NeoQuest II Survival For Newbies by precious_katuch14
A typical day in the world of NeoQuest II; the sun is shining though you never
actually see it, music plays from some invisible floating band that seems to stalk
your every move and monsters jump out at you from nowhere even when you can see
clearly for miles.
Yes, it was a good day to be an adventurer, and that 's just what I intended
to do. But what happened, I hear you ask? Well, Kat - also known as precious_katuch14
- happened, as I shall show you.
All I did was leave my quaint little hometown, father's trusty and rusty sword
in hand, ready to battle to forces of evil.
TC: I'm gonna thwack me some monsters! Uh-huh, no monster s safe from this
Chimp s capable thwacking prowess!
But lo and behold, who should I encounter first but Kat herself, who stepped
out from behind a nearby bush with a condescending look on her face...
Kat: Hold on, hold up, hold it! Where do you think you're going, Mr. I-wanna-be-a-hero?
You should first remember what you're doing. Are you on Normal mode, Evil mode,
or InSaNe mode? See, each one is harder and tougher than the last, and on Insane
mode, if you die, you start all over again. That's right...all your hard work
would be for NOTHING! MWAHAHA - ahem.
On Normal and Evil, that won't happen, but losing half your gold and getting
transported back into the last inn you stayed in is not good. Gold is what you
get when you defeat monsters, along with a nice healing potion, probably. On
Evil and Insane, you *sometimes* get armor and weapons from monsters instead
of just the bosses - that's what you call a major monster. An inn is where you
stay in to be restored to full health, like your mom's house. Since I said that
at the time of your demise, you get transported back to your last resting spot,
it's quite mandatory to visit the inns you pass by to decrease the distance
you have to travel after dying.
TC: Mmmm...gold. And you think I’ll actually ever die in this game?
Pah! How hard can it be? Dying is for amateurs!
*Checks his Settings*
Very well, I'm on Normal mode, and I'm gonna bash some heads! Oh, there's a
Plains Lupe! A big, angry, hairy Plains Lupe that is obviously much bigger and
stronger than I am, or so it would seem! After all, what would be the point in
placing a super-powerful enemy so close to the start of the game? Nice try, whoever
created this, but not good enough. You don t fool me here, little Lupey...TC won't
hurt you...much. Prepare for annihilation, my furry nemesis!
Kat: Okay, okay, TC. You want to annihilate a cute widdle Lupey?
TC: Erm, yep I thought I gave off the general idea that that was my actual
Kat: Be my guest. If you lose this fight...well, you already know what's going
to happen, I've explained that before. If you win, you get nice gold and a nice
healing potion for your trouble.
Another thing about fights: For every one that you WIN, you get experience
points that are registered in that bar beside your health bar. Rack up enough
and fill it up, and you gain a new level! Gaining a new level means more HP
(you get stronger!), slightly more damage than before, and a skill point. A
skill point is like the currency of skills...you can put those in some certain
abilities to customize your characters' strengths and weaknesses. CHARACTERS?
Yeah, you get to meet new ones that will join you on your quest, each with their
own special powers. Remember, the maximum level you can gain is 60. By that
time, you're nearing the end of the game.
However, if you fight an enemy that is weak compared to your current HP, you
get little or no experience at all, compared to fighting monsters that are stronger.
Also, if in the rare occasion you still run into an attack by the time all your
characters are level 60, no more experience for you.
TC: Mmmm, potions - I me n, pah again! Level-shmevel...come 'ere Lupey!
It's thwacking time!
*Lupe kills TC*
Erk...or not...
I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS! Are they still attached? Will I ever walk again?!
Oohh, new avatar!
Kat: *sigh* That's what I've been telling you. You will be taken to the last
place you've rested as long as you're on Normal or Evil mode. If you're on InSaNe...well,
you start the whole thing all over again and your current game is over. Finito.
Kaput. Done.
*TC wakes up in his mother's house, where Kat is bending over him*
Kat: Feeling better? You've been restored to full health. Your mom acts like
a starter inn.
