A Wizards Beginning - Part Five by sirussblack
Book Two: Wizards Journey
Training had passed quickly and easily for Ramek and
Tyvek had immediately said he must start his Initial Journey. The voice of the
Counselor Ruki sounded panicked, as if someone or something was coming to get
him. Worry burrowed deep inside the Draik and he started to fear what was up
ahead. Something was wrong. He could sense it.
"You remember everything I told you?" asked Tyvek,
who was now pacing around nervously in Rameks room, his face looking despondent
and fearful.
Ramek nodded, checking his pocket for a small
book Tyvek had given him listing a few more advanced spells that he should use
in time of dire need. He also checked his opposite pocket for a small stick
that Tyvek had given him. He had said that is would provide him power in certain
times of need. "Why are you nervous?"
The Ruki stopped and looked at him in a strange
way. Ramek could tell he was trying to hide his expression. "Because...something
has come up in the Wizard world and...you may be sent on the Journey if you
don't move." He said the last word loudly and then rushed over to where the
Draik was standing and patted him on his back. "It'll be okay," he whispered
in his ear and quickly turned away and started to return to his nervous pacing.
"What about my owner? She'll be worried," Ramek
said, wondering how his owner would fare without him. It seemed sometimes that
Ramek was the only thing she had after the accident Ramek dared not to even
think about.
Tyvek smiled while walking over to Ramek yet
again. "It'll be taken care of. Everything will while you're gone."
Ramek gave a small smile, though doubt was written
across his face. "Okay..." he muttered and then looked back to his Counselor.
"How am I supposed to get to my starting point?"
"You'll be there as soon as I say the incantation,"
the Ruki said and pulled out a small book from nowhere. Ramek didn't jump back
in surprise - he was used to things like this. "Okay, I need your full name."
"Ramek Thomas Feefley," he said with a groan.
He had always hated his middle and last name but his owner had said it was a
tribute to... Rameks mind wandered off, trying not to think about it.
Tyvek patted the Draik on the back and then turned
back to looking at his book. "Okay, we're all set. I'll just say this and--"
He stopped when he saw the look on Rameks face. "Don't be afraid. Everything
will be okay. You can take my word for it," he said as he winked and then turned
back to his book. Before reading again, he looked up and said, "Good luck."
and then returned to the small red book.
Ramek gave a nervous smile and Tyvek started
to read from the book. "Ramek Thomas Feefley is about to start his Journey into
and through the Unknown. I, his Counselor, have deemed him worthy of progressing
farther in this task and to eventually return and continue the Art of Wizardry.
Let him go forth and complete his Initial Journey..."
Rameks mind wandered off as Tyvek continued to
read from the book. Where would he go? Would it be safe? Would he know enough
to get by and survive his Journey? All his questions would be answered soon
enough. He gulped as he awaited the moment that he would be thrown off into
the Unknown and not come back until he completed the Quest. The Draik took one
last stare around at his room, listening to Tyvek in the background. It would
be the last of the room he would see for a long time... Maybe he shouldn't have
started the Art. Maybe he shouldn't have read the Statement. No turning back
now, though.
"And by the power deemed to me by the Powers
who rule this world, I send Ramek Thomas Feefley off onto his Initial Journey
and wish him great luck," Tyvek finished speaking and watched carefully as he
saw Ramek start to twist and turn in many directions, his molecules being rearranged
for the Journey ahead.
It was a strange feeling. Ramek was sure his
feet were planted firmly on the ground, yet it felt like he was flying through
the air, gravity pulling him apart in different directions. He felt queasy,
yet at ease as he flew through a black void. The void wasn't empty, though.
He could make out a faint glimpse of Tyvek, standing there, continuing to watch
intently, the book he was reading from now closed at his side.
Ramek closed his eyes as his whole body lurched
and flipped in mid-air. Then, he felt his back slam into something cold and
hard, definitely not the empty void that he was in a moment ago. He lay on the
ground, his eyes shut tightly. Pain rung through his body, surging down and
up his legs and swiftly passing through his arms. The initial pain went away
rather quickly, but while still lying on the surface, he started to experience
many aches and pains that his body could barely handle.
He gritted his teeth and tried to move his body
up out of the position. Slowly, he moved straight up until he was in a sitting
position. Then, he craned his head around to look at his surroundings. He was
in a small lobby, glinting with gold on the railings, floor, and steps. A polished
bronze desk was in front of him. A few pens and pencils were placed on the desk
but no receptionist was present. Behind him, he could see a closed off door
but to the side were windows that displayed a street in ruins, papers flying
through the air. The outside was deserted and the inside wasn't much better.
Ramek got up from the floor and limped over to
the desk and peered over it. Nothing was there, besides the floor and a small
step that the receptionist must have went on to reach the counter. He turned
around and started to walk through the lobby, looking at the silver valances
hanging from the windows and the draping curtains under them. Benches were scattered
throughout the room, all made of what looked to be the finest of gold. He started
to examine one of the benches, running his hand across the smooth surface.
The Draik quickly whirred around after hearing
the voice. He flew back into the wall when he saw a tall figure standing there.
He was cloaked in a dark cape so his face was invisible. Only two gleaming eyes
stared out from under the hood. The figures boots were black, though they gave
off a malicious glow that made Ramek shiver.
The figure loomed before Ramek, it's glare continuing
to burn through his skin. Ramek shivered again as the thing repeated his name.
"Ramek," came its hoarse call. "Raaaamek."
Ramek was too scared to answer. All he could
do was stare at the person in front of him and think who he was and what he
was doing here. Was this the person who we was supposed to "take care of" on
his Journey or was this someone who just happened to pop up while Ramek was
in the lobby? Ramek started to stutter as he tried to get a few words out. "Wh-wh-wh-who
are you?"
The figure chuckled, rubbing his hands together.
"I am the Dark Power, ruler of the Faraway Worlds and the Closeby Dungeons.
And you have been sent to defeat me and try to control me yet again." A chuckle
followed this sentence. "I was told that you had a 'special quality' which could
be found in no other Wizard. Today you will try to prove those skills to me.
If, of course, you can find me." Before Ramek could utter another word, a cloud
of smoke surrounded the Dark Power and shrouded him into darkness. The mist
quickly cleared, leaving nothing where the Dark Power had been standing except
for a small yellow piece of parchment.
It took a few moments for Ramek to notice the
paper but, once he did, he rushed over to the paper and unfolded it. Written
on it on very neat handwriting was a single word, which was all Ramek needed
to know to get farther in his Journey. "Up."
The Draik looked around the golden exterior.
There was no sign of any way to get up. The lobby was without doors, excluding
the one that led outside and that wouldn't help, considering it was closed...
Ramek then almost slapped himself for being so
careless. He rushed over to the door, trying to recall the unlocking spell that
Tyvek had taught him during his Training. What was that incantation again? Ramek
thought as he stood in front of the padlocked door.
The Draik pointed his clawed finger at the padlock
and concentrated his mind and eyes on it. As usual when he did a spell, the
words rolled off his tongue without him even thinking of them. "Open away."
Ramek watched as the padlock started to shake
and twist on the door. He could see the metal getting rustier and even a bit
thinner. Then, with a small explosion, the lock blew up in a tiny puff of fire.
Then, the Draik pulled the door open and shivered
as he went into the ransacked street that he would have to travel through to
get "up"...
To be continued...