To The Fairest by dan4884
You are cordially invited to a surprise celebration for the Queen of the Faeries,
Fyora on the second day of the Month of Relaxing. Please arrive punctually and
bring an appropriate gift for our delightful Queen.
Illusen read the Neomail to herself a few times
over. "How exciting!" she thought to herself. "This party is sure to be a blast!
Now to find a gift…" she turned to peer around the room, looking for a gift
that would suit Fyora well.
Jhudora smiled when she received her invitation.
"This will be the perfect time for me to finally persuade Fyora to ban Illusen
from Faerieland!" she said to herself and quickly wrote out a Neomail to RSVP.
She too went to find a fitting gift for the Queen.
It was a Fyora Day to remember. Fyora had been
pleasantly surprised by a reception held in the famous Faerieland Gardens. All
of the respectable Faeries had attended. Everyone was enjoying herself.
It was a few hours into the party when it happened.
The presents had been opened, games had been played, and the gathering was coming
to a close. Fyora and Illusen were deep in talks of an alliance with Meridell.
Shards of glass soared everywhere. Some faeries
screamed. Fyora looked up, instantly serious. Whipping her head around in every
direction, she looked for the cause of the explosion. She turned to face the
fountain in the center of the courtyard. She gasped.
Water in the fountain was rapidly changing colors,
first green, then red, and finally orange. In fact, it seemed as if the water
was boiling away. Then, the whole fountain erupted into flames. An ear-splitting
screech exploded from inside the fountain. Fyora clapped her hands over her
pointed ears while staring at the fountain. A figure was emerging from within.
Fyora moved closer to see who was rising out of the basin.
"I heard you were having a party, Fyora, but
I was horribly upset when you didn't invite me!" said the figure. "You must
have known I wanted to attend! Fyora glanced up through the flames, still trying
to decipher the mystery of who the figure was. However, she didn't have to guess
for very long. The figure burst into the air and unfurled her wings, revealing
her true self.
"Eithne!" Fyora said, watching her shoot fireballs
throughout the Gardens, setting everything on fire. "Eithne, we must have overlooked
your name, it was a mistake! Please forgive us!" Fyora shouted up to the raging
"Oh, yeah, now you come crawling to my feet,
because I'm a threat!" she yelled back. "No, I'm not here to wage war with my
fellow faeries, my lovely Queen. I too have brought a gift!" she said, and grinning,
pulled something out of her clothing. It glinted in the sun.
Eithne blasted it down to the Gardens with such
force that it burned a hole in the cloud. Fyora cautiously walked towards it,
curiosity peaked. The object shone brightly in Fyora's eyes. As she got closer
to it, she figured out what the mysterious present was. She noticed it was a
golden apple with a tag on it. The strange tag read To the Fairest.
Instantly, Fyora claimed it as her own. She knew
that the apple surely belonged to her. It was a gift for her, of course. But
she knew that others would want it. Fyora shook her head. No one could be fairer
than her! She was the fairest in the land. As she leaned down to snatch the
apple, she felt two pairs of eyes watching her move. Fyora glanced over to where
Illusen and Jhudora stood, each eying the apple with a burning desire. Fyora
leapt into the air to keep the apple.
"It's mine! Mine I tell you!" Fyora screeched
as she hovered above the ground. "Nobody can take it from me! It's my gift!"
The other Faeries stood watching their Queen, appalled at her behavior. What
sort of present could change Fyora from her cool, levelheaded self to this greedy
"That's not fair!" Illusen retorted as she flew
into the air after Fyora.
"We want the apple too!" Jhudora snapped as she
too pursued the Queen.
Eithne was grinning so hard her smile touched
her pointy ears. She cackled over the three Faeries' bickering and vanished,
convinced that her job was done.
As Fyora flew on, she began to form a plan. She
wanted to win this apple more than she wanted to continue being Queen of the
Faeries. She smiled; she had the perfect idea. Her wings came to a stop, and
she turned, midair, to face the trailing Faeries.
"Let us stop this bickering at once!" she said,
smiling falsely to reassure them. "I have a proposition. Let's have a Neopet
choose the winner of this competition. That way, it will be a totally fair way
for me to win the apple!" Fyora smiled evilly.
Both Illusen and Jhudora opened their mouths
in protest, but Fyora continued speaking.
"Each of us will give him one offer to…how do
I say it…sweeten the deal," Fyora said with a bit of a smirk, already knowing
she had the best gift to this Neopet.
Illusen found a flaw in Fyora's plan. "Who will
choose this Neopet? How can it be fair?" she asked.
"Easy. Faeries can sense pure souls. You should
know that. It won't be that hard to choose an unbiased pet," Fyora replied matter-of-factly.
Illusen still looked unsure, but she and Jhudora
complied after a moment of consideration.
"Now then, let's search." Each faerie set off
in a different direction to search of a wholesome Neopet to decide the dispute.
As Fyora looked around Neopia Central, Illusen
searched around Meridell, and Jhudora explored the Haunted Woods, not one single
pet was found. It took two whole months of scouring Neopia until one quiet evening.
