin desserts and Halloween candy. But consider the bigger picture: anyone catching sight of you dressed up as Team Kiko Lake would immediately be fired up with extreme anger! You don’t want to attract the ire of everyone you meet now, do you? Retired Hidden Tower Capsule Maybe you love to show off your exorbitant wealth or perhaps surprise people with your unpredictable, eccentric personality. But we gently suggest you to NOT dress up as the brand new Retired Hidden Tower Treasure capsule. Why not, you ask? Well, as the number one most talked about item in Neopia, it is attracting high levels of attention from Neopians of all ages, both good and bad. Dressing up as the capsule would immediately endanger you: those notorious thieving Meerca Brothers could kidnap and steal you (they’re not the brightest of the bunch so they would absolutely mistake you for the real deal), or Neopians may go wild seeing you dressed as the capsule, and fight over you. We don’t want to have any casualties this Halloween, so please take caution and choose a safer option to dress up as! Money Tree Perhaps you admire the generous nature of the beloved Money Tree or you miss that cheery face before it was beset with the Grey curse. If you’re the one passing out sweets and fun treats to trick-or-treaters, the Money Tree would indeed be a very fitting costume to greet visitors at the door. However, if you are a bright-eyed trick-or-treater with the hopes of accumulating a stash of goodie bags to take home, good luck out there. Tricksters may find cruel humour in running up to you and dashing away with your treats. And that’s a wrap on the characters we believe may be just a tad inappropriate for you Neopians to dress up as this year! Whatever you end up dressing up as, we hope you will have a safe, candy-filled, wickedly amazing Halloween! Oh, and beware of any Void monsters you may encounter during your trick-or-treating encounters - someone might’ve lacked the foresight from this article and dressed up as a Voidling, so beware and check before unleashing your Grapes of Wrath on them! Happy Halloween!
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