Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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So You Want to Be a Neopian Cartoonist, eh?

As soon as you're finished reading this, you'll be that much closer to being the next Neopian Times cartoonist.

by caloriemuncher
Scariest TCG Set Yet? A Look Into the Haunted Woods

Be careful when wandering through the Haunted Woods this season. A terrible curse plagues the inhabitants of Neovia, and it's wise to stay away.

by zim1357980
The Unspeakable Truth About Dr. Sloth

As sad as it may seem, many of these misled individuals have their reasons. I ventured to the Virtupets Space Station to see some of the arguments given by some of Sloth's sickeningly loyal minions.

Also by virtualmetalclone

by jamesuk2

The Completely Brief Comprehensive History of Neopia

Please, everyone – read this now! Before you too meet an untimely fate at the center of the planet! Learn about the TRUE past of Neopia, before it's too late! My research has brought me down to the core of this wholesome sphere, and it is here that I must tell you this information...

by simsman24000
Top Ten Ways to Make any Party... Interesting

How many times have you invited all your neofriends to a party, only to just sit and stare at the wallpaper sipping punch?

by kyrmia
The 17 Wonders of the Neopian World

I decided to take a trek across Neopia with dear ol' Pharoh to check out the sights and bring you: The Seventeen Wonders of the Neopian World.

by xoskeliton
NeoMalls: Outrageous or Fantastic? You Tell Me

Some Neopians think that upgrading your shop higher than level 5 is a complete and utter waste of time. Little do you know...

by cyst
The Muffin Guide

On Neopets, muffins are even more special than they are in the real world because you can eat them AND battle with them.

by rich_girl888
Faerieland's Clipped Wings

What do you do after such a crushing defeat? Well, if you're Faerieland's plucky Yooyuball team, you get back up, limp back to the clouds, and start practicing for next year's season.

by rookina
Illustrious Ixis

Ixi originated in Meridell, and can now but found far and wide all over Neopia. With their soft, shimmering fur and adorable, miniature horns, it’s no wonder...

by lassie_nikki
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!

I happened to find the eight Cheat players in the middle of a game themselves. Lucky for me! Being the curious and enthusiastic person I am, I asked them all for an interview.

by playmobil_is_my_life
TCNI: Dr. Sloth and the Carnival of Terror

We've spoken to Dr. Sloth and the Chia Clown on why they both know each other and how they met. They both revealed data that has never before been seen or heard...

by tok3n_
Search the Neopian Times


"The Health Food Crime" by zen_reina and mygoodguild
"The food isn't really healthy at all," Quinton confessed. "It's much cheaper this way, and I can make an enormous profit selling this junk for as much as I can sell the real stuff!" Quinton winked. "But don't be alarmed, my girl. It's all in good business. Just don't tell anyone. Now go open the store..."

Other Stories


Kotureo and the Magic Asparagus: a Pirate's Quest
Kotureo was a great pirate, who sailed the Mystery Channel (that one that runs between Mystery Island and Krawk Island) many many years ago. He's most renowned for one great adventure involving Coconut JubJubs, a band of scurvy Pink Kacheeks...

by grape_luvver


The Nobody
He was a nobody. He must've been a somebody once, but for as long as anyone could remember, he had been a nobody...

by _g_i_n_n_y_w_


Past Reflections: Part Two
"Whoa!" I cried out as myself and Hiterkuna fell to the ground, a small net trapping us...

by smurfafied1800


True Sisters: Part One
I brushed off my feathers and looked around. The attic was very old; you could see that just by looking at the floor. It was worn smooth from years of tiny feet running, chairs scuffing, and brooms sweeping...

by im_smarter_then_you


Calamiity's Calamities

Art by pinkcharli

by vollyballgal


Sanity Obsolete Revived
Why they used Myncies for a volleyball game...

Art by imogenweasley

by myfallenrevival4

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