Savak: The Redemption - Part Eight by zephandolf
Once again, Savak found himself in Jearii’s tower. The
red Lupe followed closely behind the light faerie as she led him down the passage
from the landing pad to the main chamber of her family home. When they entered
the circular room and approached the center where the light shone in from the
hole in the top of the dome, Jearii turned to Savak. “Stay here,” she said.
Then she walked off into another chamber. Quietly, Savak seated himself where
he was, waiting patiently for Jearii’s return. He could only guess what she
was up to. It had to have something to do with the medallions, that much he
was sure. As he thought about it, Jearii emerged, carrying Velora’s bottle with
her. The bottle was in its smoky state as it usually was, and the Lupe couldn’t
see the dark faerie inside. As Jearii approached, Savak was about to ask what
was going on when the faerie looked past him, smiling. “Good, she’s arrived.”
“Who?” Savak asked as he, turned around, looking back
in the direction they came from. Jearii didn’t answer, but she didn’t have to.
At that moment, a faerie that Savak had never seen
before entered the chamber. She was dressed in violet colored robes, and wore
a crown on her head. She was escorted by a pair of battle faeries who flanked
her on either side. Savak had heard very little about the faerie queen, Fyora,
either from Jearii, or his mother, Jessie. But he knew enough to recognize the
graceful noble that had entered Jearii’s chambers. Realizing who it was, Savak
lowered his head in respect.
“Well,” Fyora said, smiling down at Savak. “You don’t
often see such a gesture from Neopians who live outside of Meridell.”
Self-conscious of himself, Savak hunched down a little
further, almost as if he was trying to shrink away. He didn’t raise his head
again until he felt Jearii’s hand on his back.
“Lupes on the plains follow a single leader as we
do, your Highness,” Jearii said. “It’s only natural that he would show you the
same respect that he would give his pack leader, if he didn’t hold that title
Fyora nodded. “Well put, Jearii,” she said. Then her
expression became more serious. “I’ve been informed that you have the Medallion
of Submission.”
Jearii nodded, and Savak watched as the light faerie
passed the silver medallion over to the Faerie Queen. When Fyora took the medallion,
she examined it, first in her palm, then holding it up to the light coming through
the hole in the dome. “It’s lifeless,” she observed, turning to Jearii. “It
has no power whatsoever. Are you sure this is the right medallion?”
“Kaylee removed that same medallion from her neck
only a few hours ago,” Savak put in before he knew what he was doing. When the
faeries looked down at him, he grew nervous, but went on. “It ran out of energy
while we were still on the Vengeance.”
“I see,” Fyora said. Holding out her hand, she asked,
“May I have the Medallion of Light, young Lupe?”
Surprised that Fyora had addressed him directly, it
was all Savak could do to carry out her request. As the Faerie Queen took the
damaged medallion, the Lupe saw for the first time what the Grundo’s laser had
actually done to it. Aside from the carbon scoring from the laser, a jagged
crack had formed at the base of the gold medallion. The crack split halfway
up, and continued nearly to the other side, almost cutting it into three pieces.
When Fyora saw the damage to the medallion, she glanced questioningly down at
Savak, who only shrugged. The queen didn’t press him, leaving the matter alone
“The Medallion of Light,” Fyora said, clearing her
throat as she said it. It was clear she thought it was no longer as impressive
as it once had been. “When I commissioned you to make it, Jearii,” she went
on. “I asked you to make a countermeasure to the Medallion of Submission. It
served its purpose well and now it can complete its task once and for all.”
Holding the medallions in each of her palms, she held
her hands next to each other. Savak watched as both medallions rose from her
palms and, suspended in the air, moved toward each other. When the medallions
came face-to-face and touched, they spun around each other, emitted a bright
light, and vanished entirely. Even as he watched it, the Lupe didn’t understand
what had happened. He turned to Jearii, full of questions. Jearii, when she
noticed, smiled down at him. “The medallions canceled each other out,” she explained.
“Now, neither exists.”
Though it didn’t explain everything, Savak accepted
the explanation and turned his attention back to Fyora.
“Well,” the queen said. “Since we have seen the last
of Velora’s magical items, we can now carry out her sentencing.” Fyora raised
her left hand, which glowed for a moment as she waved it through the air. As
Savak tried to figure out exactly what the faerie queen had done, she spoke
again. “Jearii, open the bottle and let Velora out.”
