Feepit vs. Meepit by shadowcristal
Mariah blinked. She had so not expected this. The blue Meepit
rubbed the place where the other pet had made contact. Sure, she was new, but...
"That's for you Meepits," the Feepit said, frowning
"B-but..." Mariah was determined to try at least
once. "Can't we be friends?"
"Don't give me those eyes," Arlene said, glaring
at Mariah. "That's so Meepit-ish..."
"Please?" the little Meepit pleaded. A vein in
the Feepit's forehead bulged dangerously as the blue petpet bounced forward
and slapped the sapphire-colored one.
"Ouch..." Mariah muttered as she touched her
other cheek where Arlene had struck her.
"And now you're going to act all cute," the Feepit
said matter-of-factly as she glared at the victim of her violent act. "Please,"
she scoffed, "You're evil. Meepits are evil. You're all evil, forming a secret
army to take over Neopia!"
"N-no," the young Meepit said, fear entering
her eyes for the first time she had been placed in this new home after being
bought from the petpet shop. "You're kidding... T-there is no such thing as
"Don't deny it," the Feepit snarled, jumping
forward. By this time Mariah knew better. She skipped back and avoided the attack.
"See? You're especially trained for this. You're evil!"
"I'm not evil," the poor little Meepit whispered
as two big tears formed themselves in her beady little eyes.
"You Meepits are evil and ought to be extinguished,"
Arlene proclaimed as she waddled forward, making her opponent back down.
"Aww... Look how great they're getting along!"
the pet that towered above them squealed. A speckled wing swept down and pulled
the Meepit away, making her sigh of relief.
"You just got lucky," the Feepit said, raising
a clenched fist. "But I'll get you!"
The spotted Pteri noticed that her new petpet
was making shrill noises of unhappiness. She took another look at the Feepit
on the ground, then at her petpet and shrugged. As best as she could console
it, Mariah only stopped making those noises when Arlene was out of her sight.
"Can't wait for it, huh?" the Pteri said excitedly
to her new petpet. "That new game... Feepit vs. Meepit!"
Mariah gasped. She didn't like unnecessary violence,
and a fighting game like that certainly did not appeal to her. The Meepit reminded
herself that she was supposed to have manners, and smiled at the Pteri.
"We'll take you guys to see it tomorrow! It's
gonna be great!" The Pteri put her away in a nice little box, separated from
the rest of the hard, cruel world Mariah had just experienced.
The Meepit sighed from relief. She was at least
safe now... until tomorrow. As her heart calmed down, Mariah started thinking
about the only other petpet she had met in this household. What did Arlene mean
with 'getting her'? Why didn't she want to be friends?
The cute Pteri came back to play with her, and
fortunately Arlene wasn't there. By now the Meepit had begun to understand that
Arlene wasn't a very friendly creature. She nipped the Pteri's wings a few times
playfully before she buried herself in the pink pillows. With her mind full
of questions and feeling rather anxious for tomorrow, Mariah fell asleep.
"Cool!" the spotted Pteri exclaimed, dragging
her brother and their two petpets off to the arena.
"I don't understand what you are so hyped-up
about," the Kacheek said matter-of-factly as he placed the two petpets on the
"Go and have fun, you two." The Pteri smiled
before she turned away, leaving the Feepit and the Meepit alone with each other.
Mariah gulped. Tomorrow had arrived too soon.
Way too soon for her liking.
"Let's get this done and over with, you evil
little thing..." Arlene muttered as she brushed her fur. Gasping from the pain
of having her arm pinched and caught, the Meepit was quickly dragged off to
an arena-like area, far away from the two pets.
"There we go," the Feepit said once they had
reached that grassy place. It looked like a miniature field with small houses
and cute, brightly colored things in the background.
Confused, Mariah just stood there. Arlene waddled
to the other side of the arena, and started glaring at her. The Meepit gulped
nervously as she tried not to let the sweat run off her like a river.
What was she supposed to do? She didn't even
know how to fight! Mariah turned around to see if there were any good hiding
places, but there weren't. Instead, she looked into the eyes of a playful Mynci
and yelped from the fear.
