Rad'emant Tineela: Part Five by dragonfate
"Alright everyone gather around. It's time for your reflex
training," Bishram Bam-Roo goaded.
The friends gathered up in a single file as they
waited for Bishram to pick who was going to start off doing the reflex training.
The Blumaroo paced about for a while, until finally he signaled for Davie. The
Yurble exuberantly stepped forward, drawing his staff, and readied himself for
the reflex training.
Bishram stood silent, as he waved his arm in
a circular motion. His hand now emanated a purple orb-shaped. He swiftly hurled
the orb at Davie. The Yurble prepared himself, watching the orb carefully. As
the orb quickly approached, Davie raised his staff and abruptly batted the orb
out of the courtyard. In the distance, Thomas and friends cheered Davie on.
"Yeah, I did it! I'm the Yurble! I'm the Yurble!"
Davie hopped about, his face exuding joy.
"Well done, Mr. Smithers. I see you've mastered
the level one speed ball," Bishram congratulated. "Do you think you're ready
for a level two speed ball?"
"Let it rip!" Davie replied unwittingly.
"Are you sure?" Bishram pressed on.
"Yes, Sir!"
Bam-Roo conjured another orb, though this one
glowed with a crimson red. Davie tightened his grip around the staff, preparing
himself for the next orb. Bam-Roo threw the orb, and as Davie prepared to hit
it, the orb slammed him in the chest. The Yurble clutched his chest in agony,
berating himself for being so foolish.
"I guess I wasn't ready." Davie chuckled, as
he continued to rub his chest.
"Never overestimate your abilities, Davie," Bishram
scorned. "Pride is a weakness, and your enemies will exploit it."
"Sorry Sir, I was caught up in the moment."
"Never dwell on the past, Mr. Smithers," Bishram
pulled Davie up from the ground, "but learn from it."
"Sir, do you think we are ready for the speed
ball battle ground training?" Rosie inquired. "It's been a week and 5 days."
"I deem that all of you are," Bishram affirmed.
"Do you wish to commence the final level one
speed ball test?"
Thomas and his friends nodded their heads anxiously.
The speed ball battleground was the final test to graduate from level one reflex
training. Long and hard had they trained for a week and a half, taking bumps
and bruises from the unrelenting orbs. But now they were honed staff fighters,
ready to take on any trial that would await them.
"Yes, I think it's about time," Bishram uttered.
"Everyone get ready! This is the final reflex training test," He proclaimed.
The wizard readied himself for the draining task
of summoning a barrage of speed balls onto the courtyard. His face shifted intensely,
hands once again emanating the glowing purple orbs. And in an instant, the test
had begun. Bishram unleashed a swarm of speed balls onto the courtyard. Orb
after orb shot out of his hands, as the friends braced themselves.
"Be alert!" Thomas shouted, "Become one with
the staff, and feel your surroundings!"
As the orbs approached, the friends dived into
a headlong roll. The orbs swirled over them, as they fought off the orbs gallantly.
A speed ball crept behind Thomas. He twirled and lunged at it, shattering the
orb into pieces. Bishram gaped in awe, as the friends utterly decimated the
speed balls. He could not believe how effective they had become with the staff
in such short time.
Sweat profusely poured from Thomas' body, as
he swept aside any approximating orb. Every second his staff gained more and
more momentum, yielding no ground to the stubborn speed balls. His corded arms
pumped furiously at the orbs. He was in complete battle reverie. The Lupe danced
about elegantly with his staff, smiting the stubborn speed balls. He felt his
surroundings, sensing every approaching adversary.
Once again Bishram stood astounded, gazing upon
Thomas. The Lupe's face exuded a profound intensity as he fought, one Bishram
had never seen before. The Blumaroo drained and spent, halted his barrage, promptly
falling on one knee.
"Bishram, are you okay?" Damian beseeched, scuttling
over to the wizard.
"I am...fine," Bishram slowly answered. "You
guys sure wore me out," the Blumaroo teased
"And what did I tell you about addressing me
by my name?" Bishram reminded
"I'm sorry, Sir, I was-"
"Concerned? You, Damian, concerned?" Bishram
asked skeptically. "That's quite a change in you."
"I've learned much, Sir. We've all learned much,"
Damian said, dipping into a low bow.
"That's very good, Mr. Copperhead," Bishram smiled.