TC: Except there are no slobs sitting in the Kitchen? No one eyed, hook-nosed
hobos sprawled under our barrel taps? Right...
So, now I get to start again, right? Oh, yay, joy is me time to kick that Lupe's
no-good furry...
*notices Kat shaking her head*
What? I can't attack anything now?
Kat: No, you don't start all over again...just start from here. Get the difference?
Ah, what the heck. You can go attack again, but remember, when your health is
dangerously low (red level and less than 10) you can choose to flee instead
of keep attacking. Sure, it's slightly cowardly but sometimes it's the only
way to stay alive.
TC: Hmm, fleeing...sounds helpful for some, but I am macho! The only time I
ll ever flee from battle is if a beast chews my legs off by which time it would
be too late, but I digress! Here critters...
*Gets into a battle with another Plains Lupe, probably no relation to the last
What else can I do in battle, O Wise One? Hurl taunts, abuse, or my shoes?
Kat: Okay, you can attack and flee. There is also another option that lets
you do nothing for 1 second, 3 or 5, but that's not quite of any use…unless
of course you want the NQII Weakling avatar.
You can also use any of the potions you already have under your belt. There
are 4 kinds to use in battle - healing, slowing (decreases number of turns an
opponent can get), hasting (increase number of turns you get) and damage. They
cost quite a lot, so it's best to save them for bosses. Healing potions can
sometimes be picked up in fights.
When your party begins to build up, another type of potion comes into use -
the resurrection potions. When a party member gets killed and at least one is
left standing, you can simply give the unconscious one a little sip of the potion
and they'll be alive again. Yay.
TC: Potions, right, you already said, I go it...so do I get to thwack the Lupe
Kat: Yes, TC, happy thwacking. Did I mention that it's not just wilderness
and monsters that you'll be encountering? There are other towns to visit, non-player
characters to talk to who won't join your party but may help you out a bit.
Keep saving all that gold; not only do you get potions out of it, you can buy
weapon and armor upgrades so your characters (or in this case, character) can
deal more damage and defend themselves more efficiently.
TC: So gold buys lots of stuff... including bigger and better swords to thwack
Kat: Uh...yeah, like that. And once you upgrade your weapons, you can kill
monsters faster.
Well then, young grasshopper, have you learned the basics of NeoQuest II? Are
you ready for five chapters of kicking butt and adventuring? Are you ready to
face some of the biggest, worst and ugliest villains of all time?
TC: *Gasps in fear* Adam's in this game? But, yeah! Tell me how to kick butt!
Furry butt, especially!
Kat: Okay, there are two ways to attack. One is by clicking the red "ATTACK"
button and crossing your fingers for a good damage deal. Another (especially
when you've got other members in your party) is by clicking any of your special
abilities on your right. Don't restrict yourself to ordinary attacking, and
two potential party members that you might meet rely nearly completely on the
special abilities.
TC: I get special abilities? What like a superhero? Can I fly, run at the speed
of lightning? Have lasers bounce harmlessly off my butt? What?
Kat: Well, they ARE sort of like that...but in your case, you start off with
two special abilities (Battle Taunt and Combat Focus) that you can select instead
of attacking normally. Then, as you get more characters, they have their own
abilities, depending on how you spend the skill points you (or they) get. However,
in your case, in my opinion, you don't need those abilities, at least not yet
in this part. Later on you can decide to add them.
Find out first what they do before spending skill points!
TC: Okay, can I finish the fight now?
*Defeats Plains Lupe, who has been waiting patiently all this time because
it was TC's turn*
Ohh-er, I feel all different...stronger, somehow. In fact, I feel great...I
Kat: More wins like that and soon you'll get the hang of NeoQuest II! Just
keep in mind all that you have learned today, and you'll breeze through this
game like a pro!
TC: Cool, so I m all set just one last thing? Will you join my party?
Kat: Heh, yeah, right. Dream on, Newb.