Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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A Lot Changes in 25 Years

by skeletonobsession

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When it came time for the group to retire for the night, the Chia was among the weariest Neopets in camp, except for perhaps Skyleur herself, and for a moment Skyleur was worried that the Chia would insist on giving up her bed.

by phadalusfish


Castle Planner's Journal: 1000 Years
The chiming of distant bells signalled the changing of the hour, and came as a great relief for Lisha as she jumped out of her chair. She had been so patiently waiting to escape the confines of the library.

by ferretboy85


Never-Ending Birthday Bash
A colourful pamphlet had made its way into Ali’s mailbox. The Electric Shoyru reached in to pull out the leaflet to check out what new event was being advertised. Vivid balloons and a large birthday cake filled in the empty space, and had large words printed in the centre:“Join us in Celebration for our 25th Birthday Bash!"

by endisnigh


9 Plot Characters Who Captured Our Hearts
What can be said about her that hasn't been commented on before? Hannah is the quintessential Neopets #1 heroine.Collab with sebaspet717 and kikepv

by rascle90

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