All Day Long, You Think About Sloth! by plushieowner
Sloth’s Worm of Wisdom: Do not meddle in the affairs of Shoyrus because,
to them, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Sloth this, Sloth that. I’ve been quite a celebrity on the scene for about
3 years now.
Roxy, I have experience in holding back mobs of fans. My bodyguards have offered
their services to guard you if you ever need it. (One small condition. I will
only provide security when you accumulate enough fans to make a crowd.)
Poor Shoyru doesn’t get much of a look in anymore. Shoyrus in general are not
in the spotlight much anymore. Enough with the fun and games. Roxy, you can
play with your Usuki tea set if your tiny brain can’t cope with this formulae.
Lets play a mentally stimulating game with you, my precious reader! Answer
these two similar in difficulty questions.
Think of five comics that have featured Sloth in them.
(Room for Two, Sloth on the Rox, Really Confused, A Little Place They Call
Neopia!, Pant Pant Devil are just a few.)
Think of five famous Shoyrus (besides Roxy) in the Neopian Times.
Which was easier? I predict 9.5 out of 10 readers will say the first question
is easier, proving I’m more well known.
I, Frank Sloth, am more famous than Roxy. There’s a chemical called Slothite
in Chemistry for Beginners. Most likely named after the hot love machine which
is the Slothenator. I have a Neopedia article about me. I have a half-baked
plot that Neopets is publicising using my name.
Please answer the age old question “What do the Slothish wear under their
Cloak Doom
I refuse to reveal top secret information. But I will share with you a Slothish
proverb. “He who marries a chicken soon gets henpecked.”
When you log on for your daily Neopets fix, what do you check out first?
Reality Check Bounced
Check out? That Tiki Tack Tombola Man is pretty hot, he can give me a bottle
of sand any day!
No, I like to look at New Features. It's wonderful that the amount of news
that happens in Neopia everyday just exactly fits on “New Features”.
Hello! Uh, say Sloth, do you have a no. 1 fan? Because my brother and cousin
just wants to know! Plushieowner, you can answer this one too if you like! And
If you are smart Sloth, tell me... what is the most hardest game in Neopets?
A Person in Need
Sloth: Zurroball, I could never keep my balls off my ground.
Plushieowner: Chemistry for Beginners. Ignore Sloth as he is looking
for cheap laughs. The dirty minded villain should wash his mouth out with Peophin
soap. Sloth: Haha! Plushie does not know how to feel love, let alone chemistry!
Plushieowner: Yes, I do. Oh, hardest game. Sorry about the blonde Uni
moment. I say the Fruit Machine.
Sloth: Piffle..Rox, wanna try working with this ditz! I’ll have Troxy.
I have let myself go. The appearance of my garden looks like a wild growth
jungle. I use to have one of the best gardens in my Neopets neighbourhood but
lately my reputation as a gardener has been soiled. May I have some advice from
a fellow green thumb?
Lucky Green Roots
Since you asked so nicely. The best way to garden is to put on a wide brimmed
straw hat and some old clothes. Then stand with attack fork to dig the ground
in one hand and a Neocola can in the other, tell somebody else where to dig.
In a normal family of 1.8 Neopets, at what age should I make my babies leave
Tied The Knot
Boot them out before they get old enough to plead for Neopoints to feed their
For example second-hand capes were not good enough for my daughter as she wants
a big, black new shiny cape! Not hand-me-down capes. Whereas my son yearns for
the latest game gizmos. (Seen the full retail price of Grand Theft Grundo? Why
can’t my son admire from afar?)
I have seen comics and articles that have you going to Jhudora's house to
ask her out, and I've seen them with you falling for Fyora! Which one do you
really like?
Confused by Crushes
Fyora. I do not know why people make assumptions that I love Jhudora. I hate
female villains, for a matter of fact. Normally it's easier for villainesses
to combine a career in crime with bringing up a family, as they have henchwenches
to carry out their evil schemes.
If you were Roxy’s personal stylist, what recommendation would you give
to Roxy on her wardrobe?
Clothes Uni
They say vertical stripes are supposed to make you look thinner. In Roxy’s
case, more like a Watermelon.
Hello Sloth,
I tapped my Chaos Emperor Dragon to summon my two Grundos into the intelligence
arena. Flipped a coin, to see if I was burned. My opponent asked to check my
Green Chomby Magic deck as he wanted to confirm that I knew how to play the
Neopets TCG appropriately.
Gotta Poke Them All
Sounds like somebody’s not playing with a full deck. You’re lucky your opponent
didn’t deck you! What a card! I gotta “hand” it to you! But on the serious side
you definitely need to read a rule book.
I have always wanted do the whole tracing the Neopian family thing but I
can't afford to spend a lot of money to do it. Any suggestions?
Coffee, Tea and My Slothy
Spiffy name. Yes. Slothy has an idea for tracing your family history on the
cheap. Run for public office.
Hi Sloth,
I have a question regarding men's hairstyles. I am balding and decided a few
years ago to shave my head completely bald for a cleaner look. I received a
lot of positive feedback from the lady Chias.
However, over the last year or so I have noticed more men with longer hair
and women paying less attention to bald-headed men. Are bald-headed men out
and long haired guys in?
Dare to Stylise
Not as far as I’m concerned. I have observed a number of bald Neopets as well
as a few balding ones receiving quite a bit of female attention. Bald men will
never be out of style in my book. It is a classic look. There is also something
about high foreheads or being as shiny as a bowling ball. And don’t forget the
saving on combs.
Doctor Sloth, I feel like a pack of cards!
Card Table
I'll deal with your problem later, okay?
My Strawberry Poogle, Pip, is getting a little on the skinny side. She only
eats fruit. Is this a side effect of being painted Strawberry?
Rub-a-dub-dub, Three Pets and a Blub
Mmmm....strawberrries.. *Ahem* Buy her 10 lbs of chocolate covered raisins
and tell her their fruit.
Rant of the Fortnight (or ROTF):
With the Neoflu Season going around (I’m a Doctor, I know these things) ; what
is it with Neopians and borrowing tissues?
How can anyone “borrow” a tissue? Its not like a pen, pass it onto the next
person to use in an exam. Every time someone says to you ‘Can I borrow a tissue?’,
put on your best Slow-th voice and say..
“Not if you are going to use it first then give it back to me.”
Its snot a nice thing.
Author’s Note:
This is the 9th “Ask Dr. Sloth.” No. 10 will be the final in his series. If
you have any questions for the Doc, send them in as soon as possible.