The Tower Journey: Part Four by neonick19881988
Part Four: Bagguss Bombs Galore… and some other stuff
Toggerneo smiled. There, on the crypt wall, was a large
mask. He checked his list again.
"Well, that was easy." He reached up quickly
and plucked the mask from the wall, before stuffing it into his bag. Something
was hanging from the same hook as the mask had done, glittering, and it drew
back the now multicoloured-Pet's gaze.
The bracelet was coated in gemstones, and Toggerneo
knew this must be a Bracelet of Kings. He took that, too, and once it was safely
in his backpack he started looking around for an exit. As he turned, though,
the hook behind rumbled and slid upwards. Suddenly a voice boomed through the
"Oh dear…"
The sand above, seemingly held by magic, started
to shake and loosen. A few pebbles tumbled down, and Toggerneo had to leap back
to avoid being hit. Then-
Nothing. Complete silence.
"… Huh?"
With that one noise the entire ceiling collapsed
down, and the Gelert was almost immediately lost in the golden grains. He gasped
for air, struggled to climb up through the heavy sand, couldn't reach the surface-
And then the sand blasted away from that central
spot, and at the same moment Toggerneo was sent hurtling upwards in a crazy
He reached the surface and then started to drop
again, only to be flung up by another explosion. He landed on solid sand, and
quickly turned and looked back into the pit. Somehow the sand had set off some
other sort of booby trap-
"Bagguss? Bagguss bombs?" Those strange, quivering
fruit-bombs were what had saved him, but he knew that they could also easily
do the complete opposite. Bagguss Bombs were on the list, sure, but he didn't
fancy dropping back down into the mine field. "So how do I get them?"
And then he heard the ticking from behind him.
He turned, and saw that a large, wobbling Bagguss had been blown out of the
hole and was now lying next to his foot.
"………… Oh."
With one fast movement Toggerneo swung the bag
down over the bomb, enveloping it in the thick material. The explosive food
was gone, and after a few seconds that lacked an explosion, the Gelert breathed
a sigh of relief.
"Do any of you know how to diffuse a large fruit-bomb?"
Fyora asked hurriedly.
"Of course," came the response from a tall Fire
Faerie in the corner. "What, like it's hard? Hand that thing over."
Toggerneo knelt down and closed his backpack
up tightly, before leaning back. He expected to be lying on his back in the
sand, getting his breath back. Instead he was falling back into the crypt. He
didn't even have time to be shocked when he hit the sand.
"Why is there a large hole in our ice lake?"
the Bruce asked, swinging his skates in one hand and scratching his head with
the other.
"I dunno. It's shaped like a Gelert," his friend,
a jet-black Ixi, replied. "But Gelerts don't fall from the sky, do they? Whatever
it is, it's ruined our ice rink. What do we do now?"
"Hey, look!" The Bruce was pointing beneath the
ice, and following his gaze the Ixi saw a faint colourful shape at the bottom
of the lake.
"Ooh, that's never a good thing. We better call
for help."
"Only if I can keep it as a sculpture. Look good
on my mantelpiece."
It took a few minutes, but eventually a group
of Flotsams in bright green uniforms (which most tried not to draw attention
to, out of embarrassment.) They observed the situation, discussed methods for
removing the frozen Pet, had some tea, and eventually simply dove into the icy
water and dragged the ice cube up with all their strength. Their blurry forms
wavered under the water, with the weight tugging them back down, but eventually
it bobbed up to the surface and was dragged onto the solid ground. When the
pair of friends finally saw who they had saved they gasped.
"Toggerneo?!" the Ixi whispered at the ice. "Grian,
it's Toggerneo!"
"I can see that, Cheerie," replied the Bruce.
"But he's Rainbow! And- what's he doing breaking our ice?"
"What's he doing, falling from the sky?"
"I think my question is more important."
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
Even frozen solid, Toggerneo's eyes seemed to
roll in exasperation.
"… and then I fell backwards INTO the pit! I
hit one of the bombs, they all went off, and I went flying into the air!" Toggerneo
waved his hands upwards, and the kids stared wide-eyed. "I grabbed the backpack,
thinking I could use it as a parachute when I came back down… but…" He didn't
want to tell them that he had been too busy screaming to think of parachutes.
"I was going too fast! I fell down into the lake, and got frozen." Taking another
sip from his cup of tea, the Gelert watched the pair's reaction. Cheerie was
still simply staring at him, while Grian was grinning broadly.
"That is SO COOL!" the Bruce yelled, startling
"Cool? I was almost eaten, blown up, squished…
what's cool about that?" He rubbed his still-cold nose as he spoke, hoping it
had turned back to its usual black colour.
"I think it's cool too!" piped up Cheerie, nodding
rapidly. Toggerneo sighed, and then reached into his pocket, retrieving a long
piece of parchment. He browsed over it and smiled.