Jearii did as she was told, setting the bottle on
the ground, and popping off the cork. When she did, all the dark smoke that
filled the bottle streamed out as the dark faerie darted out of the bottle,
heading directly for the hole in the dome. For a moment, Savak thought she was
going to escape when she bounced off an invisible barrier. Frustrated, Velora
beat her hands against the barrier, then turned to Fyora.
“You fool!” she cried out. “You’re trapped in here
with me!” With that, the dark faerie flew swiftly toward the Faerie Queen. Fyora
didn’t flinch as Velora approached, but only held up her hand. Velora stopped
only a few inches from Fyora’s palm, surrounded by a bubble of energy, and unmoving
as if frozen in time.
“Velora,” said the Faerie Queen. “Seventy years ago,
I found you guilty of wilfully meddling with the affairs of Neopians, both malevolently,
and forcefully. You have taken away the free will of hundreds of Neopians on
numerous occasions, directly, and through other sources. As I was unable to
carry out your sentence until all your magical items could be confiscated and
destroyed, I ordered you contained until such time as your devices could be
collected entirely. The Medallion of Submission was the last of your malicious
inventions to be collected. And now that it has been obtained and destroyed,
it is left to me to carry out sentencing.”
A brief silence fell over the room. Savak wasn’t sure
about anyone else, but it felt as if a lifetime passed before Fyora spoke again.
“Velora, for the aforementioned charges, I hereby
strip you of all your powers. You will live out the rest of your days on Neopia’s
surface as a gray faerie, with no magical device to call upon. Even your own.”
When she said this, a bright flash of light filled
the room, causing Savak to shield his eyes. When it passed, gone as quickly
as it came, Savak looked to see a gray faerie kneeling before Fyora, weakened
and unable to move on her own. She said nothing, even as the two battle faeries
who came with the queen helped her up and took her away. Fyora didn’t even watch
Velora as she was escorted from the tower. She remained exactly where she was,
palms clasped and eyes closed. It wasn’t until the gray faerie was long gone
that she spoke again.
“Only trouble follows those who walk the paths of
darkness,” she said silently. “And the nature of the beast is vicious.” She
shook her head sadly before looking up at Jearii. “You have done well, Jearii.
Your family would be proud of what you have accomplished.”
“Thank you, your Highness,” the light Faerie replied,
bowing slightly. “But I have only done as you asked.”
Fyora nodded, but said nothing until she turned her
attention to Savak. “You have also done well, young Savak,” she said. “Especially
under the circumstances. Is there any way I could repay you for all you have
Savak suddenly felt hot, and nervously bowed his head
again. “Thank you…your Majesty…” Savak muttered. He looked up briefly before
he continued. “But, all I really want right now is to go home.”
Fyora smiled. “Fair enough,” she said. “Be on your
way; and rest easy with the knowledge that your troubles with Velora are over.”
The Lupe nodded and stood up, ready to walk out of
the room. But when he was about to take a step toward the door, Fyora waved
her hand over him and, in a flash of light, he found himself back on the plains,
near where the Ugly Duckling had crashed. Startled, Savak looked all
around him to be sure that the plains were where he was. Then he saw Heysha
not too far away, sitting up with help from Lilia. Gerthen and Kosek were there
as well, but it was Heysha’s miraculous recovery that lifted his spirits.
After a moment watching his pack talk with Heysha,
Savak walked over, ignoring the pain in his limbs, and trying not to look too
eager to join them. As he approached, Gerthen looked up at him, then limped
to meet him, nodding his head in respect. “Hello, Savak,” he said, looking over
to the wrecked vessel. “Kosek and I saw a ball of fire fall from the sky and
we came here to investigate.” He smirked. “It looks like you’ve been busy.”
“You could say that,” Savak replied, smiling. “How
are you doing? Last time I saw you, you were on your side on the plains.”
“Well, I’ve been better,” the old Lupe said, wincing
as he sat down. “I’ll live. This isn’t the worst shape I’ve ever been, not by
a long shot.”
Savak smirked, shaking his head as he took a seat
next to Gerthen. They sat there a moment before the old Lupe spoke up again.
“Lilia and Heysha told me about your little adventure on that battleship,” he
said. “They also told me that Kaylee was there.”
Savak nodded sadly. “I don’t know if she got off the
Vengeance when it blew up. She said she had something left to do on the
ship. We can only assume that she destroyed it to destroy the weapon it contained.
I’m kind of sorry that it all happened, though. I mean, when Kaylee wasn’t being
controlled by her medallion, she almost seemed to be a Lupe that I could admire.”