It was a warm, muggy night in Faerieland. Something
important was in the air. Fyora trudged through the castle, depressed. This
hunt had been taking way too long. All three Faeries were exhausted. They had
even forced their fellow Faeries to stop their jobs to search. Fyora, Illusen,
and Jhudora had become quite unpopular. But none of the three cared. All the
wanted was the golden apple. It meant everything to them.
Suddenly, Fyora stopped walking. She felt something
change. Instantly, she felt happier and more content. She knew what this feeling
was. Finally, she had located a pure at heart Neopet.
She searched frantically all around for the pure
pet, and when she rested her eyes on a Faerie Lenny; she knew she had found
the right one. She rushed towards the Lenny, and breathlessly, asked its name.
"Please, Lenny, tell me your name."
The Lenny looked taken aback. "Uh…Killiam."
"Killiam. What a beautiful name. Come with me
please." She grabbed his wing and pulled him towards the castle.
"You mean to tell me that this Neopet is the
purest one we could find?" Jhudora asked skeptically.
Fyora nodded. "This is the best we have. If you
want to continue this feud with more searching, by all means go ahead."
Killiam had been watching the three Faeries debate
in front of him for over an hour. He cleared his throat. All three faeries turned
to stare at him.
"Um, my Queen, may I ask what I'm supposed to
be doing for you?" he asked.
"Well, we were waiting to tell you, but you have
the right to know. We want you to choose the fairest faerie. These two," she
gestured to the others, "believe they are fairer than I and wish to steal my
golden apple. We want you, the purest soul we could find, to choose the real
Killiam looked stunned. How could he choose one
of them as the fairest? How could they place him in such a predicament?
"And how am I supposed to choose?" he asked,
"We will each give you a promise, an offer so
to speak, to help you choose. We will present these to you one at a time, and
then, you will choose one of us. It's that simple."
"And if I refuse?"
"You'll be placed in my dungeons for the rest
of your life," Fyora replied coolly, without flinching. Killiam looked stunned
"My Queen, this behavior is most surprising coming
from you. I have always thought you to be levelheaded and sensible. I finally
see this isn't true. I am ashamed, at all three of you. I will do this for my
own safety, but you must all know you are no better than witches. You are witches!"
he cried.
All three faeries stared at him without blinking.
"Are you quite done?" Fyora asked. "Because if
you are, we will begin our brib-I mean our offers."
Killiam looked thunderstruck. Had his speech
done nothing to them? He sighed, and nodded his head. Fyora clapped her hands.
"Jolly good. Let's get started, then. Jhudora,
go first."
Jhudora opened her mouth to argue, but Fyora
stopped her.
"Do not disobey me anymore. Go," she said sternly.
Jhudora grumbled and left the room to prepare
her gift. She returned a few moments later with a piece of purple paper. On
it had green writing that promised Killiam riches.
"I promise to you, honorable Killiam, millions
of Neopoints for you if you select me as the fairest." Jhudora bowed and truthfully
smiled to Killiam before giving Illusen and Fyora scowls.
"Thank you, Jhudora. Now then, I will go next,"
Fyora said and gracefully floated to the center of the room, smiling.
"I give you, handsome Killiam, anything and everything
that is in the Hidden Tower for you to use!" she said, grinning at the Faerie
Lenny. Killiam already knew this would be a hard choice.
"Now then, Illusen, it's your choice." Fyora
and Jhudora turned to the Earth Faerie sitting in the corner. Illusen stood
up and walked to the center. She thought for a moment, then decided.
"Killiam, I have watched you for a while, and
I think I know something that you want more than these other offers." Jhudora
and Fyora exchanged worried looks quickly.
"I have been watching you closely this evening,
and I can tell you don't have an owner. You don't look as happy or content than
pets with owners. But I can change that with a snap. I've decided to offer you
an owner. A loving and caring owner; one that will always watch over you. That's
all I have to say. Thanks," Illusen said, and carefully watched Killiam for
a response.
She didn't have to wait long. Killiam suddenly
broke down in tears. "I…how…you…oh…yes…yes…I choose you…" he said between sobs.
"Thank you…for giving me the opportunity…oh, thank you."
Illusen smiled gently. The other two Faeries
screeched and stormed out of the room. Killiam looked up at the earth faerie.
He mumbled, "Did you mean it? Will you really
get me an owner?"
She nodded. "Of course. Faeries never go back
on their word."
Killiam beamed and wiped away the tears. He leaped
up and hugged Illusen tightly.
So ends our story. Fyora and Jhudora eventually
acknowledged Illusen as the winner, and the golden apple was placed in her possession.
All three faeries returned to their normal posts, and best of all, Killiam got
his owner. His owner, a small girl named Melissa, loved him more than anything.
Killiam was the happiest Neopet alive. As she watched them play in Neopia Central,
Fyora knew that although her Fyora Day hadn't been the best, she'd made another
creature happy, and that was the best gift she could have asked for.
The End