"Well, while I'm here I can get the Snow Faerie's
Plushie. And maybe even an Ice Scorchstone, if I'm lucky. Where would I get
"Why do I bother helping out at the library if
you never actually READ when you're there?"
"Great. Just great."
"Oh, wait!" the Ixi said excitedly. "You might
find one in the Snowager's trove!"
The other two just stared at her.
"Oh, you big wimps, he's not that dangerous!"
"Apart from the huge teeth, icy breath, angry
temper…" Toggerneo said, worried where this was heading.
"Aww, he just gets a little grouchy."
"Grouchy?!" Grian was staring at her with shock.
"He blasts people with large chunks of ice!"
"Only mean people. Usually. He's kinda cute.
Loveable rouge, isn't that what they call those sort of creatures?"
"This is a loveable rouge who can eat you."
"Shut up and go check it out, you big wimp."
And, somehow, that ended up convincing Toggerneo
to enter the huge Ice Caves and stand before the Snowager. It was wide awake
and looked extremely angry, but he stood his ground. At least until it moved
slighty, when he turned and ran as fast as he could.
"AHHHHHHH IT'S AFTER MEEEEE!" he yelled, scaring
everyone he passed. When he finally came to a stop, coughing and panting, he
wasn't back in Happy Valley. This place was rugged, biting cold, with a strong
breeze blowing Toggerneo's ears behind him. There, on one of the ridges, was
a large hut-like building. Somehow Toggerneo knew it belonged to the Snow Faerie.
Probably because a big wooden sign outside said "Snow Faerie", even if Toggerneo
would later attribute it to his cunning and intelligence.
"Needs more sauce. Lots more sauce." The first
thing he saw when he entered the hut was a tall, pale figure tasting something
out of a large pot. "And maybe some anchovies," she said, before she finally
noticed the colourful Gelert standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?"
"Uhh, yeah. I've been sent by Fyora, to ask for
some more plushies."
"My plushies? Little old me? Are those things
still selling?" She seemed amazed.
"We're out of stock with everything."
"Well, isn't that sweet!" The faerie sipped a
little more of the potion, and coughed. "And perhaps… a cookie or two?"
"So, can I get some?"
"Only if you get an Ice Scorchstone from the
"Huh?" Toggerneo was shocked. "How did you know
about that?"
"I have eyes and ears everywhere. Well, not my
own, that would be weird. I have spies and… spears? Spies and spears everywhere?
That'll do. Anyway, if you face your fears and get that stone, I'll give you
a few of my plushies. OK?"
"No, not really. Why?"
"To teach you a deep, mystical lesson about the
value of facing your fears."
"I don't want deep, mystical lessons!"
"Tough. More spinach!"
So the Gelert found himself in front of the Snowager
again, but he was in luck. It had dozed off, and even with the snores shaking
the entire mountain, Toggerneo was more confident. After a long, deep breath
he was walking up to the pile of treasures this gigantic snake-like creature
lay on, looking for anything that faintly resembled a Scorchstone.
"Look at all these key rings!" Toggerneo muttered
to himself as he circled the pile. "This is treasure?" He continued around,
seeing a few plushies, a couple of Neggs, a small stack of scratch cards… the
Gelert sighed.
"This is hopeless! How am I ever meant to find
what I'm after?"
The huge Snowager shifted slightly, and Toggerneo
froze. One of its eyes slowly slid open, moving around the cavern, checking
for anything out of the usual. The eye settled on Toggerneo, obviously curious,
and the Gelert held his breath.
A few seconds passed, and then the huge creature
moaned and shut its eye. Within moments the snores were back, and Toggerneo,
who had been turning blue, could finally breathe again. After a few gasps that
he tried to keep as quiet as possible, he continued creeping around the vast
Out of the corner of his eye the tall pet saw
something flickering, like fire, but when he turned there was nothing. But as
his head had turned a pale blue flash had come from the middle of the pile,
and when he looked back he saw it. The Ice Scorchstone was a little way up the
pile, and at the front, as if on display.
Toggerneo checked the Snowager. It was still
asleep, twitching slightly in a dream, but otherwise still. The Gelert put his
right paw out, taking a firm grip on the pile of treasure, and, with one last
glance at the creature, started to climb up.
With almost every single foot upwards he would
slip slightly, whether it was because he stuck his foot in a soft plushie or
because he hadn't gotten a firm grip, but eventually he was next to the glittering
stone. With one swift movement it was in his hands, and then into the bag, and
he smiled.
And that's when he heard a long, deep roar behind
him, shocking him so much he lost his grip. His slid and bumped his way down
the steep hill of items, finally slamming into the floor painfully. His eyes
were tightly shut, scrunched up in fear, but another roar forced them upon.
The Snowager was awake, and staring straight
at him, anger filling its eyes.
"… Uhhh…." Toggerneo said nervously, "… uuh…
To be continued...