"Round one! Feepit vs. Meepit!" the Mynci said
playfully as he drew a line with a stick in the middle of the arena.
"Gonna get you, soldier of the secret Meepit
army," Arlene growled as she stood there. The Meepit blinked. She had expected
the Feepit to attack right off the bat, but...
The attack hit her right in the stomach. Mariah
fell down on the ground and held her small paws to the place where raw pain
was streaming into her body.
Was fighting like this? If it was, then... Trying
hard to avoid the next few attacks, the Meepit took a deep breath and said,
"I don't wanna fight!"
"Fat little chicken," the Feepit replied. "That
is just a way to conceal your true motives..." Without saying anything else,
Arlene released a few powerful combos upon the poor Meepit. Even though Mariah
had long been lying still on the ground, but the Feepit did not stop until she
had run out of energy.
"Round one goes to the Feepit! Time for round
two!" the Mynci declared as the two pets got up.
"I'm not evil... and I'm not a part of some secret,
bad army!" Mariah whimpered as the Feepit drew closer. Arlene's cold, black
eyes were relentless as she advanced. The Meepit backed as much as she could,
trembling from fear.
Just as the Feepit's punch struck, Mariah got
an idea. She jumped up in the air and promptly landed on Arlene, hitting the
Feepit pretty hard.
"Sorry!" the Meepit whispered as she ran to the
other side of the arena, fearing for more attacks. Somehow she felt that Arlene
would just get angrier.
Mariah was right. Quickly Arlene jumped up, ignoring
the pain in her head as she ran forward and kicked the Meepit. The pink petpet
defended herself the best she could, but a hit from above made her collapse
on the ground from dizziness.
"Evil, evil petpet..." she heard Arlene say.
"Can't we be friends?" the Meepit desperately
pleaded one last time.
"NEVER!" the Feepit shouted as she attacked fiercely
with new anger behind her. "Friends with a suspicious thing like you? Never
in my life!"
"But please don't fight me..." Mariah begged,
but the politeness and cuteness of it all just provoked Arlene even more.
"You are evil. Evil should be eradicated." Arlene
kicked, punched and kicked again, and the Mynci gave her extra points for using
a combo move.
"I'm not evil," the Meepit thought out loud.
She firmly held the belief that she was not evil, though she wasn't sure if
she was really good. If she was good, like some of the other petpets at that
shop had discussed, then Arlene would like her.
Mariah ducked when the Feepit's fist came swinging,
and lost her balance. Weakened and panicking, she accidentally kicked Arlene
so the other petpet also fell.
"Showing your true colors, huh?" the Feepit hissed
as she crawled towards Mariah. "Well, I'll show mine too!"
More and more rapidly Arlene threw kicks and
punches at the Meepit. Mariah had no way of stopping them all. She was forced
into a corner, then curled herself like a ball and hid in her own world. The
tears were flowing now...
The Meepit felt utter hopelessness as she hid
inside her dark little world while hearing and feeling Arlene's fist make contact.
She had tried to be friendly and good... But why didn't it work?
Was it true, what Arlene had said? Was she evil?
Mariah made no effort to brush her tears away, as fresh ones rolled down every
second. Everything was growing so distant now...
Lightheaded, the Meepit crawled out of the corner.
She didn't even know what she was doing, but the light and the crowd astonished
her. As the wind swooshed, she felt own fist move up and block the incoming
"Help," Mariah whispered. If there was one thing
she didn't want to do, it was to fight. She had seen how those petpets in that
shop had so bitterly fought each other for an owner, and the raw pain from the
last round was still there. "I'm not evil," she repeated as she threw her left
paw out, trying to make her mind less muddled than it was.
Hearing a loud thud, the Meepit opened her eyes.
She looked at Arlene, who was lying on the other side of the arena.
"Fight! Fight!" the crowd around the arena chanted.
Gasping, Mariah ran over to see if the Feepit was all right. She had done the
thing that she had absolutely promised herself not to do.
