Prizes for the Neopies by ningkov1
Ellsworth the Elephante carefully combed and oiled his golden locks before heading out. He took one last look at himself in the mirror and smiled at the sight of his crisp suit and shiny shoes. Not a single thing was out of place. The Neopies had just started, and he was busier than ever preparing for it every day; but that didn't mean he couldn't look nice. As the face of the Neopies, he prided himself on his dashing looks and entertaining personality. A cold rush of air surrounded him as he opened his door and began a new day. The dapper Elephant walked happily through the streets of Neopia, thinking of all the ways to make this year's gala even better than before. This was the 13th one already! “My, how time flies,” Ellsworth whispered to himself. He thought about all the awards handed out over the previous years, and while lost in his reverie almost passed the place he was heading to. “Ah, here it is!” Ellsworth entered the Post Office, ready to pick up the prizes for the next round of voting. He had made contracts with a wide variety of shops, so there were prizes coming from every corner of Neopia – rare foods, the latest fashions, stamps, plushies, Petpets, and more! He cheerfully greeted the old Post Office shopkeeper behind the counter and smiled. The grey-haired Chia fiddled with his glasses and shirt collar before finally looking up. It took him a while to finally make eye contact and speak. Tears sparkled behind his glasses as he began to apologise profusely. “Oh, Ellsworth! I am terribly sorry! Your prizes haven't arrived yet and I don't know when they will...” The elegant host kept his smile and demeanor intact, despite what he felt on the inside. He reminded himself to just breathe and not to panic. If the prizes were delayed, surely there was something he could do as a backup. “I see. I see. It's okay! What happened? Was there an accident somewhere?” The Chia wiped his glasses and put them on, then wiped them again as he spoke. “Well, you know how the weather has been all over the place recently?” Ellsworth nodded and thought back to just last week when it snowed heavily in Neopia Central for the first time in years. He knew the climate was changing all around Neopia, he just didn't realize it could affect something like the mail. The Chia continued, looking more apologetic than ever, “Yeah... A blizzard in Terror Mountain has stalled the mail... Also, fiery eruptions all around Moltara; hurricanes around Krawk and Mystery Island; a meteor shower near Virtupets station; storms around Kiko Lake... Well, the list goes on and on.” Ellsworth tried his best to keep his smile, but for a few moments it slipped into concern and fear. Was it really the best time to hold the Neopies, when Neopia was clearly facing some intense climate changes? Were there scientists out there already working on this? He really had no idea, but he made a mental note to read more about it in the Neopian Times later. He shook the thought of canceling the Neopies out of his mind – no, no, no! The Neopies were already underway, and they provided much needed joy to everyone. It was also a great way to say thanks to the previous year and reflect on all that happened. Without this reflection on past events, it was difficult to move forward or fully enjoy the new year. Sure, there were troubles like the changing weather and the Grey lands; but that meant the Neopies were more important than ever! During times of trouble Neopians needed to come together and strengthen their community!!! Without a strong community they were nothing!!!! The bonds between Neopians kept society running smoothly!!!!! And these bonds were strengthened and fostered through events like the NEOPIES!!!!!!!!! Ellsworth looked up when he heard the Chia clapping and wiping tears from his eyes. “Yes! You are so right! We do need to come together now! Community is so important!!” Ellsworth thought he had said all of that in his head, but apparently not. Though embarrassed, he said thanks and headed for the exit, wondering what to do about the prizes for the next voting period. “Wait! I have an idea... You may not be able to get the prizes you ordered right now, but why don't you stop by the stores around Neopia Central? I'm sure the shopkeepers would be willing to help you out! I'll even provide some stamps for free! Wait a moment please!” He was truly touched by the kindness of this shopkeeper. “What a great idea!! It's been so long since I visited everyone! Thank you! And please don't apologise anymore for the delays! I know it's not your fault and it can't be helped!” The Chia, however, continued to apologise as Ellsworth left the Post Office with new stamps and walked across the street to the Book Shop. The kind Nimmo shopkeeper looked up from his book and greeted Ellsworth enthusiastically. “Hello old friend! What brings you around here? You know I voted in the first two rounds already!! I look forward to the Neopies every year! I got a cute Cuddly Kadoatie Companion and a Dead Chia Plushie... Rest in peace...” Ellsworth watched as a Cloud Kadoatie jumped onto the counter and sat right on top of the Nimmo's open book. He also noticed a small shrine behind the counter, and the Dead Chia Plushie peacefully sleeping in a monument of flowers. He bowed in reverence for the Chia, before remembering why he came here. He twirled his hair around and suddenly felt embarrassed to ask for help. He always planned the Neopies on his own, gathered all the gifts, and even set up the voting stations. It was his pride and joy, and to admit there was trouble made the confident Elephante feel worse than he expected. He didn't want to put a damper on the festivities, but he knew everyone looked forward to both the voting and the prizes. There would definitely be some complaints if he didn't have any prizes for the next round. Was it really so embarrassing to ask for help? No, that thought is no good! This is what friends are for! The Nimmo would be more than happy to provide some books as prizes for the Neopies, and he wouldn't think less of anyone! To try and shoulder all the burdens when troubles arise leads to nothing but stress and anger. Working alone is not the answer! We must work... TOGETHER!!!! The Nimmo and his new Kadoatie clapped loudly from behind the counter. Ellsworth thought he saw the Dead Chia clap too, but that was probably just his imagination. “Oh Ellsworth! Of course I'll help you out! You should never feel embarrassed about asking for help!” The kind Nimmo was already picking out new books to use as prizes. Again, Ellsworth was certain he had said all of his thoughts in his head, but that wasn't the case for the second time today. As he made his way around the shops of Neopia Central, he soon found himself with more than enough prizes for the next round of voting. While his bags were full of gifts, his heart felt even fuller. Thanks to the kindness of those around him, he had avoided a potential Neopies disaster. This year's event was certainly going to be the best one yet! The End.