"Well, everyone, seeing as you utterly gave my speed balls a whooping… You've
The friends jumped into frenzy, their faces beaming
with joy. They embraced Bam-Roo, as the Blumaroo offered a wholehearted laugh.
The reflex training was over.
"I'm very proud of you all," Bishram cheerfully
proclaimed. "Have yourselves the rest of the day off."
While the friends were in the kitchen telling
Helga and Brooly of their grueling test, Rosie remained in the courtyard, sitting
on a large tree, peering into a telescope. The Zafara scrutinized the sky desperately,
as Bishram-Bamroo approached her.
"Why aren't you inside, Rosie?" Bishram asked
"Dinner is about to be served."
"I've got to find it," Rosie enigmatically replied.
"The Gandragar?" the Blumaroo inquired, drawing
a nod from the Zafara, though she continued to peer into the telescope.
"Have you seen it, Sir? Have you ever seen the
bird of blitheness?" Rosie implored.
"Long ago, before these dark times," Bishram
replied. "Rosie, do you know the bird will never soar through the skies of this
perilous world, until the greatest evil is purged from the world?"
"I know... but the bird is said to spread happiness
wherever it goes." Rosie explained, "I guess it's a vain hope that it would
grant happiness to this greatest evil; then it would find some sense of peace,
and then we could all live in harmony." Rosie's face despondently slumped.
"Evil is evil, Rosie Buckler. The Gandragar cannot
change that which is destined to be," Bishram clasped Rosie's shoulder. "But
I do believe two things. I believe this evil will be purged from the world soon,
and I believe I know who will be the people to purge this evil." Bishram intricately
added, as he offered a wink.
"What are you insinuating?"
"I'm not insinuating anything, Ms. Buckler, I'm
simply telling you," Bishram said matter-of-factly. "I see something in the
five of you that I've never seen in many ages, a profound potential that stretches
far beyond the grasp of any who would dare comprehend it. I've never seen anyone
execute such an immaculate battle the way the five of you did, neither in a
speed ball battleground, nor any battleground for that matter."
"I always knew there was something about all
of you since the first day of your training. When Thomas, beaten and bruised,
got up and prodded all of you to keep on going. You never gave up, no matter
how grim things seemed," Bishram remarked. "The bond you and your friends hold,
shall endure any hardship, so long as the noose that holds all of you together,
remains all the tighter. And then you will always remain impervious to defeat."
"We're just trying to
get our families back, Sir. Whatever this great future you deem we're destined
for is not of my concern," Rosie said impertinently. "I just want to be held
once more in the arms of my mother and father, and be a kid again. If ever this
future presents itself I will not refrain from it, but neither will I look for
"Understood, but I will hold to my beliefs, Ms.
Buckler," Bishram affirmed. "Now if you please, let's go have some dinner, I've
got a rumbly in my tumbly," the Blumaroo sweetly suggested.
Rosie followed Bishram into the clamorous dining
room and joined her friends in the feast. When the friends finished, they abruptly
retired to the chambers to rejuvenate their strengths.
The suns rays crept through the mountains. The
friends darted out of bed; no longer did they need Helga to be their wake up
call. Discipline was something Bishram stressed the most during the training.
'A warrior without discipline is a sloppy warrior' was his philosophy. Thomas
and his friends sped through the halls and down to the dining room.
"Oy there, lil' stick fighters!" Brooly merrily
"Where's Helga?" Davie inquired.
"Not real sure, left kind of in a hurry that
one." Brooly raised an eyebrow, shifting into a pensive stance. "My guess is
she be on a secret mission of some sort," the Meerca presumed.
They traded curious looks to each other, as they
all wondered where Helga had gone off too. As they ate their food, a loud voice
could be discerned from the courtyard.
"Hey kids get over here!" Bishram clamored
The kids scuttled over to the courtyard, as Bishram
tapped his staff on the ground.
"Alright kids, I've got a special task for you,"
Bishram announced. "There have been reports of delinquents causing trouble for
the local shopkeepers in Roo City." Bishram's tone grew stern. "Our soldiers
can't lay a finger on them since they are no older then yourselves. So I need
all of you to stop their miniscule rebellion in any way that you can."
"Where can we find them?" Bill inquired.
"You can find them roaming the streets of Roo
City, pick pocketing the unwitting. Their leader's name is Lorkin," Bishram
replied. "Oh and when you're done, I expect all of you to bring me back some
barrels of water." Bishram chuckled.
To be continued...