Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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An Interview with Garin

Hi! I'm Salina and I'm here on Krawk Island to interview the very popular Usul Garin.

by pipsqueak1263
The Neopian's Perfect Gallery Guide

First check your items/safety deposit box. What do you find there? Food? Toys? Petpets? Lab Maps? Paintbrushes? Or random junk?

by sea__dates
Inexpensive Neohomes Made Easier

Neohomes are expensive, too much hassle, not worth it and boring. Wrong answer, fellow Neopian, because neohomes aren't always expensive, too much hassle, worthless and boring.

by ursaring454
Interview With a Maniac

The Scorchio cackled and shooed us out of the lab. “SAME TIME TOMORROW!” he shouted loudly...

by lama12122
Awesome Aquatic Petpets, Dude

I'm that way awesome Kougra owner of the Rock Pool on the Island, and I want to tell you about the aquatic Petpets I love!

by tashni
Whack-A-Kass Game Guide

Let's start out with some basic hints. The best time to whack Kass is when the meter/second is at seven, eight, or nine.

by fallenxfaithz
Going the Royal Way

So you finally decided which pet to paint royal? Good. Well, actually, think again.

by phanthasm
Castle Battles: A Guide

It doesn’t have an avatar or a particularly attractive trophy, but it is one of the coolest games you will find anywhere. The game I am talking about is Castle Battles.

by theodenking
Faerie Secrets: Rise of Faerieland

But even with its majesty and splendor, Faerieland still hides within its clouds the mystery of how it rose up from Neopian surface and has remained afloat for ages.

by kaidoh42
Spring Cleaning!

You need to know what to keep, throw away, donate. So here's a step-by-step guide for a clean and lovely inventory!

by 444lullsan444
Mysteries Solved: The Safety Deposit Box

The mysteries of the SDB (Safety Deposit Box) are as follows:

by serpentiator
Kois and Peophins: Long Lost Siblings?

One wonder of Neopia is the similarity (yet with fierce differences) between two of the most popular Neopets species: Koi and Peophins. There are rumors that the two are distant relatives.

by lassie_nikki
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"It's Not Worth It" by weaponstar
Drano7463 opened one eye, and then shut it again as a wave of harsh sunlight flooded into the room. He began counting under his breath. "One… two… three… four…" There was muffled banging from the next room. "Five… six… seven…" A door burst open. "Eight…" And then slammed shut. "Nine…" Drano's bedroom door was flung violently open...

Other Stories


Unlikely Events
All was the same, untouched by the ravages of time, until a shape appeared in the far reaches of the desert, a mere black speck, silhouetted against the sun...

by regle_de_tous


Perfect Imperfection
"Well," said Angie slowly. "Was the candy still any good from Halloween, Winter?"

by animalnutz1993


City Lupe on the Plains: Part One
He began to remember his past, back when he was barely old enough to remember it now to his current life... all the way back to when he was a Plains Lupe...

by kindheartedfairy


A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part Two
"Hey, TC," he called. "Is it still okay for me to go to the Lost Desert today? I really want to try my luck on the Fruit Machine. And visit Qasala, and-"

by toffee_choc


Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 10

by the_darkjedi


Questionable Taste
I hear you're scared of puppets.

Icon drawn by lightningryu

by anti_doirn

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