"I am so sorry," she told the Feepit. Instantly
she felt herself flying backwards and landing on her back. Another kick made
the Meepit see stars.
"Round two to the Feepit!" she could hear someone
announce far, far away. "Round three begins now!"
"Someone help me!" Mariah cried out in anguish
as Arlene jumped up and started to attack again. As her vision blurred, the
Meepit could hear a familiar voice.
"What's going on here?" the Pteri asked. The
flame of hope burned brightly in the Meepit's chest as she got up. Salvation
was here!
"I believe that it is our petpets reenacting
the Feepit vs. Meepit battle," the Kacheek stated. "Oh, look... Arlene has won
two rounds already!" The striped Kacheek bent down and took up Arlene, who was
growling at Mariah.
The pink little petpet breathed a sigh of relief
as she watched the two pets cuddle Arlene. They were praising her, of course,
but the Meepit felt somewhat disappointed. Why didn't they pick her up and play
with her, too? Then again, that might make the Feepit even unfriendlier...
As the two happy pets patted and played with
Arlene, the Feepit blew a raspberry. The revenge, as Arlene liked to think of
it, was complete. She remembered the first time she had seen a Meepit's beady
eyes... Oh, how much she had learned since then! That species was simply evil,
and Arlene considered it her duty to destroy all of Meepitkind in order to save
Neopia from these critters.
"B-but what about me?" Mariah asked as the two
pets started to leave. Ignorant of her somewhat loud noises, they kept on going.
The Meepit waited until she was sure that they had forgotten about her, and
tried to decide what to do next.
For the first time in her life, Mariah felt betrayed.
Even though Arlene had been mean, she hadn't expected this... them leaving her
behind! The Meepit started walking in the other direction, not intending to
return to the people who had so quickly forgotten her.
Crystal tears of pure unhappiness rolled down
the Meepit's face as she ran away, blinded by them. Only the way the asphalt
scratched her after bumping into someone made her open her eyes.
"S-sorry," Mariah whispered, unable to trust
herself to talk.
"Another one?" the petpet in front of her said.
"Well, mateys, shan't we help this one too?"
"Yes!" the petpets behind him squealed. When
the Meepit had dried up her tears, she saw a whole bunch of Meepits, just like
her, standing in behind the leader. He was the one that she had bumped into.
"Won't you join us?" he said, bending down and
reaching out a large paw. "With our powerful, beady eyes and our immense cuteness,
we'll make Neopia better!"
"Better?" the little Meepit wondered, as she
stood up. The cruel words that the Feepit had uttered not long ago were still
echoing in her mind. An army... She looked at the large number of those of her
own species that were present, and shook her head. Arlene had claimed that they
were evil. If they were, then...
"No," Mariah said firmly, truly not wanting to
be evil. She had committed enough sins today, hitting poor Arlene not once,
but twice. "I am not evil."
"We're just going to help you..." the leader
said, pointing to the Meepits behind him. "Just like how I helped these guys..."
"I am not a soldier of some secret, evil army,"
Mariah replied. She started walking away, and none of them stopped her. As soon
as she reached the arena, the feelings and memories overwhelmed her. Falling
on her knees, the Meepit started to sob. She convinced herself that she was
not evil, and many other things on top of that as the tears that had been restricted
all poured out.
"Aren't you going to go after her, boss?" one
of the Meepits asked the leader.
"No," he replied. "She'll realize it. A Feepit
cannot be defeated. Not if one is alone."
"I see," the Meepit replied. "But it is certain
that she will come, right?"
"Of course. She'll join our army, making Neopia
a little bit 'better'..." He frowned thoughtfully. "But maybe not the way she
expects. Then again, we'll have to get rid of that naïveté and actually train
her, I suppose."
"Let's find new recruits then, boss," the Meepit
"Yes. I'll go after her now. You guys stick to
the plan, operation Taking Over Neopia!" The leader let out a laugh that matched
Dr. Sloth's in wickedness as he started walking towards the place where Mariah
was. "Now, as for that annoying little Feepit Arlene... Might have to beat her
up again, that brat..."
The End