Gerthen smiled as Savak said this. Then, after a moment,
the old Lupe stood up and said, “I don’t know if your mother told you this or
not, Savak. But, you are more like your father than you know.”
This statement surprised Savak. As far as he knew,
only he and Jessie knew who his father really was. Was it possible that Gerthen
knew as well? Before he could ask, the Lupe limped to where the rest of the
pack was gathered around Heysha. Savak shrugged off Gerthen’s comment. He would
have plenty of time to ask him questions later. With the medallions gone, he
was free to be a plains Lupe without having to worry about sinister plots to
take over the world. So, standing and shaking out his fur, Savak limped over
to join his pack, once more as a free Lupe.
Warm noontime sunlight seeped into Savak’s red coat
as he dozed lazily on top of a stone jutting out of the grasslands. Many seasons
had passed since Velora’s sentencing, and Savak couldn’t help but think that
all the summers since then had been much better than that first summer so long
ago. Sure, prey moved now and again, but that was only natural. His pack moved
along with it, wherever it went.
A lot had happened in the following years. Soon after
she returned home, Heysha decided to join Savak’s pack. When Savak refused her,
she teamed up with Jessie and, together, they convinced him that she would do
alright out there. When Jason learned of her decision, he was sad to see Heysha
go, but he made a light-hearted remark about trading in one Lupess for another.
Lukas was also sad to see Heysha leave, even though he knew he would see her
now and again, unlike when Jessie left for the plains.
A paw pressing into his back aroused the red Lupe
enough for him to turn his head. Kosek watched him carefully, trying to hide
his amusement as Savak rolled around to face the yellow Lupe. “What is it, Kosek?
Has Gerthen come back yet?”
“Yes, he has,” Kosek replied. “That’s why I woke you.
He’s brought plenty of food for everyone.”
Savak nodded as he hopped off his sunning stone. “Good.
There are a lot of mouths to feed.” He looked around. “Where are they?”
Kosek couldn’t help but smile. “This way,” he said,
leading Savak over the next hill.
At the top of the hill, Savak paused, looking down
at the gathered Lupes. Gerthen was there, of course, setting down the prey he
had gathered. Lilia was with him, trying to help the older Lupe drive off several
young Lupes of various colors as they tried to gobble down all the gathered
prey. Off to the side, Heysha could only smile in amusement as she padded forward
to help the other adults hold the pups at bay until the food could be distributed
“There’s quite a brawl going on down there,” Kosek
commented, breaking into Savak’s thoughts.
Savak nodded. “Your son Kovo is quite a fighter. The
way he chomped on my tail a week ago is proof enough that he’s brave.”
“Yes, but your son Murgoh is the more devious one,”
Kosek said. “Remember when he got his sisters to think that Kovo was stealing
their food while he made off with all of it?”
Savak smiled briefly. “I had a hard time giving him
a lecture on that one while keeping a straight face,” he admitted.
Kosek shook his head. “Well, we’d better get down
there before they eat all our food,” he said.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Savak called after Kosek
as the yellow Lupe made his way down the hill. A light breeze flowed around
Savak as he looked at the plains around him. He felt himself lucky to have freedom
like this. Though there were hardships, he didn’t think he could live any other
way. Then he thought of Kaylee, wondering if she would enjoy the plains as much
as he did. He really didn’t know anything about her, and yet, some how, he felt
he did.
Sighing, Savak was about to pad down the hill when
he spotted a brown Lupe not too far away. Surprised, Savak almost padded toward
the stranger when the Lupe disappeared behind the hill it was on. For a moment,
Savak thought he had seen Kaylee on that hilltop. Was she still alive? Not even
the Space Faeries had found her body, but no one had seen her since the destruction
of the Vengeance.
“Savak, are you coming?” Heysha called from down the
hill. “Murgoh says he’ll eat your share if you don’t get down here soon!”
“Heysha, “ Savak called back. “Tell your son that
if he eats my food, he’s going to have to find me twice what he ate!” He then
turned his attention back on the plains. There was no more sign of that brown
Lupe. Savak shrugged it off. It could have been a loner, or some Lupe who was
lost on the plains. If Kaylee were alive, she would come around in her own time.
Satisfied with this notion, Savak put the matter aside and padded down the hill
to his waiting pack.
The End
Author’s note:
Thanks to those who read this story, and especially to those who read the
preceding stories: Savak: The Medallion, and Savak: The Search.
Neomail me with any comments.