Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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Aishas In Neopia

Have you ever noticed just how many Aishas there are in Neopia versus other pets? Sure, you do see other pets, but almost everywhere you go, you see an Aisha or two. I certainly noticed this, and traveled Neopia to find out how many Aishas there really are.

by 124456789xxzc
10 Neopian Jobs that Let You Have Weird Hair

Learn a little more about the employer and the environment before you reach for the dye or get a mohawk. Here's a list of some job titles that offer more hairstyle leniency...

by billybobthorton04
Quest Conspiracy—The Earth Faerie's Magic Revealed

Big deal, right? WRONG. I have discovered the TRUE magic of the Earth Faerie, and it will make every jeweled collar and nanka bottle worthwhile.

by masterofdrangonheart
Vampires Need Love Too!

The good news is that you don't really have to worry about feeding a Vampire! Your little sweetie can take care of that all by him or herself!

by jennuine_1
Cool Pteris

Whether you've come across the Golden Pteri on your way to play Destruct-O-Match, or the Black Pteri av is on your Neopian "to-do" list, we all know that Pteris make up a good chunk of the Neopian Population.

by pigeons707
How to Eat a Banana

I've tested all kinds of food that involve bananas and selected the top ten banana-dishes - just for you! But I must warn you, some of them look so yummy that you might actually drool over the pictures...

by 444lullsan444
Pirates Versus Ninjas

Which side are you on?

by katu_fushigi
Had a Bad Day?

Did Dr Sloth just "take back" your super-rare transmogrification potion? Did you miss yet another Kadoatery feeding time? Are you tired of constantly having to buy new keyboards/mice/throwable items?

by noones_used_this2003
TTTWHMTON: 10 Things That Will Help Meepits Take Over Neopia

Beware of the Meep...

by bill_belichick
Are You Afraid of Spending Neopoints?

It isn't actually a fear of spending Neopoints. Everyone loves to do that! It's more a hatred of seeing 14nps in your Diamond Deposit bank account. You want to be a Neopianillionaire, right?

by lisa_neo66
What is a Marrow And What Do I Do With It?

The marrow will hold up under heat while you fry, steam, roast, broast, braise, broil, boil, simmer, saute, flambe, grill or fricassee. However it is prepared, Marrow is the vegetable of choice in Neopia.

by dansgeorgie
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Pirates Vs. Ninjas

Honor. Glory. A reason to beat up helpless Neopians. These are a few perks of becoming either a Pirate or a Ninja. There is not a lot known about the history of this debate, but it is believed that long ago, a Pirate Captain plundered the whole of Mystery Island, stealing everything that shimmered and shone...

Other Stories


Hubert and Hotdog Soup
Hubert sighed; it had been another long day and almost no one had come to buy a hotdog...

by tigerpaw_01


Vive Le Cheese!
"My dear friends and countrymen! The day we have so longed for is finally come! The day that we celebrate our most prized food! Our wonderful... delectable... CHEESE!"

by zenxtreme


The Kougra Klan: Part Two
"Guanya!" she moaned, scooping him up. "You're a strong one, aren't you? And cheeky!" Guanya kicked his legs...

by ikea_sale


Pages of a Lost Past: Part Eight
Seconds later the cloaked figure turned back around and ordered the robots to follow him into the next room. She waited until she was sure all of them were out of sight...

by sibertiger9


The Altador Cup Aftermath: May I See That?
This is why you should keep your trophies locked up in a display case.

by effelenn


Under Control?

by wolf_hyzer

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