A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 111,981,549 Issue: 223 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y8
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An Introduction to Xweetoks

There’s a lot of mystery currently surrounding Xweetoks, and many questions about their kind. Where did they come from?

by obviousfakename
Store or Sell - Completed World Challenge Maps

After you have successfully completed your twenty-piece World Challenge Map you have a hard decision ahead of you.

by _ozark
It's All in the Wrist: a Dice-A-Roo Guide

Like other dice games, the object is to win, and who does not like winning?

by neojbc
Chia Bomber II: a Real Blast!

As far and wide as you go from the Jungle to the Plateau, you just won't find another game as full of blasting fun as Chia Bomber II!

by lili483
What Next? A Nightmare of Petpets, Petpetpets and...

The release of petpetpets is no longer news. But when the first petpet was unveiled, who could have thought that the tiny critter would have an even smaller friend sticking along for the ride?

by kushbi
Light: Where Does It Come From?

Being the wonderful reporter that I am, I have worked out several solutions to this puzzle.

by aerita
A Very Merry Faerie Pteri

If you were looking for an article on how to make your Faerie Pteri very merry, then look no further...

by blackcairn
Neopian Malls: Do They Really Have Good Deals?

The inside scoop on those big, fantastic, catchy malls.

by sillywilly12893
Sid: Who really fills in for Bob?

Needless to say, this Punchbag punched back. It took less than a second for my pet to be defeated.

by kyandui
Meerca Chase Colours: More Than Just a Background?

Have you even wondered why, while playing Meerca Chase 2, you are allowed to choose your own background colour?

by barbie_girl_909
FCR: The Vehicles

Everything you wanted to know about FCR's faerie vehicles! *pause* You were supposed to gasp in shock!

by heartzanddreamz
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Light Source?

Lots of the oddities of Neopia have been explored, but a simple thing we appear to take for granted has been left untouched. I’m talking, of course, about light. Without light we would never be able to see – except for those species of pet with night-vision, of course. Yet a quick trip to the “Explore” page confirms this fact; Neopia has no sun...

Other Stories


The Obsidian Dagger
He slipped down from his perch on a rooftop, and edged down a small alley. He moved from shadow to shadow...

by neesboy


Sister, Could You Spare a Care?
I had every right to yell at her. She used that… thing… to turn me into a girl!

by feliscata


Inexorable: Part Six
Night was falling, and Ryddle was finally beginning to realize that he was going to have to admit failure. There was no chance at all that the diminutive Blumaroo would have come this far...

by haannsolo


The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part Three
"Council, I come before you again not as your subject, but as your current and future ruler. I will take you on either one at a time or all at once, whichever you prefer..."

by ewagon


A Little Bit Sketchy
Maybe someone *else* will read it...

by freshjade


Solo Time
La la la la la!!!

Also by kuruu_6

by hello5346

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